forum My Hero Academia RP [I think we have room for like 1 more person...]
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(You know how All Might is in the acceptance letter in the anime? Who should we have tell them they were accepted?)

Deleted user

(Probably a teacher, but who? Mr. Aizawa maybe? Or someone else?)

Deleted user

Tsuchiya excitedly grabbed the letter from U.A. as soon as it came. She dashed into her bedroom and cracked open the door to yell, "You gotta be surprised!" in response to her dad's protests. She opened the letter and a small disc dropped onto her desk. It projected a holographic image of what looked like a dull yellow caterpillar with a man's face. He looked like he was a zombie, "Uhh… so… you're accepted into U.A…. uhhhh…. here are the results…" a screen popped up, showing the scores of the students who got into the top 10. She saw her name in the 8th spot with 50 villain points and 16 rescue points. Tsuchiya smiled, she was accepted into U.A High School! She was about to leave, but realized the caterpillar-man wasn't done talking, "So, uhhh… good job… and don't be late to school tomorrow. So…. yeah. Can I pet the cats now?" the holograph ended.
She rushed out of her room and yelled, "I made it! I'm accepted! School starts tomorrow!"


Ima was looking through the name of her future classmates, on it she saw both Kura and Sasaki. She smiled to herself, knowing she would know people. If Aizawa didn't kick them both out the first day.


"I'm in the top three." Tasper kept his voice subdued, even though he was turning cartwheels in his mind. He couldn't believe it! He'd made it. His mother just nodded coolly. "Be careful," she replied, her eyes fixed on him, "and don't be stupid." He nodded right back at her, determined to make her proud.

@Painted-Iris group

Lata stared at her screen in awe. "I MADE IT! AHHHHHH!" she exclaimed.
Looking at it again, she noticed her placement. Fourth.
"Not bad, Aylen, not bad," she murmured to herself.


Sasaki's Nannan raced into his bedroom, "I DIDN'T OPEN IT!" she screamed throwing the letter on his covers as if it was some sort of hot potato. "Okay, haha?" He sleepily laughed. She rocked slightly, unsure of whether to stay in the room or wait outside. "Come on then, sit on the bed." He giggled, sitting up as his Nannan half jumped onto the bed, excitedly tapping her knees.
Sasaki opened the letter, a small disc falling the the bed. A hologram screen instantly appeared as it touched the covers, "You have been accepted into UA ACADAMY! YAH!" A very loud man screeched, "You are now a student, A HERO IN TRAINING! CONGRATS! Oh my god is that cake-" the voice suddenly cut off as a screen appeared showing the scores. Kura passed! He smiled happily. He got 10th, barely made it into the course. Sasaki suddenly noticed the shaking of the bed as he slowly turned to his Nannan. Her face was blotchy and tight as she tried to hold in the tears hanging heavy in her eyes. "Sasaki…" She mumbled. She suddenly threw herself at him, grabbing his body and hugging it slightly too tight, "MY GRANDSON IS AMAZING!" She screamed, rocking him violently. "Nannan! I'm not gonna be alive to go to UA if you keep squeezing!" He yelled, trying to break free.


(I'm in an exam right now, and I swear, never in my life have I been more lost as to what the hell I am doing)

@Painted-Iris group

Lata walked up to the school, nearly exploding with excitement. She would get her chance to be the hero she'd always dreamed of being. And she got in class 1-A for that matter! Top class!