forum Superhero RP Anyone?
Started by @Noitanigami

people_alt 18 followers

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(Can I still join?)
Name: Isabella Weschester
Superhero Name: The Hunter
Age: 18
Hair Color: Long and straight hair with a light brown to black ombre
Eye Color: Dark brown
Appearance: 5'6 and average weight, muscular, pale
Power/Powers: Heightened sences
Weakness: part of her power is her weakness and she is blind
Personality: Usually really courageous, wants to help everyone as best as she can, tries to do everything, is hard on herself
Origin Story: She never knew her real family and was adopted. She was born with her powers and they kept growing until she turned 18.
Other: Her superhero suit is a camouflage skin tight full body suit. She wears boots and gloves and has knives for her weapons (both melee and some for throwing at long range).


Name: Rebecca amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) Tulia (everyone calls her Becca though)(Superhero name is Firefly)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark magenta hair in small and kind of messy curls that goes to about her ribcage, dark oak brown eyes, olive skin, 5'5, slim and fit. (She's Cherokee)
Is Wearing: Light jean shorts, a tan colored shirt(kind of looks like sheepskin or velvet) that says, "Hope is a powerful weapon."on it. Moccasin ankle boots, and a wreath of flowers on her head.
Personality: Kind, quiet, shy, friendly, optimistic, knows more than she let's on.
Powers: She's has telekinesis, can talk to animals, and brown eagle-wings that she can absorb into her back. and she's an Empath(she can feel others' emotions and sometimes inflict emotions)
Family: Her grandfather, her turquoise dragon Beni(who can grow and shrink), and her little sister Ava.
Extra: I'll let us figure that out as we go
Weakness: Fire. She's terrified of it. And she hates gangs with a seething passion, not only because they're bad, but because her parents were killed by a gang.


(a large city by the ocean at night?)

(I like tat. Do we maybe have some superheroes know each other but not everyone??)

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(Why not? Natasha, is it ok if our characters know each other?)

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(Why not? Natasha, is it ok if our characters know each other?)

(Of course!!)

(Cool! Thanks!)


( I guess I'll start )
Emori tripped and sprawled into the sand, laughing. The moon was big and bright tonight, casting a beautiful glow on the ocean.


Sitting next to the front window of the coffee shop, Erin watched with tired eyes as the car flashed by. ‘What a uneventful day,’ he thought blankly.