forum Welcome to the Playground (Cyberpunk RP OPEN 3/8) (Check it out, please?)
Started by @ShadeStar

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Welcome to the Playground, the most popular underground hide-out for people of all statuses, races, and professions. Whether you're here to explore the multitude of wares offered by our most definitely legal sellers or hook up with a special someone, oh, you're here for the league, aren't you? Well, you're just in luck, the first fight's about to start!

Can't decide if this is going to be steampunk or cyberpunk, so, uh, keep that in mind. But otherwise welcome! Your character is one of the fighters in the Playground, they're safe haven from the world. Whether they're here because their parents made them (rich or poor) or because they need the money, or maybe they just like the adrenaline rush, they have made friends with a few of the other fighters around. They don't know any of the other fighters outside of the playground (even though you see at least some of them on a daily basis (or maybe they do? Discuss with others!)).

If you can't tell already, this rp was literally made because I keep listening to LoL songs and thinking, this would make a cool concept. So just the songs are used as inspiration. Each character should be based on one of the songs, so please keep that in mind when you're making them! (I put the songs under the slots. If you want a specific song, request that slot. But! Please don't use a song someone else has already claimed) Also if you want to add other songs that's fine too! Some songs are first come first serve to use for character development (so we don't have a bunch of similar characters) btw.

-PG13, so you know, no smut (unless you take it to the DMs), gore and violence is to be expected
-Please submit a character within a day or two, otherwise, I will open the spot up. This is so I can start the rp in a timely manner, so ya know, it doesn't die.
-Please wait for me to okay you to join, and I can say no to you. Also, ask for a specific slot/song when you ask to join.
-I’m not asking for paragraphs, but a solid two sentences for each post would be nice.
-Don’t ‘quote’ a reply that was directly above you. Just respond.
-andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply

Slot 1:
Warriors 2WEI and Warriors Imagine Dragons (They're literally the same song, different vibes tho)

Slot 2: @PastelTart
Name: Stacy Williams
Fighter Alias: Athena
Song(s): Legends Never Die
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Bi
Shipping: Open if anyone's interested
Appearance: pic. Stacy stands at 5'8, with short and fluffy dark blue hair. She has tan skin, teal green eyes, and pointed ears, with white freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has a small scar under her right eye.
Fighter Appearance: pic. Her mask. The lights change colors, and the mask gives her voice a semi-autotuned effect. She also uses it as a motorcycle helmet.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Guns, various blades, technological weapons
Why are They at the Playground?: It started as a way to get her frustrations out, but she grew to love the adrenaline.

Slot 3: @Twoex
Name: Nehemiah (Pronounced Nee-heh-my-ah) Stone
Fighter Alias: Mr. Wilds
Song(s): RISE
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Shipping?: Sure, but I don't want to jump too fast into romance! Let them get to know each other first! (immediate attraction is okay though)
Appearance: Here's his character collage! He has dark brown chocolate eyes and black curly hair, cut to be short on the sides and back and untamed curly on the top. Nehemiah has beige skin and a lean athletic body type; he stands at about 6'1". This insides of his elbows are peppered with scars, both slashes and small dots. His hands are also quite decorated with scars, small cuts, and calluses. He tends to wear leather jackets like the one featured in his character collage or one like this.
Fighter Appearance: His helmet is a combination of this and this. The whole bottom half of the first image linked, so the bottom half of his face is covered by something resembling a gas mask with neon red and blue (rather than the green featured in the image) detailing, and the top half is taken from the second image linked- his eyes are covered by neon blue detailing that obscures his face but he can see clearly through. He has a voice mod to make his voice sound smooth. His fighter clothing consists of this marron top and these pants, although rather than white and black the pants are marron and black.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Chakram
Why are They at the Playground?: He originallay came for the money, but he stayed for the adrenaline rush

Slot 4:

