info Overview
Name - What is Aki Miyoshi’s full name?

Aki Miyoshi

Role - What is Aki Miyoshi’s role in your story?

Supporting Character

Gender - What is Aki Miyoshi’s gender?


Sexual/Romantic Orientation


Age - How old is Aki Miyoshi?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Aki Miyoshi?


Hair Color - What color is Aki Miyoshi’s hair?

Half pastel purple, half pastel green

Hair Style - How does Aki Miyoshi style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aki Miyoshi have?


Eye Color - What is Aki Miyoshi’s eye color?


Race - What is Aki Miyoshi’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Tall and thin

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aki Miyoshi have?

Aki tends to get really worried really easily, especially given the world he's in. Conflict also upsets him. Whenever this happens, he usually turns to baking as a coping mechanism. He usually ends up sharing whatever he made.

Motivations - What motivates Aki Miyoshi most?

Bettering the world, restoring hope and peace, ridding the world of despair

Flaws - What flaws does Aki Miyoshi have?

Overly caring, therefore overly worried, doesn't respond well to conflict.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aki Miyoshi have?

World-ending despair

Talents - What talents does Aki Miyoshi have?

Baking (his Ultimate Ability)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aki Miyoshi have?

Baking, making people happy (not much else due to the state of the world)

Personality type - What personality type is Aki Miyoshi?

Incredibly caring, extroverted, cheerful, understanding, and generous, to sum it up. He's a people person and pleaser. He can be quite sensitive due to that, but he means well. He's also incredibly determined.

He'd do anything for his friends to make sure they're okay. Even though he hates conflict and it makes him emotional, if his friends are in danger, he'd try to fight for them. He also believes in second chances and will forgive just about anyone.

To sum him up in a couple words: Cinnamon roll.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Aki Miyoshi practice?


Politics - What politics does Aki Miyoshi have?


Occupation - What is Aki Miyoshi’s occupation?

Student, Baker

Favorite color - What is Aki Miyoshi’s favorite color?

Any pastel colors

Favorite food - What is Aki Miyoshi’s favorite food?

Baked goods

Favorite possession - What is Aki Miyoshi’s favorite possession?

Probably the apron that he always wears, a reminder that his parents loved him until their deaths.

Favorite weapon - What is Aki Miyoshi’s favorite weapon?

None. He hates violence and conflict.

Favorite animal - What is Aki Miyoshi’s favorite animal?

Aki can never decide.

Job - What job does Aki Miyoshi have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Aki Miyoshi’s birthday?

April 24

Education - What is Aki Miyoshi’s level of education?

Through middle school

Background - What is Aki Miyoshi’s background?

To sum up Aki's past, it was going well until the Tragedy. He just helped his parents run the bakery, and he was happy and outgoing kid. The Tragedy happened when he was only ten. The bakery was most people's only sense of hope. While his parents eventually gave into despair and left him, later dying, which devastated him, he kept going, becoming motivated to keep hope in the world.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Aki Miyoshi have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

My favorite Fangan OC so far. I love this boy. Also, credit to @Cyber_Fazmic for the board!

flash_on Quirk

This character was created by Luci on

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