forum My Hero Academia RP [I think we have room for like 1 more person...]
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"No other questions?" Ima smiled, "Grand now I'm going to run before the teachers can catch me for telling you shit I wasn't supposed to tell you."
She left the stand screaming, "TRY AND CATCH ME SUCKERS! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Deleted user

Tsuchiya ran out as quickly as she could, glad she had sat down in the back, and ran up to someone who looked like they were an authority, "Excuse me, sir, where can I turn in these papers?" she held up the forms and the man looked over them and pointed down a hall, "Thank you!" Tsuchiya bolted down the hallway and handed them in. She sighed in relief and ran back to see if she could find Sasaki. She scanned the crowd and ran up to him as soon as she found him, "Sasaki! I found you!" she smiled, "I can bring these in now," she said and showed him the containers she had brought with her.


Ima continued to run until she was back to the observation room. She was out of breath and sat down in one of the chairs, "Now let's see what they can do."
All of her attention was focused on the screens.


Tasper milled out of the auditorium, following the group into the mock city they were going to take their exam in. He wished he'd filled out paperwork to bring something in with him. Too late now. Taking a steadying breath, he prepared himself.

Deleted user

"So, are you ready Sasaki?" Tsuchiya asked, "Also, do you want to work as a team? We could get more points if we worked as a team, especially if there are rescue points involved like that girl said."


Hey, is this RP closed? If not i'll post my character info here:

Name: Yume Kurieita

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Quirk: Vivid Dream Manifestation:

Yume can fall asleep and experience vivid dreams that he can Manipulate and manifest into reality. What he makes is dependant on what he wants. these manifestations will do what Yume tells them to do at will.He can even poses them.

Looks: Purple/blue dyed hair with brown eyes and a rather frail body, though he is able to take some hits

Personality: Happy and joyous to pretty much everyone and will defend the weak. He tries his best to make everyone happy and rarely gets angry. His feelings at the time of using his quirk will affect the outcome.

Backstory: Yume lived in the more crime-ridden areas of japan and lived a very hard life. His mother passed away when Yume was 12 and had dealt with alot of bullying in his time. He used to have constant nightmares that would grow more powerful and sinister as he grew. His father finally scrapped up enough money to move into the center of Musutafu and to send Yume off to U.A. He is bullied by some students about his life before coming to U.A

More quirk info:

Yume can only use his quirk when asleep, leaving his body open. To restrain his quirk use, you must constantly keep him awake or wake him up before he can fully create something.

Quirk works better the drowsier he is. That's why he caries a small sack of melatonin pills with him incase he can't fall asleep

If creating a pro hero or villan (Ex. All Might, Nomu, Stain) their quirk will be two times weaker than the real one.

Most heroes with psychological or physical quirks (Ex. Present Mic,Koda, Hitoshi Shinso) have the upperhand in a fight with Yume to wake him up or use his manifestations.

Nightmares are harder to keep under control but are twice as strong as dreams

Yume is normally happy and energetic, but at school he becomes even more cheerful and bubbly. He isn't just doing this to make friends, though. He is constantly bullied by some students and has to put on a firendly facade to stay alive. Yume's life before entering U.A was, as I stated, pretty rough. His emotions and feelings can effect his quirk heavily. An increase of nightmares can eventually end up in a coma from emotional stress more than physical injury. During a coma, Yume will have little control over the manifestations created , which will be 10 times more powerful than average. Comas will last 2-3 months on average and can be devastating for his performance in school. Luckily, he as never had a coma.

His dream world comes in 3 basic appearances that can differ dpending on the scenario:

Dream- Usually a beach or a hillside. Can differ.

Nightmare: Usually a dark forest or cave. Can differ.

Coma An intricate maze based of his life experiences or sometimes just pure darkness. Both are hard to escape from.

Like Midoriya, Yume Makes an intricate log on every hero he meets. The reason why is because he is trying to, in a sense, recreate them. So when using his quirk, He can create an almost identical hero to someone, including attack style, posture, tone of voice, and choice of words. This notetaking, Yume thinks, will be very helpful for his future in U.A and afterwards.

Snores alot in his sleep, so stealthy opperations are difficult.

Can manifest anything. That includes fictional characters

Thanks to anyone who sees this! Hope i'm accepted!

Deleted user

(Never heard of Hero Acedamia but this sounds cool. May I join?)

Deleted user

(Oh no! Well, how about when the others are on, you can start the countdown for the entrance exam?)

Deleted user

(So… how's the weather where you are? *swats * (internal voice: *Why do I try to socialize when I'm this bad at it?!))

Deleted user

(Really? Same here. It's a blizzard. I mean… i-it's not like I wanted spring… or anything… (internal voice: What are you doing? This is stupid. I can't socialize!!!!)

Deleted user

(I mean, I love snow too, just not when it's supposed to be warm out… (Internally screams louder))

Deleted user

(*potato rolls into view of @ShadeStar and says * Sorry, if I human for too long I go back to potato)