forum Superhero RP Anyone?
Started by @Noitanigami

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Name: Marya Neviks
Superhero Name: Just a civillian
Age: 18
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Power/Powers: Doesn't have any
Weakness: Has been trained to not have a weakness
Personality: Honor-bound, unforgiving, harsh, puts up walls to people who try to get close to her.
Origin Story: She's working under a villain, but is secretly just investigating them.


Marya walked on the beach, holding her locket close to her heart and closing her eyes.
To Marya, with love. She stopped and let the wind run through her hair. She ripped the locket from her neck and walked towards the water, ready to drop it in, but she couldn't.

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Isabella sipped her hot chocolate and wrinkled her nose as she smelled someone's overly sweet perfume. She sighed and stuck her nose over her mug to mask the fumes with the smell of hot chocolate, not perfectly hiding the smell, but made it more bearable.

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She remembered she was supposed to be with Becca, er, Firefly, tonight. she left without finishing her hot chocolate and ran into the doorway on her way out. She used the senses she had to maneuver around her environment. She changed to her superhero attire and met Firefly on the rooftop.

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"Sorry, I forgot!" she said to Be- Firefly, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"


The sea sparkled under the moonshine and Marya couldn't help but stop and look at it. Even with all of the scars and craters on the moon, it still shines like nothing's wrong.


Getting up from his seat, Erin strolled out of the shop. Making his way down town, walking fast, and avoiding any human contact, he quickly made his to the shore line. Even if he felt like a zombie, the ocean always made him feel better.


(I'm going to call Becca Firefly while she's in superhero mode.)
Firefly stepped away from the edge of the building. "We need to assemble a team. Just the two of us working together isn't really working. Having a team would help us cover more ground and save more people. Not to mention that we need a base. Texting you on my phone and working from my room is starting to be a problem because my sister is starting to get suspicious."

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(I'm gonna call Isabella as Hunter too)
Hunter nodded, "True, but how do we do that?"


Marya's phone buzzed. She looked down quickly, almost expecting it to be–no. It would never be Bakarne. Bakarne was dead. Just like the rest of them. It was just Klaus, the supervillain she was working under's supervisor.
When r u coming?
Marya frowned and texted back, Soon. She liked Klaus, he was nice. It was truly a shame he was working under such a bad person. Maybe when she completed her mission she could reconnect him with his family.


"I don't know. The team thing is going to be a challenge. But I have an idea for the base. We can use one of my dad's old factories. It's in the middle of the city, and no one goes into it. It'll be the perfect place. I want to start working on it right now, and I would like your help. Unless you have another commitment tonight, in which case I can get started on my own."

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"I have nothing going on tonight, so I can help. What's your idea?"


"Come on, I'll take you to the factory." With that she lept onto the neighboring rooftop, Beni sleeping in her sleeve, the size of a bumblebee.