Slot 5: @ShadeStar
Name: Ori Suke
Fighter Alias: Kuroki
Song(s): Burn It All Down and Run It
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her
Sexuality: Pan
Shipping?: Yee
Appearance: Pale skin; light bit of freckles you can only see in the sun; dark eyes that seem to shift between blue, black, and violet; always has a cocky look and bandaids on her face; messy black hair kept in a low pony; stands at about 5'4"; and typically wears her a bomber jacket.
Fighter Appearance: Uses a black oni mask with purple highlights, skin tight black suit with silver highlights, blue bomber jacket with shite fur and silver highlights, and thigh-high heeled silver boots.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Modified staff (uses energy crytals to produce electricity, water, ice, and what not)
Why are They at the Playground?: It's her main source of income and she enjoys it

Slot 6:

Slot 7:

Slot 8:

First Come First Serve:
The Baddest
I'll Show You
Drum Go Dum
The Call

The Group's Songs:
World's Collide

Fighter Alias:
Age: (High school to college range)
Appearance: (Pics or descriptions are good)
Fighter Appearance: (Same as above. Please have some type of mask/voice mod)
Preferred Weapons/Gear:
Why are They at the Playground?:
Personality: (Optional)
Backstory: (Optional)

@Bunty group

(Okay so he's not entirely finished, I just wanted to throw him in here. Has it been decided whether this is cyberpunk or steampunk? I figured I would wait to construct his fighter outfit until that's sorted)

Name: Nehemiah (Pronounced Nee-heh-my-ah) Stone
Fighter Alias: Mr. Wilds
Song(s): Rise
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Shipping?: Sure, but I don't want to jump too fast into romance! Let them get to know each other first! (immediate attraction is okay though)
Appearance: Here's his character collage! He has dark brown chocolate eyes and black curly hair, cut to be short on the sides and back and untamed curly on the top. Nehemiah has beige skin and a lean athletic body type; he stands at about 6'1". This insides of his elbows are peppered with scars, both slashes and small dots. His hands are also quite decorated with scars, small cuts, and calluses. He tends to wear leather jackets like the one featured in his character collage or one like this.
Fighter Appearance: His helmet is a combination of this and this. The whole bottom half of the first image linked, so the bottom half of his face is covered by something resembling a gas mask with neon red and blue (rather than the green featured in the image) detailing, and the top half is taken from the second image linked- his eyes are covered by neon blue detailing that obscures his face but he can see clearly through. He has a voice mod to make his voice sound smooth. His fighter clothing consists of this marron top and these pants, although rather than white and black the pants are marron and black.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Chakram
Why are They at the Playground?: He originally came for the money, but he stayed for the adrenaline rush

(Let me know if I should change anything?)


Name: Stacy Williams
Fighter Alias: Athena
Song(s): Legends Never Die
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Bi
Shipping: Open if anyone's interested
Appearance: pic. Stacy stands at 5'8, with short and fluffy dark blue hair. She has tan skin, teal green eyes, and pointed ears, with white freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has a small scar under her right eye.
Fighter Appearance: pic. Her mask. The lights change colors, and the mask gives her voice a semi-autotuned effect. She also uses it as a motorcycle helmet.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Guns, various blades, technological weapons
Why are They at the Playground?: It started as a way to get her frustrations out, but she grew to love the adrenaline.


Name: Ori Suke
Fighter Alias: Kuroki
Song(s): Burn it All Down and Run It
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her
Sexuality: Pan
Shipping?: Yee
Appearance: Pale skin; light bit of freckles you can only see in the sun; dark eyes that seem to shift between blue, black, and violet; always has a cocky look and bandaids on her face; messy black hair kept in a low pony; stands at about 5'4"; and typically wears her a bomber jacket.
Fighter Appearance: Uses a black oni mask with purple highlights, skin tight black suit with silver highlights, blue bomber jacket with shite fur and silver highlights, and thigh-high heeled silver boots.
Preferred Weapons/Gear: Modified staff (uses energy crytals to produce electricity, water, ice, and what not)
Why are They at the Playground?: It's her main source of income and she enjoys it

@Bunty group

(Updated Nehemiah's fighter outfit, sorry for all the links! I can add more descriptions if the links are too much of a hassle and it'd be better for me just to type it out?)


(Either is fine @Twoex. Enemy an extra song you can pick. The dedicated slot songs are underneath each slot. @imNOTdenki )