forum Writing Prompts
Started by @Bandito

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@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

59: Can't be too careful anymore

ok i just listened to a song that got me inspired to write an angry poem/song/thing that has to do with one of my characters lesgoooo (CW: this might be graphic and profane)

Clouded bottles smashed into sharp pieces
Don't cut yourself on the remnants of those people
I'm not sorry our existence threatened your consistence
I won't forget this when you marionette history

Eat shit with each bullet you hit to the innocent
Your grave's already got bones before you even pass
Your lousy justification for murder can fucking kiss my ass
All the fucking guns you dropped won't let us run

Your skin so much softer than ours
You shiver cause you don't have power
Your god won't help you kill our kind
No judge will defend your genocide

(ok this is unfinished but i got distracted eh knee weighs)


One: You will never be a god.

The small girl stands among her peers, in line to get on the bus. As she waits, she sees a strange man watching the line, and looks around. There's nobody else looking at him… maybe he's lost? She takes a step out of it, and starts making her way towards him. His piercing silver eyes could be recognized anywhere, if pointed out to someone. He seems to notice her small movements towards him, and as she stands in front of him, he leans down to better speak with her. "Hello, child. How are you?"

She looks up at him and smiles, "I'm good, mister! How are you? Are you here to go on the field trip with us?" She questioned, lightly kicking the pavement underneath her with the toe of her shoe, swinging her body.

He chuckled, shaking his head. No, he wasn't going on the field trip. And neither was she. He ran his hand through his hair, smiling at her. "You and I both know that that's not what this is about." She was, of course, a small child, and simply tilted her head. "You think you're clever, disguising yourself a s a child, huh?"

The little girl began to back away, and he grabbed her arm. Her own green eyes widened in terror, and she let out a small scream, reaching out for one of the teachers as he lifted her up. "You will Never be the god you want to be, you sick monster." He growled out, and of course, the screaming, crying child was noticed. He dropped her, backing away, and sprinting out of the school's front roundabout, across the garden and as far as he could manage.

The sobbing girl watched him leave in one of the teacher's arms, the teacher deciding instead to bring her to the nurse's office. Maybe she shouldn't go on the field trip, after that- after all, she probably wants her parents, right?

And what a lucky thing, too- the rest of the class perished that afternoon, when the driver lost control of the bus, and drove them off a bridge.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

59: Can't be too careful anymore

ok i just listened to a song that got me inspired to write an angry poem/song/thing that has to do with one of my characters lesgoooo (CW: this might be graphic and profane)

Clouded bottles smashed into sharp pieces
Don't cut yourself on the remnants of those people
I'm not sorry our existence threatened your consistence
I won't forget this when you marionette history

Eat shit with each bullet you hit to the innocent
Your grave's already got bones before you even pass
Your lousy justification for murder can fucking kiss my ass
All the fucking guns you dropped won't let us run

Your skin so much softer than ours
You shiver cause you don't have power
Your god won't help you kill our kind
No judge will defend your genocide


You think our extinction made you safe,
All you did was plant this seed with hate
What's wrong, can't take the pain at the door?
You said it yourself, can't be too careful anymore

Now here we are, two differences we stand
Did either you or I change what's in our hands?
That paranoia you follow dug your own grave
No, go on, look at all the lives you depraved

She was a fucking kid, he was a goddamn father
But when it comes to sympathy, you just couldn't bother
Take that disgusting idea that justifies your crime
And fucking shove it for the last damn time

@JustALostM book

Thirteen: Even your shadow won't follow you into darkness.

(OH MY GOD! This is perfect for something! It's alright if I use this old one, right? It kinda helps for a project)


Thirteen: Even your shadow won't follow you into darkness.

(OH MY GOD! This is perfect for something! It's alright if I use this old one, right? It kinda helps for a project)

yes pls do!

@saor_illust school

62: It had existed since the beginning of time.

((kind of a fanfic, but also not really, it's more me taking a canon character and writing something about him))

Zhongli stood atop Qingyun Peak, gazing out into the sunset, sighing. Having existed since the beginning of time, he had lived for many millennia, and had seen much. He was the oldest of the archons, and yet… there was this nagging feeling at the back of his mind that something was wrong, and no matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of it. After Lumine and Aether had departed the world of Teyvat, he couldn't stop thinking about them. It was something about the relationship that the two had–perhaps it was how they laughed so easily together, or how they could trust each other with anything, or maybe it was neither of those–but he knew that something had captured his attention.

On his last birthday, Zhongli was surprised when the twins had returned to Teyvat to give him a birthday gift. A "phone," they called it. Apparently it would still function in this world as well, they had made sure that the "battery" wouldn't die. They had taught him the basic functions–mostly the files and music playing. He remembered how the wind blew Lumine's hair back as she pointed out the file named "Liyue's Ruins."

