forum Welcome to the Playground (Cyberpunk RP OPEN 3/8) (Check it out, please?)
Started by @ShadeStar

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(For that typically I like to use character creators. Or just pick some myth/legend and run with it. There is no wrong answer)


(If you're thinking some sort of multiple arm thing, yeah. Yeah, that would work. Same for the flame thrower. Just no supernatural stuff.)


Ori rode up on her motorbike and parked outside her local bar, which was an entrance into the Playground. She pulled off her helmet and went straight to the toilets once inside. She entered the out-of-order stall inputted her code and began her ride down. While in the elevator she opened her bag and got to quickly changing, switching jackets putting on her boots, and the final touch of her oni mask. Kuroki stepped out of the elevator and began to make her way towards the fighting ring back area, which wasn't that far. A slight smile slipped on her face as she saw Mr. Wilds and Athena already back there, "Looks like I'm not the last one here tonight."

@Bunty group

Nehemiah Stone sometimes forgot why he stayed. Some people would call him out-of-his-mind crazy, and maybe he was. Crazy truly was a relative term. But on nights like this, when he took in the stench of the Playground, his mask clung to his face like the bits of hair in the sweat on his forehead, and it felt like the neon lights sent electricity dancing through his veins… Nehemiah knew exactly why he stayed. He grew up in this place, and now he was sure he would die in this place. His old dreams died in the fighting ring, and new ones were born. Nehemiah wouldn't retire until his name was known to everyone in the Playground, if he ever retired.

Nehemiah's eyes caught the flicker of movement in the corner of his vision, and he turned his head to see the other fighter approaching. "Kuroki," Mr. Wilds said in greeting, his voice modification making his voice elegant and smooth like melting butter. Some women fell in love with his voice alone, if his fighter aesthetic didn't already get them. "It's quite a fine night out tonight. How do you do?"


Kuroki's voice modifier added reverb and deepened her voice to match her demonic appearance. Even though she knew Wilds couldn't see her face a slight smile appeared from the over formality she was used to from her fellow fighter, "Well enough. Hoping there are some decent opponents tonight or else I'm challenging one of y'all to a rematch. It's about time we actually fought each other in a real match again."

@Bunty group

Nehemiah's grin behind his mask was nothing short of feral, even if he sounded nothing of the sort as he spoke, "It has been quite a while. I have improved greatly since then." Nehemiah turned his head slightly, keep one eye on Kuroki but also glancing in the direction of the fighting arena. "I'd love to give you a run for your money," He said, his grin coming out in his voice. There was an untamable need for action in his life, and Kuroki could definitely bring some action into his life. Taking down the weak opponents was okay, it got him some spare change and the roar of a crowd, but taking on a good fighter- that was rewarding. That was the thrill of the fight, the energy he craved, the whole point of being here.


"If you're down want to go talk to the owners to see if we can get a match set up then?" Kuroki offered. She was willing to either take the fight or call the bluff. In fact, it would be great to make sure her skills were still sharp after all the time having to deal with wannabes. She glanced over at Athena, "Maybe we could make a 1v1v1? Up the difficulty a little bit."

@Bunty group

"I would love to," Nehemiah purred, the weight of the two chakrams on his hips seeming to get heavier. His fingers itched to grab them, to fight with all his might, but he unfortunately had to be patient. His eyes also flickered to Athena, his grin beneath his mask growing. "That would be a wonderful time." Not only taking on one, but two truly great fighters.