forum My Hero Academia RP [I think we have room for like 1 more person...]
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(Yeah, I was telling the others who aren't in that RP so they can see when they get on)

@Painted-Iris group

Lata took a deep breath, prepared to run as fast as possible. The only way her quirk would help her in these exercises would be if she distracted the others, making them lose points. She didn't want expulsion, but she wasn't ever going to cheat to avoid it. Kura's voice snapped Lata out of her thoughts. The girl had wished her luck.
"Ah, good luck to you too."
Then she heard Aizawa-Sensei tell them to start, and sprinted as fast as she could.


(Hey erm- what's Lata's time?)
Sasaki walked to the starting line, thinking about what he could do. He was fast, but his stamina was terrible. He stared at the finish line, heart pounding. This isn't a game. It's not a race. It's a ladder, with a limited amount of footholds, and he had to get one. He imagined his Nan's face, how much she cried with happiness. A small smile grew across his face. Sasaki straightened his tail, pushing his body near to the ground as he knelt in a running pose. His heart began to settle, his quirk kicking in. "Go!"
He pounced forward, leaping with every step while keeping close to the ground. Move-move-move-move, he thought with every step. Finish.
7 seconds. For him, it was great, but compared to the other scores he felt slightly defeated. He took a deep breath and forced a smile, trying to wave it off a bit. He saw Kura and gently waved.

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Tsuchiya smiled and waved back. She held up two thumbs and mouthed, "Good job!" at Sasaki.

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( look, if we could reboot this, I’m on every day!”