"We composed a song for you while we visited the world called 'Earth.' Don't listen to it now, but listen to it when you need it. You'll know when that time comes," Lumine had said softly. "With that, we say goodbye. I… don't think we'll be back again. We miss you all, though."

Zhongli hovered his finger over the audio file, hesitating. Was this something he needed? It was certainly something he was tempted to do in the moment, he knew that much at least. Deciding that he'd listen to it anyways, he opened the file and let the melody wash over him.

It had been ten months since he'd received the phone, and this was the first time he was listening to the song. The gentle melody carried with it a wave of nostalgia and melancholy, and Zhongli closed his eyes, laying down on the edge of the cliff. "Liyue's Ruins" brought back many memories. The tragedies of the Archon War. Lost friends. And… the reason why Lumine and Aether attracted his attention so much.

He had been alone for far too long, and he had been okay with it for the longest time. That is, until they came along. Everytime he saw them or even just thought of them, he longed for a friend of his own to have, someone who would help share the burden of immortality with him, someone who he could trust and laugh so easily with. The memories flooded back, and Zhongli could feel something wet cross his left cheek. Was he… crying?

Zhongli sighed again. It was quite unfortunate that it was unlikely he'd ever get that immortal companion he so wished for. After stepping down from his archon duties, he'd lost touch with Barbatos, and now he had none to speak with 'til the end of time. But… it couldn't hurt to hope, could it? The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly, forming the tiniest smile. Someday you will come, my friend. And until then, I shall patiently await you, he thought to himself.


Prompt 66.

“You belong with me.”
I scoffed, and spun back around to face Ben’s ruffled hair and sweetly desperate face.
“Let’s get one thing straight,” I growled, ignoring the soft feeling that grew in my stomach at the words. “I don’t belong with anyone. It’s always just me, and I like it that way. The only one I can trust is me. So give it up, ok? Because whatever you’re staying with me for just isn't something you’re going to get.”
Ben flinched at the sharp tone of my voice, hurt blooming in his eyes. And for a quick moment I thought I was finally safe again, with no one to hurt me. But then rare determination made an appearance in his expression and the moment ended.
“I’m staying,” he said simply.
I stared, “you’re what?”
“Staying. I’m not gonna give up, Thalia. Ok, you need someone. You can’t stay alone forever.”
“Yes. I. Can. And if you’re not packed and gone by tomorrow, I’ll kill you.” Danger flashed in my sharp brown eyes, and I stalked out of the room, leaving Ben standing dumbstruck behind me.

The next morning felt slightly lonelier than the past ones.
Maybe it was the absence of Ben's sunny mood in the air, or just the feeling of being alone once again.
I quickly dressed, wanting to get a move on and pack up my stuff from the rented room to leave before Ben regretted his decision and came back.
I headed downstairs to the plainly mold-filled lobby, where the usual stale and old food was set on a spare table in the middle of the spacious room. I adjusted the heavy backpack swung over a shoulder, and gladly checked out.
And that's when I saw him. Ben. Standing around the corner, his back to the doors of the awful hotel.
I stalked towards him, grabbing the collar of his red shirt and throwing him a broom closet, not that the hotel would ever use any sort of cleaning tool. Slamming and locking the door behind me, I threw my backpack aside and pushed him against a bare wall, growling in his surprised face.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I whispered fiercely with an arm on his throat, threatening to add enough pressure to choke him.
“Well, we need to get going,don’t we?” His face was innocently oblivious.
“Didn’t I threaten to kill you or something?” I snarled, and, to my surprise, he grinned.
“But you didn’t mean it! I know you wouldn’t do anything like that to me! You’re too good for that.” I blinked at the sureness and earnestness in his words.
How could someone as kind as him think of me so admirably? I grew up in a household of criminals and abusers, and he grew up the right way, supported and loved. And for some reason, his sweet words made me angry.
“You wanna bet?” I growled, pressing my arm harder on his throat. He choked.
I threw him on the ground in the closet, ignoring the twisted feeling tangling in my stomach.
He fell like a corpse, limp and splayed on the ground. Then he scrambled back as I walked calmly and savagely towards him. Kneeling and pressing a knee on his throat, I flipped open a pocket knife and pointed it directly at his heart.
He squirmed helplessly, for the first time looking at me with fear. I adjusted the knife in hand, trying to ignore that betrayal in his expression. But… I hesitated. And stood. And then just… didn’t know what to do except grab my backpack and leave the closet, then the hotel.
I was so lost in my thoughts, in my guilt, that I couldn’t stop the bullet from entering my stomach.”

