info Overview
Name - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s full name?

Samuel Lauren Ennard

Other names - What other aliases does Samuel Lauren Ennard go by?

Sam, Em, Laur

Gender - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s gender?


Age - How old is Samuel Lauren Ennard?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Samuel Lauren Ennard weigh?

152 pounds

Height - How tall is Samuel Lauren Ennard?


Hair Color - What color is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Samuel Lauren Ennard style their hair?

His hair is long enough so that he's able to put it into a small pony tail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s eye color?

He has heterochromia, with one eye sapphire blue and the other a dark beautiful brown

Race - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s race?


Skin Tone

He has vitiligo, so his skin is brown with random blobs of white scattered around

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

The vitiligo

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

He's actually really nervous and polite, and is usually seen as the runt

Motivations - What motivates Samuel Lauren Ennard most?

To help other people like him who are struggling

Flaws - What flaws does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

How easy it is to manipulate him, and of course his weaker lungs from smoking

Prejudices - What prejudices does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

That everybody deserves a good life

Talents - What talents does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

Writing poetry

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

Writing poetry, smoking

Personality type - What personality type is Samuel Lauren Ennard?

Shy but caring


Vitiligo, heterochromia, and lycanthropy

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Samuel Lauren Ennard practice?


Occupation - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s favorite food?

Caesar salad

Favorite possession - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s favorite possession?

His huge journal that he writes poetry in

Favorite weapon - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s favorite weapon?

When in human form, when he has to, he uses a dagger. And when in wolf form he uses his claws and teeth, of course

Favorite animal - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

He works as a therapist

date_range History
Education - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s level of education?

A Bachelor's and Mastern degree in Psychology

Background - What is Samuel Lauren Ennard’s background?

When he was about 15, he was bitten by a werewolf. He spent the next few years of his life in constant fear until deciding to turn his life around, going to college to become a therapist. Now he travels around the country, finding people like himself and helping them (there are more werewolves in the world than you'd think)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Samuel Lauren Ennard have?

None, because he can't trust himself with having any pets

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

He's been a smoker for about 3 years


This character was created by Panda Fuzz on

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