info Overview
Name - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s full name?

Zephyr Gaverin

Gender - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s gender?


Age - How old is Zephyr Gaverin?


Role - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s role in your story?

A villain who is disguised as a hero

Other names - What other aliases does Zephyr Gaverin go by?

Gaverin, Zeph, General Massacre, Dark Blade

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Zephyr Gaverin have?


Eye Color - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s eye color?

His human eye is a light blue color, with long lashes.

Race - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s race?

Cyborg, Enhanced

Skin Tone

His skin is pale and slightly sickly, no matter how much he tries to get it tanned, it just always looks like that. He goes out in the sun and immediately gets burned badly.

Body Type

Lean and muscular, a little bit like a runner. He’s not skinny, but he’s not the overly muscular type, kind of in the middle.

Weight - How much does Zephyr Gaverin weigh?


Height - How tall is Zephyr Gaverin?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Zephyr Gaverin have?

He has lots of scars crisscrossing his back, and some newer ones on his flesh arm and hand.
Almost half of his body is made of metal. His right arm and leg are, along with the right and center of his torso. The metal creeps up his neck and to the right side of his face, where it covers most of his jaw, avoids his nose, and one eye, and most of his forehead. The metal is all a dark silver-gray. His right eye is a glowing blue, but turns red when it finds a target. He has several small weapons and tools inside his body, that makes his job much easier.

Hair Color - What color is Zephyr Gaverin’s hair?

Inky black

Hair Style - How does Zephyr Gaverin style their hair?

Cut in a soldier's style, buzzed decently close to the scalp. Sometimes he lets it grown out longer, but he doesn’t like to do that much, since it’s easier for the opponent to grab his hair that way, and use it as a weakness.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Zephyr Gaverin have?

He thinks everyone is useless and way too emotional, and not ambitious enough.


He's a psychopath, and can't feel any emotions, because his amygdala was removed when he became a cyborg.

Personality type - What personality type is Zephyr Gaverin?

Smooth and quiet, so no one ever suspects him. Acts friendly, but is indifferent.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Zephyr Gaverin have?

Killing and strategy

Talents - What talents does Zephyr Gaverin have?

Killing and stealth and leading others

Flaws - What flaws does Zephyr Gaverin have?

He literally has no emotions

Motivations - What motivates Zephyr Gaverin most?


groups Social
Occupation - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s occupation?


info History
Background - What is Zephyr Gaverin’s background?

Not well known, but...
He was beaten as a child, severely. I won’t go into the reason why, though. There’s a lot of complicated reasons, and so it will take a while to write down. He killed his mom when he was 13, and ran from the orphanage many times.
When he was 14, he had an “incident” where he was kidnapped and sold into slavery, and that. He was beaten and abused and raped and experimented on, and during the process he was at was poisoned by the poison of a strange creature. He had to have limbs removed because the poison was spreading risk fast, and didn’t have an antidote. The people who kidnapped him made the rest of his metal body, to help remove the toxins when they got too great. During this time, his amygdala was removed. He killed everyone who took him in and left to build his army.

device_hub Family
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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Hannah on

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