forum Join My Random RP (ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

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@Desvelarse pets

Veda’s eyes flicked up at the sound of the main doors bell, and she watched the man pour the alcohol onto his coffee. She resisted the growing urge to snicker, and shifted her gaze to the street, reminding herself that it what strangers did wasn’t her buisness.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Okaaay… That was weird… Cherri mused to herself after the guy in front of her left.
Stepping forward she ordered her drink, an iced strawberry latte with extra whip. When it was finished, she decided to go back outside, rather than sit in the stuffy room. Taking a sip of her drink, she searched for an open table, finally spotting one a few tables away from the door. She sat down and took out her phone, looking at Pinterest as she sipped her latte.

@Desvelarse pets

Veda heard the chuckle and shifted her gaze to the man skeptically, her eyes narrowed at his back. “Must be a dim one,” she commented to herself, crossing one leg over the other. She sat up on the bench, tilting the cup up as she finished her coffee quickly.

@Desvelarse pets

Veda shook her head slowly and tossed the cup into the trash. She began walking down the sidewalk to her apartment, only being a few blocks away. As she walked, she counted up the tips that she was given, huffing in an annoyed manner. She stuffed the bills into the pocket of her jeans and continued the short walk.


Gavin kicked his leg over his bicycle, preparing himself for the light to turn green. The digital device on the other side of the street counted down. 5….4….3….2…1… He pushed off the curb and began peddling, trying to make it across the street as fast as he could. He counted the seconds it took him to get across. 1…2…3…4..ha! That's a new record!


Gavin shook his head, cursing under his breath. I have got to stop doing that… He rode down the street, unsure exactly where he was going.

@Desvelarse pets

Veda walked up to the complex, relieved to only live on the first floor. She walked up to her door, fumbling with the keys and her bag. She unlocked the door, pushing it open with her hips and stepping inside.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

When she had run out of love songs to hum, Cherri started humming the soundtrack for The Greatest Showman. She was almost home, just a couple of blocks away, now.

@Burn_With_Me group

David was hiding in a bush. This was normal for him. He just couldn't risk being seen by… her. Ugh, that vixen! She kept following him. Why? I am attractive, he admitted to himself, managing to smile vainly even as he sat in the prickly lilac bush. Then he caught a glimpse of bubblegum-pink hair and ducked.

Was it her?

He peeked through the leaves even as the branches scratched and poked his skin. She was facing him—he breathed a sigh of relief. Not the same person. She was walking past, humming a tune that David found familiar, but what it was from escaped him at the moment.

David heard a few more bars and—

"The Greatest Showman!" David clapped a hand over his mouth. Whoops.


Alex was wandering around the city, as a little black cat. Slightly annoying yet, but better this than a demon. She heard a girl humming something. The sound was soothing so the little black cat followed her.


Gavin turned his bike and began riding down an unfamiliar street.

@Desvelarse pets

Veda stroked her grey cat upon entering her apartment. She changed out of the rest of her work clothes before heading back out to her car with a grocery list. She soon pulled her car up to the parking lot of a grocery store. When she got out, there was an odd smell in the air. She shook off the uneasy feeling, telling herself that someone was most likely just burning something as she walked across the lot.