info Overview
Name - What is Elise Winchester’s full name?

Elise Winchester

Role - What is Elise Winchester’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Elise Winchester’s gender?


Age - How old is Elise Winchester?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Elise Winchester?


Hair Color - What color is Elise Winchester’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Elise Winchester style their hair?

Long, slightly spiky

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elise Winchester have?

None LOL

Eye Color - What is Elise Winchester’s eye color?

Greyish Brown

Race - What is Elise Winchester’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elise Winchester have?

she’s kind of quiet and nerdy, and she’s also eccentric and caring but she can be selfish too and she loves her chinchilla. And seriously, she just wants to live her life and is only fighting b/c the government was making it so that she can’t

Motivations - What motivates Elise Winchester most?

Her dream

Flaws - What flaws does Elise Winchester have?

She's proud, sometimes too proud

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elise Winchester have?

Anyone who interferes with her dream

Talents - What talents does Elise Winchester have?

She's good at dancing, I guess....

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elise Winchester have?

dancing (yes that is an art) and watching anime and reading books

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Elise Winchester have?


Occupation - What is Elise Winchester’s occupation?

...Kid soldier

Favorite weapon - What is Elise Winchester’s favorite weapon?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Elise Winchester’s birthday?


Background - What is Elise Winchester’s background?

she came from a good family and wanted to fight but was too young to actually enlist in the military so the Art Program was the next best thing

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
edit Notes

This character was created by Creeperbait272 on

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