Sorry if it’s bad…

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Greetings all. Figured I’d try this out. Had some inspiration with an older prompt. Fair warning, this one’s a bit dark and brutal. And Lucitius is one of my own characters, think 7’ tall reptilian humanoid with an elven head and horns. He has blue scales, wears a blue silk robe, and carries a staff (that’s the basics of him).
49: Any volunteers?

Lucitius wandered into a small village, following a particular caravan he had been intrigued by several days ago. The caravan was full of performers, calling themselves the ‘Theatrical Nomads’. Lucitius had never seen a caravan of actors before.

He rounded the bulk of the village, preferring to keep his noticeably inhuman appearance from causing issues. As he approached the middle of the village, he discovered the caravan, the several wagons settled in a circle behind a small stage.

A sly grin crept onto Lucitius’ face as he closed on the wagons. However, it quickly faded as he noticed movement in one of the wagons, followed by a short cry. Was that a child?

Lucitius slunk up to the back of the wagon, peeking through the cloth curtain. It was indeed a child, a boy who had dropped some clothes and had been whipped for it by the sneering woman behind him. Lucitius tried hard to stifle the low growl starting to rumble in his throat.

Turning away from the wagon, Lucitius gazed at the stage. A child appeared from the side and froze at the sight of Lucitius. She wore a long dress, the sleeves rolled up to avoid getting wet from the bucket of water in her hands. A small bruise on her wrist stood out from the rest of her tan skin.

“Stay quiet, young one. Who hurt you?”Lucitius whispered, inwardly praying the girl wouldn’t simply scream and run.

She blinked, then set the bucket down and pointed at the stage. Lucitius glared in that direction. The girl quickly left, though Lucitius saw a tiny, hopeful smile on her face as she passed.

Lucitius stepped up to the back of the stage, noting the curtain. He heard some instruments playing, then a voice call out ‘Any volunteers?’ An evil grin curved his lips.

Pulling aside the curtains, Lucitius stepped onto the stage to see three actors. Two women playing the instruments, and the lead man, the voice calling for volunteers.

“I shall,”Lucitius replied, a low growl in his voice.

Everyone in sight froze, a few villagers starting to scream in terror. The man slowly turned around to see the fanged snarl from the creature behind him. The creature screeched, both hands on his staff, swinging it for his head.

The man cried out and tried to dodged, but the staff collided with his back, throwing him to the side. The two actresses shrieked and bolted into the crowd.

Lucitius peeked through the stage curtain, several children watching with concern. He opened the curtain wide, whistling.

“Any volunteers?”he called.

Folks from the wagons flooded out, the children bolting past Lucitius to tackle and beat the stunned actor. Lucitius snarled at the other adults, threatening them with his staff and claws. None approached, though several fled to the wagons, using them to get as far away from Lucitius as possible.

A few minutes later, Lucitius scanned the area. The actor had been beaten to unconsciousness and many of the children were taking trinkets from him. Several ran off, while others remained, staring at Lucitius in awe.

“Leave this caravan. Find your homes here or elsewhere. No child should suffer as this,”Lucitius bade.

Some of the children understood and left, while a few, particularly the youngest, didn’t seem understand at all. Lucitius sighed.

“Thank you, sir,”an older boy suddenly said.

Lucitius whirled around, noting the dark haired youth. He seemed to be one of the oldest kids in the caravan, if not the oldest, though he was not yet a young man. The boy watched him a few moments, fiddling with his fingers, then ushered the youngest kids away.

“You were the one I heard,”Lucitius commented, finally recognizing the boy. The kid turned.

“The adults didn’t like mistakes, and I had almost tripped. With the older kids, the punishments were harsher. Were,”the boy explained, a smile appearing.

Lucitius nodded and waved him on.

“Thank you again, sir. He deserved all that came to him,”the boy added, spitting in the direction of the unconscious lead actor.

The boy left, the rest of the kids following him. Lucitius watched, then stepped down from the stage, walking away. He flicked a tiny bolt of white fire at the stage and flames burst to life, swiftly climbing up the sides and devouring it.

“‘Theatrical Nomads’. A worthy name, an unworthy caravan,”Lucitius muttered to himself, snorting.

Lucitius casually left the village, continuing his roaming as if nothing had happened. The smell of charred wood was a delightful reminder of the good deed he had done.

@saor_illust school

tw, mentions of suicide


tw, mentions of suicide

(…..tbh last sentence is a mood lmfao) (also its nice to see so much dialogue, good job)

@saor_illust school

tw, mentions of suicide

(…..tbh last sentence is a mood lmfao) (also its nice to see so much dialogue, good job)

lol ty