info Overview
Name - What is Isaac Sterling’s full name?

Isaac Sterling


Iz, Izzy

Gender - What is Isaac Sterling’s gender?


Age - How old is Isaac Sterling?


Birthday - When is Isaac Sterling’s birthday?

December 5th

Zodiac Sign





Half fae

Theme Song

'Adderall' by Max Frost

face Looks
Height - How tall is Isaac Sterling?

5'7" (170 cm)

Weight - How much does Isaac Sterling weigh?

140 lbs (63 kg)

Body Type

Slim, athletic build.


His hair is naturally a very dark brown, almost black, but the top has been bleached and dyed a shade of watermelon pink. Hints of dark brown still peak through at the roots and the back of his head, but the majority of his messy, slightly curly hairdo is colored. The back and sides of his hair are trimmed about a half-inch away from his scalp, but the top and front are much longer and tend to fall in his face down to his nose.

Eye Color - What is Isaac Sterling’s eye color?

Hazel eyes, primarily shifting between green and brown.

Skin Tone

Fair with pinkish undertones.


His go to outfits are just plain t-shirts paired with dark jeans, his most iconic being a plain, light gray tee and tapered black jeans. He much prefers to wear his dark green army jacket with this outfit, as well as some plain black Vans.

to be updated

Race - What is Isaac Sterling’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Isaac Sterling have?

Small horns, slightly pointed ears, sharpened incisors, and a tail.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Isaac Sterling have?

Isaac always speaks as if he's on the verge of forgetting what he's saying. He has so many thoughts that it's important for him to get them all out as quickly as possible which, unfortunately, can be hard to understand at times. He also constantly interrupts himself with questions, most of which are asked to check if the listener is actually paying attention. On top of this, he has a tendency to heavily rely on buffer words, his favorites being "anyways", "so", and "you know?".

In addition to word vomit, Isaac's the kind of person to gesticulate wildly as he talks, which has led to multiple incidents involving accidentally hitting others with flailing limbs.

His mood is super easy to read thanks to body language. When he's happy, for example, he's super expressive and smiley and his tail flicks back and forth like a cat's. When he's bored he tends to slouch on himself and pout and his tail is usually limp. When he's nervous or apprehensive, he draws his arms in close and his smiles are much smaller and fewer between. He usually holds his tail or crosses his arm when he feels like this. And on the off chance Isaac gets angry, his face gets flushed, his movements are jerky, and he lashes his tail.

His habits are directly correlated to how he's feeling, with actions surfacing particularly whenever he's bored or trying to concentrate.


Playing with his fingers or tail, pulling on his hair or the hem of his shirt absentmindedly—anything to keep his hands busy.

He also likes to chew on things, hence his tendency to pop seemingly random leaves in his mouth.

Motivations - What motivates Isaac Sterling most?

Working on improving his self-esteem and maintaining long-lasting relationships with people.

Exploring and filling out his journal with doodles and sketches of all the places he's visited.

Personality type - What personality type is Isaac Sterling?


"People with the Entertainer personality type don’t mind stepping out of their comfort zones when no one else is willing."

"Happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with."

"Entertainers are strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism – they can feel like they’ve been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly."

"Without constant excitement, Entertainers find ways to create it themselves."

"Anything that requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge for Entertainers."

Flaws - What flaws does Isaac Sterling have?

He has trouble focusing or taking certain situations seriously, as his initial response is always to hide behind humor or let others take care of things. In general he hates being forced into leadership roles because he never knows how to handle those kinds of things.


Animal handling, acrobatics, stealth.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Isaac Sterling have?

Exploring, drawing, baking, playing ukulele.


Neutral good



date_range History



Isaac was born to his single-parent mother in the small village of Wigston. He grew up never knowing his father, but he was popular among the fair folk community due to his influence pre-disappearance. He had many fae and human friends in Wigston, and his mother rarely faced difficulty thanks to the support of the rest of the village.

When Isaac was eleven years old, his mother and him moved to the much larger city of Cadford because of their mutual desire for adventure and something new. Isaac learned a lot there, and he made friends in all kinds of species.

First Memory

His first memory is of trying sweet potatoes for the first time; and loving them.

Education - What is Isaac Sterling’s level of education?

Equivalent of a high school graduate.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Isaac Sterling’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Isaac Sterling’s favorite food?

Sweet potato casserole

Favorite animal - What is Isaac Sterling’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Isaac Sterling’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Isaac Sterling have?

Crew member at a smoothie shop.

Religion - What religion does Isaac Sterling practice?


folder_open Magic
Type of Magic

Nature Magic


Enhanced reflexes.

Communicate with animals.

Influence the growth of plants.



He cannot force his will upon animals, nor would he want to.

His influence over growth is very weak (i.e. making a flower bloom or rejuvenating a wilted plant).

His manipulation over light is also weak, with the amount of light he harnesses directly correlating to the amount of his own energy he expels.

edit Notes



If Isaac makes a promise, he's required to fulfill it. If he doesn't, it causes him to become physically sick and could potentially incapacitate him for several hours depending on the severity of the promise.

He's also weak to pure iron; if he touches it, it burns like a hot pan out of the oven. While in contact with iron he can't use magic.

He has a mild lemon/lime allergy---if he consumes a lot of either he gets rashes.

Isaac can't stand most salty things (i.e. fries, bread, or even most pizza). He can always innately tell whenever there's salt in something he's eating.

He's great at learning languages and picks them up quite quickly, though he doesn't practice often and ends up forgetting most things.

He subconsciously collects shiny things, and becomes quite sad if he loses them.


This character was created by Existential Nerd on

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