info Overview
Name - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s full name?

Mason Cohen Brackett

Role - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s role in your story?

the collector, the record-keeper, the crow

Other names - What other aliases does Mason Cohen Brackett go by?

May, Maisie, Sunny

Gender and sexuality

cis woman (she/her,) sapphic.

Age - How old is Mason Cohen Brackett?

16y 2mo as of the story's beginning

face Looks
Weight - How much does Mason Cohen Brackett weigh?


Height - How tall is Mason Cohen Brackett?


Hair Color - What color is Mason Cohen Brackett’s hair?

she's a blondie (sandy in winter, straw in summer)

Hair Style - How does Mason Cohen Brackett style their hair?

she has thick, wavy hair that starts ~her jawline and lives in space buns but slowly progresses down to shoulder length before she caves and razor cuts it herself. this is a cycle.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mason Cohen Brackett have?


Eye Color - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s eye color?

champagne brown with green flecks.

Race + Ethnicity


Skin Tone

fair, tans easy with lots of freckles.

Body Type

fine build but not very skinny.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

her freckles.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

rolling her eyes, peace signs, sticking her tongue out, puffing her cheeks up, pulling her lower eyelids down, smiling with just her eyes and immediately grimacing.

Motivations - What motivates Mason Cohen Brackett most?

to Learn and know, to be right, to study and document, to teach, to be of practical use.

Flaws - What flaws does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

she can come off as detached from the world, and, though she's very sympathetic and respectful, it can sometimes come off like she's living in a daydream.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

she finds some people's sense of humor extremely extremely aggravating. she takes everything that hurts as something very seriously, and she thinks a lot of "jokes" are insensitive and disgusting. she will start an argument over this.

Talents - What talents does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

remembering things! making people feel seen, giving good advice, keeping secrets.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

collecting things, researching, talking to people.

Personality type - What personality type is Mason Cohen Brackett?

gemini sun, aqua moon, and taurus rising, ESFP and her love languages are gift giving and quality time


she's at the retreat for [] and intrusive thoughts.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mason Cohen Brackett practice?

her family is jewish though she mostly only practices a few holidays especially when she's away from home.

Politics - What politics does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

she's a leftist but she has a more european perspective if that makes sense? i.e Denmark Sensibilities (band name)

Occupation - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s occupation?

she worked at a competing fast food place from Nadia Page

Favorite color - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s favorite color?

yellows and greens :)

Favorite food - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s favorite food?

hashbrowns (latkes if she's being honest with you)

Favorite possession - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s favorite possession?

if you asked her she would break down on the spot. it's between a old bulky knit sweater and her license plate collection.

Favorite weapon - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s favorite weapon?

this girl loves swords.

Favorite animal - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Mason Cohen Brackett’s birthday?

May 30th

Education - What is Mason Cohen Brackett’s level of education?

she's going into junior year of high school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mason Cohen Brackett have?

a cat named gravy and a 10gal fish tank full of neon tetras who don't have names (she either calls them The Fish or the aquatic puppies)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes


⏯ The Popular Thing - Jukebox the Ghost
⏯ One Foot Boy - MIKA
⏯ Pleaser - Wallows
⏯ Goth Gf - Brady Bouldin
⏯ Meteor Shower - Cavetown
⏯ Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
⏯ Generation Why - Conan Gray
⏯ Overwhelming - Jon Bellion
⏯ Fool of Myself - The Band Camino
⏯ Let Me Down Easy - Sheppard
⏯ Cyber Sex - Doja Cat
⏯ This December - Ricky Montgomery
⏯ Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
⏯ I Don't Mind - The Head and the Heart
⏯ In My Head - Maisie Peters
⏯ Fading Flower - Yuna
⏯ Staring at the Sun - MIKA
⏯ Silly Girl - Chloe Moriondo
⏯ Greek Tragedy - The Wombats
⏯ Your Racist Friend - They Might Be Giants

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mason Cohen Brackett

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Mason Cohen Brackett

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