info Overview
Name - What is Danica’s full name?


Etymology (Name Meaning)

Danica means "Morning Star"

Role - What is Danica’s role in your story?

Main Party, Leader

Other names - What other aliases does Danica go by?

Dani (By Adam)

Gender - What is Danica’s gender?


Age - How old is Danica?


widgets Items

Saber - A saber-type sword made of a strong but light metal alloy with a broken decorative handguard

Small Dagger - A small knife that can easily be hidden up the sleeve or in a boot, made of the same metal alloy as the sword

Key Items

  • Starmap

  • Nav stone (compass but magic)

  • Lockpicks


  • Scrap of cloth from an old military uniform

  • Hair beads (significant bounties or monster hunts, mercenary work)

group Relationships

Adam Ashwin
- The ex-captain of Danica's squadron in the Vesperian military. He deserted with her after a suicide mission killed the others and stuck with her since.


- An old ally and trusted mechanic from Myriad. He sold them the Seeker and has been responsible for her upkeep and additions ever since.

- A Lost (demon) they encountered on a mercenary job. She brought Aza to Sterling to heal and stayed in touch.

- The apprentice/co-worker of Sterling, recently met. They get along well despite their conflicting natures.

- The medic they picked up when tracking down Nova. He stuck around to help and Danica is more than happy to have a doctor to patch her up after any crazy plans, even if he gets on her nerves for (rightfully) nagging her.

- The mysterious new ally, Danica reaches a mutual agreement to help one another but quickly grows attached when they have the same penchant for causing trouble


- An information broker who has equally helped and backstabbed


The Vesperian Empire
- She really doesn't like tyrants, especially those who condone child soldiers.


Adira the Battleborne
- A warrior she fights in a tournament, they become rivals while flirting mid-fight. It's complicated.

person_pin Social

Time - Late night
Color - The dark purply-blue the sky gets when the sun just sets
Food - Musa Bread (basically tiny banana bread loaves with tons of frosting)

Religion - What religion does Danica practice?

Curious of the Ancients, in a researcher kind of way, but not religious

Politics - What politics does Danica have?

Has deep-seated hate towards Vesperia (Bunker city empire), especially their militant nobility and how they treat nomads.

Occupation - What is Danica’s occupation?

  • Chaser (relic hunter/explorer)

  • Ship Captain (mercenary vessel)

  • Ex-military (deserter)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Danica weigh?


Height - How tall is Danica?

Slightly taller than average

Hair Color - What color is Danica’s hair?

Black (Brown tones)

Hair Style - How does Danica style their hair?

Half-braided, wavy curls with mercenary style gold hair beads and caps

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Danica have?


Eye Color - What is Danica’s eye color?

Dark Grey (almost black)

Race - What is Danica’s race?


Skin Tone

Warm medium brown

Body Type

Slender, but athletic

Identifying Traits

Mole under right eye


Long scars along back from corporeal punishment in the military, clawed scars on right arm from a mercenary job gone wrong

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Danica have?

  • Always acts confident in front of others, taking poses of hands-on-hips, open posture, etc.

  • Same confident poses get more aggressive when angry

  • Clear speech, sounds suave and in charge even when cussing someone out (plenty of swears in her vocab)

  • Expressive faces, usually resorts to "covering" instead of holding back (raised eyebrow of doom, evil smile when fighting someone)

Motivations - What motivates Danica most?

  • Called by the stars to find the Last City

  • Wants to protect and look after her crew

Personality Traits

  • Stubborn

  • Clever

  • Protective

  • Charismatic

  • Loyal

Prejudices - What prejudices does Danica have?

  • Hate towards any sort of Pro-Vesperian or Vesperian soldiers

  • Dislikes wealthy people

  • Dislikes authority figures


  • Combat (dirty hand-to-hand, swordplay, daggers)

  • Navigation

  • Negotiation

  • Driving Sandships

  • Pickpocketing/Sleight of hand

Hobbies - What hobbies does Danica have?

  • Stargazing

  • Reading (poetry, claims it helps her smooth-talk)

Personality type - What personality type is Danica?

Neutral good


  • Right shoulder occasionally acts up due to old injuries

  • Star-Called, a type of madness that drives people to search out the Ancients and the Last City. Most die young after going crazy, the want to seek out this city turning into an obsession trying to find it.


Nav Stone, Stars

date_range History
Birthday - When is Danica’s birthday?

23rd of the Crown

Education - What is Danica’s level of education?

  • Street until 15

  • Military until 17

Background - What is Danica’s background?

Danica was born to a small nomadic group that disbanded, at eleven she was abandoned in the territories of the bunker empire Vesperia. Alone with no surviving family, she was a starving orphan on the streets who soon grew adept at pickpocketing. She learned of the Ancients and the tales of their Last City on these streets from other less-fortunate people, including a few Star-Called who were more than gone.

At age fifteen she was caught for stealing and drafted into Vesperia's military under the newly-made Captain Ashwin. Under him, she learned to fight and follow orders as well as use weapons. After being sent on a suicide raid mission that failed catastrophically, she and the captain deserted. After a few years of mercenary work with his help, they bought their first mercenary ship and shortly after bought the Seeker. With connections in several nomadic cities, she started her search for relics and maps that could be clues to finding the Ancient's Last City.

A few years into the chase, she makes a bad call that results in the death of her crew. She and Adam retire to do solely mercenary work, without any additional crew. She puts her ship, The Seeker, into storage with a trusted mechanic (Sterling). Danica resists the Star-Calling and continues mercenary work until she meets Nova (protag) and she can no longer resist the pull of the City.

edit Notes

  • Slightly crazy, but very clever. This results in some questionable plans that for some reason work out.

  • Hair is a point of pride for her, having it cut off when drafted into the military. Each bead is a hard-won battle worthy of the small engraved jewelry

Context for the world relating to Dani cause I'm posting this to look at:
- Danica is the captain of a ship in a world where everyone must be mobile or live underground because a deadly storm circles the earth. One underground (or 'bunker') city is a tyrannical empire called Vesperia. Before the storm there were Ancients, a technologically and magically advanced race, and it's believed their Last City is eternally safe from the storm (though this is pretty much children's tales and conspiracy theories at this point).

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Danica

This character was created by Kat on

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