forum so... my first rp. mur- fun!
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Deleted user

Kreth whirls and grins at the human that has stumbled across them.

"Hello, human! My name is Kreth, and this here is Goldergon. Please, join us. Stay awhile." he says, walking over and wrapping an arm around Ren's shoulders.

Deleted user

Ren shivered as a cold feeling rippled through his body, his albatross wings fluttering at the feel of the creature's icy skin.
He nodded slightly, afraid that if he did not comply, the fate of the other human's might be his own.

Deleted user

Kreth nods, and they start into the manor house. The gleaming marble is flawless, streaked with reds, golds, and pinks. Tapestries hang from the walls, depicting scenes of great beauty. In Kreth's eyes, at least. In reality, they show scenes of grisly murders and screaming figures, shapes unfathomable by mere mortals.

"How did you get here, Ren?" he asks, leading Ren to the dining room.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

(this is Yenaliis's true self. her other person is modified)

Yenaliis watched, knowing that she was only hidden from the human, she did't care though, if he wanted to see her then he would. After a while, she got bored of just watching and shifted into a visible state. She walked to the front door and nocked. "Hello? Any one home? I'm here to grace you with my presents." Yenaliis opened the door and followed the sound of voices towards some part of the house. But on the way she got distracted be some beautiful tapestries that adorned the walls.

Deleted user

Kreth hears the door pen and chuckles. Well, hello, Yenaliis. he says, mind to mind. What are you doing in my house?

@DancingWithMyDemons business

I got bored, and I haven't seen you in a while. She replied, turning her attention away from the tapestry. Where are you? I want to meet your friend. Yenaliis started to wander again, she'd been her before, or attest some place like it, and it wasn't very hard to navigate.

Deleted user

Yeah, I know. Kreth sighs, and Yenaliis appears in the dining room.

"Sit. Have some human." he says, holding out some of the muscle he'd taken from the human earlier. He gestures to Goldergon. "This is Goldergon."

He gestures to the human. "That is Lukas."

Deleted user

(Ima change my character to my beloved Lukas. The only difference is that has hummingbird wings instead)

Lukas shivered, watching as yet another being appeared. He gagged at the sight of searing flesh, the torn remains of human

Deleted user


Kreth snickers at Lukas's reaction. "Don't worry, you don't have to eat it. But eventually, you will, because you will get no food."

He snaps his fingers, and Lukas disappears. Shortly after, metal grating against metal can be heard. Kreth's face remains as passive and pleasant as it can look throughout all of this.

Deleted user

Lukas screams from wherever he is, pounding on whatever holds him captive as he begs for mercy

Deleted user

Kreth listens to this, amused. The things holding Lukas only tighten their grip.

"So, with that issue resolved, let's get down to business." he says, leaning forward. "Why are you here, Yaneliis? You only ever talk to me when you need something. At least, after what happened."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Not true." she said as she took the seat next to Kreth. "What about when I visited you two months ago? I didn't ask for anything then." Yenaliis stated sweetly, resting her head in her hands. "I just miss you is all."

Deleted user

Kreth sighs. "Do you? You vanished without a trace after that. If you really missed me, you would have stuck around."

But he senses the truth of her words, and internally groans. I'll regret this later… he thinks, leaning forward.

"But your company I can stand. And I like you better than I like most others, with the other person I'll like being around being Goldergon here." he murmurs, lifting Yaneliis's head with a single long finger.

Deleted user

Edgar has strides into the room, not bothering to use the door as he regally bows to both beings. “Why, hello dear friends! I sensed a deep and powerful energy source and just had to investigate.” He casually sniffs the air for a moment. There is a human here!

Deleted user

(Tell me if I can’t do anything I’m still very very confused)

Deleted user

(You can do plenty, most of it has to do with pain. However, Lukas is still alive. He's been released by whatever was holding him, and there is very little light in the room. Shortly, Kreth will be making his way to Lukas. You'll have a chance to do something there.)

Kreth whirls. "Who… ah, Edgar. I see you have made yourself welcome." he says drily, getting up and striding over to the man.

