forum Asexuality and Aromanticism
Started by @berlioz

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oO on the topic of variety some of us love the idea of romance and sex, just experience the attraction so rarely. Don't be afraid to make an ace/aro-spec character a hopeless romantic/horny hyooman who just hasn't found anyone that clicks in their eyes. I know there's the dreaded "you just haven't found the right person yet" saying that aces often hear, but for some of us that holds some truth.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but the "you just haven't found the right person yet" argument is so dumb. Even with greys, it's still not really right, because the way allos say that kind of implies that finding just one person will mean flipping a switch and suddenly sexual attraction hits you full force and you experience it regularly. And ? P sure that doesn't happen. Anyway I hate Karens that say that

True, true, that's why I only say some truth. To them, when they say it, they mean "find someone who kickstarts your sex drive so you can get out there already" which is problematic.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh also! More autistic aro/ace characters and more discussion of how neurodivergence relates to personal identity.

I have one, Anna who's both ace and autistic. She's the best friend of the mc. But that story might be dead…


Aces who make sex jokes. I'm the token inappropriately timed dick joke maker of my friend group.

Same though

…same though. except a bit more furry


More representation of friends who really care for each other, like they're not afraid to say they love each other, they have a really strong connection and care deeply for each other, and there being no sexual/romantic tension. (you know like how people care for their siblings and family members, but it's with their friend(s) seriously, friends that are just friends.
Maybe a story that focuses around a friendship, like instead of the kid drops friends for girl or girl chooses between childhood best friend and new guy or just any of those stories about romance that have been told a thousand times. I'm getting tired of the romantic/sexual subplot taking over the story, or thinking a story isn't going to be all about romance then it is. I just want more stories about friendship. (I'm mostly talking about YA novels, shows and movies, I'll think of a few examples:
Strangers Things the second season Mike was a waste of space like he new Eleven for a week and now can't live without her, and in season three their whole subplot was stupid drama about their relationship that I never liked to begin with
Any of the trash Netflix movies, though they're made to be terrible so I guess that doesn't count.
Be More Chill I just find the dynamic of Jeremy and Christine unlikable, Awkward geek kid with energetic theatre kid. Also Jeremy left his life long best friend in the dust, it's unrealistic, isn't it?
Heros of Olympus Everyone was paired with someone by the end of that series a bit much don't you think, (though I still love Rick's books)
There are way more, and these aren't even the worst, but they were annoying, though I kinda always root for the friendship rather than the relationship. And I end up liking characters less if they seemed aro or ace, then ended up not being.
(sorry for rambling.)


Bruh but speaking of Stranger things I really hope Will is aro or ace or aroace, cuz (spoilers ig)

Fingers crossed lol.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

More representation of friends who really care for each other, like they're not afraid to say they love each other, they have a really strong connection and care deeply for each other, and there being no sexual/romantic tension.

Freaking Samwise Gamgee gets the Best Friend Ever Award.


Is it possible for an aroace person to be repulsed at the thought of themselves in a romantic relationship but not the thought of romance itself (and actually be really chill with romance happening around them, just not towards them)?


I can't say much to help you, as I'm not an aroace person, but given what I do know, it would be possible. You can be perfectly fine with romance happening around you and still be repulsed at the idea of you being in a romantic relationship. Again, I can't say too much, but it seems to be a possible thing if you ask me. I can't say much, though. I hope this helps in some way. Again, I'm not an aroace person, so I don't have room to talk, but I hope that this helps.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's all being aro/ace means. It's the lack of desire, not repulsion to romance or sex in general. That isn't to say that some people aren't repulsed by it, but generally that's not the case- especially not with romance.


I can't say much to help you, as I'm not an aroace person, but given what I do know, it would be possible. You can be perfectly fine with romance happening around you and still be repulsed at the idea of you being in a romantic relationship. Again, I can't say too much, but it seems to be a possible thing if you ask me. I can't say much, though. I hope this helps in some way. Again, I'm not an aroace person, so I don't have room to talk, but I hope that this helps.

Thank you much! I didn't know personally, since I'm a sex-repulsed ace myself and am repulsed at any thought of sex.