forum Writing Prompts
Started by @Bandito

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Laughter echoes in the tombs.

I walk into the dark room, flashlight clenched so hard my knuckles turn white. My friends stand at the edge of the graveyard watching to make sure I don't back out. Its just a dare I remind myself that if I show that I'm afraid I'll be the laughing stalk of the week within my friends. I hold my head higher and walk into darkness, the heavy door closing behind me realeases a heavy puff of dust from years being closed. A few seconds and a fit of coughing later I can see again, I shine my light around to see. There is a single coffin on top of a cement block in the center of the room. The coffin was old and ornate looking, most likely expensive. I take a deep breath of the musty air to calm my growing nerves. Just open the coffin and get a photo that's all they wanted. I remind myself the goal of the dare my friends had given me. I quietly move move towards the side of the coffin, hold my flashlight between my leg and heave the top of the coffin open. Another cloud of dust arises and I cover my mouth not wanting to breath in the dust of a corpse. When the dust subsides I see there is a rotting corpse, hardly anything left but a skeleton and the horrid scent of death. I shakily pulled my flipphone out of my pocket and snapped a photo before pulling the coffin shut. My shoulders loosened in relief having the body out of sight and I decide to look around the room a bit more. I notice what looked like a rough carving on the back corner of the wall. The words were scratched into the wall messily and as I get closer there appeares to be bits of dried blood in in parts of the letters. My breathing quickens, I can't make out the words as they are in another language I don't recognize but the sight of them fills my body with panic. I hear a loud bang and flip around to see, I fumble with my flashlight and frantically shine it around the room, eventually landing on the coffin which lays wide open. Body missing. "Guys that's not funny!" I call out, assuming it had been my friends doing some kind of prank. I don't think about how it is strange that they were able to enter so quietly, or how sick they would have had to been to move the body. Laughter echos through the tomb but not of my puberty ridden friends voices, it is a maniacal sounding laughter, the kind of laughter that makes your hair stand of and your blood run dry. I freeze in fear before coming to the realization that the sound came from above. I slowly look up and let out a blood curdling scream and then everything goes dark.

Sorry if it's terrible I did it quickly and I dont have much experience with horror

@Dragoncita group

Prompt 1. You will never be a god

"ENOUGH LUXSANCTO," the mighty beast's voice boomed.
The younger dragon pressed himself close to the ground, tail curling between his legs. His lips curled back, giving a weak growl as his body started to tremble.
The even greater dragon stood, hovering over the other. His lips were also curled back, his growl sounding like a great rumble of thunder. The spines along his back were fully erect, white scales glimmering. The horns upon his head glinted slightly as they stood in the grand halls. The beast's blue eyes glowed furiously at the younger dragon.
"I said that's enough! As your father, I expect respect from you!"
The young dragon before him seemed to shift his paws nervously. His head turned, looking in a different direction, not letting his gaze meet the giant dragon's own. It was clear that he was outmatched by the beast that was his father, Veturius.
Veturius suddenly lashed his tail out, whipping the young dragon across the muzzle, causing him to yelp at the sudden sting. The great white dragon released a deep guttural growl, "You will look me in the eyes when I speak. Your mother may be a goddess, but you are nothing compared to her!"
Luxsancto lifted his head, body trembling even more uncontrollably. His golden eyes met with the furious blue. Yet he showed no expression, despite the pain that he had just received. Though his submissiveness was clear towards his father before him.
"You are powerful yes…but you will never be a full god. It is the sacred duty of the Holy dragons to guard the gods and goddesses. Remember that, and stay in your place, or I'll put you back there again myself."
Then without another word, the giant white dragon suddenly pivoted. He flared out his white, feathery wings, leaping upwards into the sky. In several wingbeats, he was airborne, leaving behind his cowering son.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

They all stared at the body they had cut down.
"Why?" It seemed to say. Mary looked away, burying her face in her husband's arm.
Arthur stared down at the body- no, his child, laying broken on the ground.
The frayed end of the rope hung silently.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee went down on her knees. Chris was staring blankly at nothing. Taca was next to Tonakee holding her shoulders tightly trying to comfort her. Roshiel was half over the cliff his arm still out stretched. Next to him, the frayed end of the rope hung silently. The bridge was gone, in the gorge that never ended. And with it took the brother of one, the sister of another, and the friends of all.

