info Overview
Name - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s full name?

Cameron Alto Witten

Role - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s role in your story?

Callum's boyfriend

Other names - What other aliases does Cameron Alto Witten go by?

Cam, Witten

Gender - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s gender?


Age - How old is Cameron Alto Witten?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Cameron Alto Witten weigh?


Height - How tall is Cameron Alto Witten?


Hair Color - What color is Cameron Alto Witten’s hair?

platinum blond fading into a light pink

Hair Style - How does Cameron Alto Witten style their hair?

worn down and curley

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cameron Alto Witten have?

nothing at all, he keeps his face clean

Eye Color - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s eye color?

dark blue

Race - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s race?


Skin Tone

more on the darker side due to being in the sun

Body Type

blood type B-

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cameron Alto Witten have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cameron Alto Witten have?


Motivations - What motivates Cameron Alto Witten most?

being with his boyfriend, Callum

Flaws - What flaws does Cameron Alto Witten have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Cameron Alto Witten have?


Talents - What talents does Cameron Alto Witten have?

Baking, coking, lifeguard stuff, idk i dont pay attention to him

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cameron Alto Witten have?

lifeguarding, baking/cooking

Personality type - What personality type is Cameron Alto Witten?




groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cameron Alto Witten practice?


Politics - What politics does Cameron Alto Witten have?


Occupation - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s favorite food?

french fries

Favorite possession - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s favorite possession?

technically Callum belongs to him sooo-

Favorite weapon - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s favorite weapon?

gun oop

Favorite animal - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s favorite animal?

fennec fox

Job - What job does Cameron Alto Witten have?

he is a lifeguard

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cameron Alto Witten’s birthday?


Education - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s level of education?

he is not in college but he is college level

Background - What is Cameron Alto Witten’s background?

Cameron is a generally nice guy, but he definitely has a rebellious streak. He had an older brother who would’ve almost been 30, but sadly he died saving a group of children. He and Cameron had been really close and it took a toll on him. He never really got fully over it and when he feels like he needs to talk to someone he ‘talks’ to him. His brother was the first person he came out to him being pansexual. He was in a really bad place but things started looking up his last year of high school. When he met Callum Bexley. And you know what happens from there.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cameron Alto Witten have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes



This character was created by Kay<3 on

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