forum Join My Random RP (ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

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Alex also heard someone shout and they scared her so much she jumped and turned back into a human. Alex thought quickly as she managed to land on her feet. The girl that was humming seemed to be looking around, probably for the source. Alex froze and tried to remain as still as possible so the girl wouldn't notice her.

@Burn_With_Me group

(Did I forget to mention that he's Scottish?)

David winced, and ducked lower into the bush, but he knew she had heard him. Please keep walking, please keep walking, he prayed. He peeked through the branches. She was looking around, probably wondering who had yelled the name of the film. I am the stupidest idiot ever.

Had his breathing always been this loud? He wished it wasn't. The leaves of the bush seemed to rustle and rattle at the smallest movement. He adjusted his footing. Snap, went a stick under his knee.

Dammit. He tried not moving. If he could just get his foot out… almost…

He lost his balance and came tumbling out of the bush and onto the sidewalk. His head thumped against the concrete, and he found himself staring up at the girl with the bubblegum hair. He tried for a smile and tried to come up with a believable excuse. "Hi. I was just… ehm…" His mouth tried to form a sentence. "Ehm… trimming… watching… uhm… the bush was trimming—I was trimming—watching—the watch—the bush! No, sorry, I wasn't—damn."


Gavin hopped off his bike and leaned it against the side of the brick building. He sat down on a bench nearby and took out his camera. Every day he would go around town and take pictures of random things he found. Today, a group of people that looked a little older than him were standing around. Well, one was lying on the ground.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

A man with brown hair fell in front of Cherri and started babbling off excuses while she just watched him in amusement. She laughed and stuck her hand out, offering to help him up.

"It's okay, really," she assured him with a smile.

@Burn_With_Me group

David's stream of excuses stop short as he stared at the extended hand and blinked, feeling like more of an idiot than ever. He felt somewhat relieved that she'd just laughed at his rambling instead of interrogating him. "Oh." He awkwardly took the hand and hauled himself up. She was close. A little too close.

David, for lack of anything to do, ran his hands through his hair to comb out the leaves, smiling weakly. There was a silence. David again felt the need to explain himself—and thank her. "I need—er—I mean, thanks, I was just—I mean, what I was… something… I was doing the bush… trimming… yeah… ehm." He sniffed again. This time, his face wrinkled in confusion. Smoke?

"Can you smell that?" he asked. "Something's burning."


Zadkiel rode on… From the corner of his eye, he saw smoke rising above the buildings… That, smell from earlier, it was the smell of a crack between Hell and Earth… He parked his bike… He needed to get there fast, and a bike wouldn't do. He took off, tearing down the sidewalk, and in a dark blur, he emerged from a crowd, in full demon form. He took to the air, above all of the buildings…
"Definitely demons." He darted to the scene , an arc of darkness in the azure sky…


Alex looked to the sky and saw smoke coming from somewhere in the city. Her body began to change again, she recognized the form. Oh no no nononono. Her body transformed into a demon and she flew towards the smoke.


Zadkiel noticed another demon reaching the scene, that had emerged from somewhere else… He slammed into it from nowhere, and they crashed into a building, rolling on the roof until he pinned it, with his razored teeth on it's throat.
"Where did you bastards come from!?!" He said


Gavin saw a large crowd around a burning building. He grinned, hopping on his bike and riding to the scene. "Woah…" He took a few pictures of the fire, before spotting two flying demon-ish figures. Gavin snapped a picture of them.


"And where are you from!!!?" Zadkiel said. He didn't want to be to hard on this one, demons usually didn't carry such a tone of voice, even if afraid. He softened the grip he had on it's throat and invaded it's mind… No images of Hell… He loosed his grip, and offered a hand to this one.
"You're not a real demon then, eh? Sorry about that…"


"Oh, thank god," Alex grabbed the other demons hand, "No, I'm not. I'm a shifter. Except I can't really control my abilities."


Gavin sighed, lowering his camera as the demon-ish figures disappeared on top of the roof. "Shoot."


"Interesting…" Zadkiel said, taking flight again. He witnessed a demon, with six, spiderlike legs, and a face that parodied a human's, chase a woman… Swooping down, he rolled, avoiding having his wings twisted, and charged it, implying it with his large wing, before it could reach him, it tried to spit acid at him, but it just gurgled and collapsed in a heap, dead…


Gavin took out his camera again, taking pictures of the winged demon person that was fighting a strange demon. This is so cool….


Alex saw what the other demon was doing, and went after a different one that had just appeared. Just because she couldn't control her shifting abilities didn't mean she couldn't control her different forms.


Within seconds, Zadkiel stood in a mess of demon fluids, he impaled another one with his tail, and pulled it out in such a way that it did damage coming out too… He reverted back to human form…
"I see how you idiots got through… You were just small, and just insignificant enough to crawl between the dimensions." He paused . "So you're not worth the effort!" One more demon charged him, he twisted around it's blows, and went for a karate chop, splitting it in half…
'You fodder punks dare show up in the presence of a Hellprince, yeah? "


Gavin switched to video instead. This should get more…


Alex didn't believe what she just heard, Hellprince? No way. She continued fighting off whatever she could determined to protect the city.