info Overview
Name - What is Luke Stacey’s full name?

Luke Stacey

Other Names - What other aliases does Luke Stacey go by?


Race - What is Luke Stacey’s race?


Gender - What is Luke Stacey’s gender?


Sexual Orientation


Age - How old is Luke Stacey?


Role - What is Luke Stacey’s role in your story?

The Aloof Deuteragonist

face Physical
Body Type

Lucky is a small man who appears fragile at first glance. He's slender with very little muscle and stands at a minute 5'4".

Facial Features

Lucky has a fine face, with features delicate enough to break off. His nose is thin, with a sharp bridge but rounded button-like nostrils. A calm grin constantly plays at his thin lips, and his brown eye, despite having a dark bag beneath it, carries a sense of serenity with its gaze. He has prominent freckles dotting his cheeks.

Skin Tone

Lucky has beige skin.


Lucky is blond, with wavy, soft hair that curls down to the base of his skull. It's rather poofy, with much natural volume.


Lucky's voice, while light and voluminous, possesses a density lent to it by his accent, which vaguely resembles a nasally Greenlandic accent.

Physical Conditions

Very notably, Lucky lacks a right eye, and in its place is a puffy expanse of flesh sewn together. He generally wears an eyepatch over this area.

fingerprint Nature

Although Lucky's presence may exude serenity, he himself is anything but. He's unpredictable and stubborn, often going against someone else's advice just for the sake of being petty, even if it goes against his own better judgment. He hates being proven incorrect and has a habit of lying or gaslighting others in an effort to preserve his own image.

Lucky hates nothing more than getting emotionally attached to other people, acting aloof and distant to combat this fear. However, Lucky is also severely dependent on the opinions of others to fuel his confidence, being easily embarrassed and caring far too much about what other people think. As such, despite his hesitancy to create genuine friendships, Lucky forces himself to act amiably towards other people for fear of them disliking him.


Chaotic Neutral // WIP


Lucky is an engaging conversation partner and seems to know exactly what to say in order to keep his interlocutor occupied.

// WIP


Lucky is not willing to open up to others, while also refusing to be open up'd to.
Lucky often lies to get himself out of difficult situations.

// WIP

Hobbies - What hobbies does Luke Stacey have?

Tinkering with electronics


Lucky is scared of letting his emotions control him.

extension Mannerisms
Idle Mannerisms

Lucky will always force a small smile onto his face, even when nothing particularly exciting is happening.
Lucky doesn't like having idle hands, and will usually busy them with any nearby object. If he can't do that, then he tends to tap his palms against a flat surface or his own legs.

Happy Mannerisms

When particularly happy, Lucky has a habit of speaking with his hands.

Sad Mannerisms

Lucky tends to bite his bottom lip when he's sad, though he does also do this when thinking about a difficult decision.

Angry Mannerisms

When Lucky is angry or even overwhelmed, he has a terrible habit of hitting himself, usually on his forehead with the base of his palm.
Lucky's the type of person to cry when angry.

Embarrassed Mannerisms

Lucky prefers to play off his embarrassment, usually smiling through it.
He does often play with his hair when embarrassed, though, running his hands through it or pushing it out of his face.
He also rubs at the skin beneath his eye patch.

flash_on Abilities
thumbs_up_down Beliefs
device_hub Family
watch Outfits
date_range History
Birthday - When is Luke Stacey’s birthday?

January 13, 1868


Redwood Watch, Republic of Pikrok

Aashaladjov Danjat, Rupoblyc Pikrok

Background - What is Luke Stacey’s background?

uhh he was an inventor and really good at it but then one day he got robbed and attacked in his workshop!! and he panicked and then boom suddenly the robber's knife exploded! and then he had a weird uncontrollable power to make things implode! very sexy and cool

WIP (duh)

album Other
edit Notes

Stinky Stacey (as I've taken to calling him) started off as a DnD NPC who I got super attached to and decided to make into a fully-fledged OC, which honestly explains a lot about him.
He was originally a homebrew race called a Trueborn Lycan, which I ended up changing because 1). He wasn't a DnD character anymore and 2). I decided that I couldn't keep using lycanthropy as a crutch for creating actually interesting characters.
His name was originally Luke Entropy, which was meant to be a bit of a punny name; When said fast, it was supposed to sound vaguely like "lycanthropy", but when I changed his race, the name just didn't make sense anymore. So, now it's Luke Stacey.


This character was created by bennie on

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