"I think you may have gotten shorter since I last saw you, old friend." he snarks. He's also keeping an eye on Yaneliis, to keep her from doing anything she shouldn't.

Deleted user

Edgar bows, definitely shorter than the other being. “Why yes, thank you for noticing! My power is dwindling and I suppose I needed a bit of a break from the torment I have been enduring.” He nods slightly to Yenallis. “Why hello, young lady.”

Deleted user

Kreth notes the sarcasm. "I assume you've smelled the human by now?"

His face lights up at the thought of the human. "Would you like to go investigate it?"

Deleted user

Edgar smiles deviously, thin lips giving way to sharp, black teeth. “Why yes, I have! I would love to.”

Lukas is huddling in the corner, breathing heavily with fear as his heart pounds against the walls of his chest, begging for escape. “P-please… I don’t know how I got here. J-just please don’t hurt me”

Deleted user

Kreth walks over to a solid marble wall and taps it once, lightly. Immediately it disappears. There is a black granite staircase leading down, which Kreth immediately descends.

"The human is named Lukas. He will not get any food or light. Or, the food he does get will be barely enough to keep him alive. And slowly, we will wear him away! First, however, let's make him think he's safe." he says as he goes down, clapping once. Light fills each room, revealing a beautiful interior of opal and moonstone walls, with ebony flooring. Lukas is in the nicest of these rooms.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Yenaliis followed them to wall. She was quite were on what was behind it, she had found her self stuck back there, on more than one occasion. "This is why I love you," she told Kreth affectionately as she draped her arms around his neck and stood to the side of him. "You have such talent in the art of torture."

Deleted user

Kreth grins. "Love you too."

He opens the door to Lukas's room.

"Hey, Lukas! Sorry about that. Just a precaution, you know?" he says, grinning.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(It seems I fell behind, lol)

“The First. How fascinating. I am among the first few generations of my race, the Vanishers, to be ‘born’ here, in this pitiful excuse of a multiverse. I still remember, quite vividly, what my first act was once ‘born’. Oh, such fun it is, ripping apart your own parent,”Goldergon cooed.

He then grinned.

“No need to show me. I have experimented with the Art of Death since my creation, and that was ages upon ages ago… or was that yesterday? Eh, whatever, time is a meaningless thing anyway,”he casually rambled.

Goldergon looked at the offered meat and snorted in amusement.

“I require no sustenance, but I always enjoy a good snack,”he said, taking and eating the meat. He then watched the forest fade, blinking.

“So, that’s why we appeared underwater. Always the damned illusions. I was hiding over by the door while you were working,”Goldergon commented.

At the smell of another, Goldergon whirled around, his fingernails instantly becoming needle-sharp claws. He calmed though when Kreth grabbed the man, and followed the pair inside, admiring the artwork. He was especially fond of some of the incomprehensible shapes the victims made.

At Yenaliis’ entrance, and the introductions, Goldergon bowed deeply, then gave Yenaliis his iconic wicked grin, his dull red teeth shiny with blood. His clawed fingers tapped once again.

He only seemed to really notice Lukas when Kreth made him disappear. Goldergon smiled at the sound of Lukas’ distant screams.

He watched from the side as Kreth and Yenaliis spoke, seeming perfectly content to stand, hovering nearby like a hungry hawk searching for prey. He didn’t move whatsoever when Edgar showed up, his golden eyes intense with morbid curiosity.

When the others headed to look for Lukas, Goldergon followed. Though, he seemed disappointed by the fact that Lukas remained alive. Goldergon had always favored quick, painful deaths that rarely ever lasted a day. Long-term torture just bored him, and he hated being bored.

After a few moments to look around, Goldergon abruptly vanished from sight. He reappeared back in the dining room, having teleported, and started roaming the manor. Lukas would never feel safe if Goldergon was near, and that was what he liked. However, it seemed that Kreth had other plans.

Deleted user

Edgar rolled his eyes in slight jealousy

Lukas's eyes darted around as he stumbled backward, falling onto his wings. "I don't believe you!" He said through glassy eyes, still taking short, shallow breaths