Fifteen minutes earlier

The bridge creaked heavily under them as they moved across it. Tonakee was in the lead, because she was blind, she had the best sense of touch, and she knew which spots were likely to break under them. Chris was directly behind her making sure she didn't fall. Taca behind him because that was the middle and they had to protect her. Roshiel behind her, Seara, Chris' older sister, behind him. And Tolkalee, Tonakee's brother, taking up the rear.
The were making their way across the bottomless gorge. It was called that only because no one had ever found the bottom. And any who had fallen into it were never seen again.
One of the ropes gave a little, causing everyone to freeze. The sound of it straining under their weight seemed to echo around the gorge. Tension hung in the air. Taca was about to have a melt down. She was terrified of heights and it had taken Tolkalee twenty minutes just to get her on the damn bridge. Now it sounded like it was breaking. The poor girl was shaking extremely hard.
Tolkalee took a small breath, his eyes fixed on the rope. "Everyone. Stay. Calm," his voice was low, but they all heard it. He was taking slow shallow breathes. "Tonakee, keep moving forward. Slowly. Everyone else keep you breathing shallow. Believe it or not, the more you breathe in the heavier you are. You keep your breathing shallow and you lower the risk of us breaking the bridge."
Tonakee took a tiny breath, and started forward again. With each step the bridge creaked even more. It swayed under her and her heart was pounding. She wasn't all to fond of heights either. Her way of knowing things was through touch. With nothing under her she wasn't very good. Chris stayed close to her whispering soft words to guide where her feet went.
Taca didn't move. Her knuckles were white from how tightly she held the ropes. She wasn't even breathing. Roshiel was trying to talk with her to get her moving again but was having no luck. She was frozen with absolute terror.
"Rosh," Tolkalee said after a little bit. "Move carefully around her and keep going. Sea, you follow." They moved a little and the bridge lurched. They froze again. The air was thick with tension. "Do not stop," Tolkalee's voice was surprisingly calm in this moment. "Keep moving forward, focus on getting to the other side."
Roshiel continued around Taca, and Seara followed. She stopped by Taca and said something encouraging to her, before continuing behind Roshiel. Tolkalee came up behind Taca and stopped. He could see her trembling, and could hear her cries.
"Taca." He touched her arm gently. His voice soothing. "Come on. We have to keep going."
"I can't…" Taca sobbed after a moment.
"Yes you can," Tolkalee kept a steady voice. "You made it this far."
"I'm going to die," her sob turned into a desperate whisper.
"No you're not. I'm right here, and I would never let you fall. I'm not going to leave you out here," Tolkalee soothed. His words seemed to be working a little. Taca's cries softened and her shaking lessened. "Come on, one step at a time." He carefully placed his hand on her's removing it from the rope. He started them forward slowly. They were making progress.
"Tolkalee!" Seara's panicked cry broke the silence, causing Tolkalee to look up sharply. Everyone had reached the other side, aside from him and Taca. Seara wasn't looking at him, she was looking past him. He twisted around and spotted four people coming out after them. They were not friendly from the looks of it.
"Keep moving," he forced his voice to stay calm. He was slightly uneasy though.
"Tolkalee," Seara screamed. She was right at the end of the bridge. The bridge under them lurched as someone seemed to run up behind them. Tolkalee took no time, he grabbed Taca around the waist and threw her off the bridge. They were close enough that she safely landed on the other side, Roshiel caught her, falling back. Tolkalee turned, just in time to block a sword that was coming down on him. Seara came out next to him and backed him up. Her sword was out and she was helping block their attackers.
The bridge suddenly sunk lower. The sound of a rope snapping caused everyone to freeze. It echoed around the gorge. "Seara get off the bridge," Tolkalee took a step back. His voice quiet at first. "Get off the bridge now!"
They both turned to run, making it maybe it one step before the bridge lurched again. It caused Seara to fall over and Tolkalee to stagger. He reached forward and grabbed Seara. His hand barely closed on the hand rope before the bridge snapped.
They fell Tolkalee only barely keeping hold of the rope as they hit the side of the cliff. There was a sickening pop, and Tolkalee let out a cry of pain. Seara had her arms around his neck and felt as his shoulder dislocated. Above them Roshiel yelled for them to hold on. The rope started getting pulled up. Tolkalee looked down and saw that all of their attackers had also caught the rope.
"Roshiel stop," Tolkalee called. He saw Roshiel's shadow cover them.
"Tolk, we're not leaving you there," Roshiel confirmed.
"I know that you aren't going to do that," Tolkalee grunted. Holding himself and Seara with his shoulder being dislocated was straining. "Which is why I'm telling you, that no matter what happens you have to complete the mission." He used his free hand to pull out his dagger, and cut the rope.


(going to miss two weeks, posting 4 and 5 now)

Four: Vengeance is mine!
Five: Everything I would have wanted.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hinata swore. She clasped her arm to her side, blood running through her fingers. The Sadow Master loomed over her, power flowing through him. He gave a maniacal laugh.
"Finally! Finally…" He gave a cruel smile. He plunged his hand into Hinata's chest, and she screamed in pain.
"N-no…" She managed to stutter out. She wouldn't die- both of them knew that. No, she was going to suffer the same fate as those she had punished; frozen, always aware, forced to watch the world burn.
"Finally… vengeance is mine!" Shadow Master shrieked, Hinata's blood dripping down his cheek.


The villagers crowded around me, chanting, yelling. Rocks, sticks and anything else they could get their hands on hurtling towards me and I stand on upon my pedestal of death. "Burn the witch!" "Evil bitch!" "Rott in hell!" The words echoed through my head, I let my thinning black hair fall in front of my face to hide my tears, the same black hair that was once in bouncy sleek curls then hung in thin chunks over my head like a neglected doll from restless nights. A man in a black brimmed hat walked up the stairs and I grasped the ropes that restrained my hands to the pole until I was sure my knuckles were white and my nails had dug in through the skin of my palms. The man was handed a torch and he sneered at me, disgust evident on his wrinkled features. The man through the torch to the dry grass and twigs that were placed at my feet. I did nothing, but they said I was supposed to die.


(is this supposed to be like the Salem witch trials? If so, that's a cool idea, and also, they thought red hair was evil, not black. Not sure where the classic 'black hair, black dress' witch stereotype came from.)


(Yeah! Hm I'm not sure I just kind of on the spot wrote that and my mind went to a girl with fluffy black wavy hair that has probably started falling out and such from the stress)