forum “ it's the bosses ally “ -gay mafia rp -
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Suninodded as he too shifted and trotted off towards the hunt pile, taking a rabbit for kyro and a squirrel for himself. He muffled greetings to passing by kitsune, glad to see everyone in a good mood before returning back to kyro. He set down the prey and watched a the wolf moved about. He smiled to himself before barking to call kyro over and began to eat.

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kyro sat an ate his rabbit, continuing to curl up to suni as a thank you gift. he lved every bit of being this close to the fox.


Suni snickered softly as he gently nuzzled the wolf. He sniffed at the wounds, wrinkling his nose at the medicinal scent of whatever Sasha had given kyro the day before. He ate the squirrel peacefully as he scanned the area, seeing most kitaune resting or eating their fill of pray.

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kyro rested his head on the ground, nipping playfully at suni. he looked around as well, but for different reasons


Suni yipped and playfully swatted at Kyro as he nipped at him. He shifted and ruffled Kyro's head. "I bring you breakfast and you repay me like this?" He teased, scratching Kyro behind the ears. He frowned at seeing the clipped ears and scars scattering Kyro's body. "What happened?" He asked softly, trying the scars with a light hand.

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kyro whined a bit at the question, tucking his head as he shifted back " a wolf pack is a lot different then your pack. "


Suni dropped his hand to his lap as kyro explained the scars. He glanced away and sucked in a breath. "It's not like this in every kitsune clan. I've been to some pretty abusive ones unfortunately."

Deleted user

" im sorry.." he said softly. kyro nuzzled suni, pulling the small fox into his lap. he wrapped his arms around the other and kept him close " you got any scars?" he joked


He breathed in a deep breath "they'll be handled with sooner or later. I only ask once I become a nine-tale, I'll be the one they face." He growled softly, yelping in surprise when he was picked back up. "You shouldn't be able to do that easily." He muttered, leaning into Kyro's embrace instead of trying to get away. "I do, just one though." He murmured, tugging at his shirt collar to expose part of a thin scar starting his collarbone. "This is what I get for picking fights with other clans."

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kyro nodded, tracing it lighty "seems pretty deep.." he said softly


Suno shook his head. "Only towards the top. I'd managed to get away before the other kitsune could do more damage. If it weren't for Sasha I'm sure i'd be with the rest of our ancestors by now." He winced when Kyro touched the scar but didn't move away. "Nothing compared to what you've been through, though."

Deleted user

" ive.. ive gotten through it, most of them are pretty numb still." he said and nuzzled suni payfully as he tried to change the subject.


Suni rested his head against Kyro's shoulder. "No more scars will be added while you're here." He promised, determination in his eyes. He laughed softly at the nuzzling and petted Kyro's head. "Not such a big bad wolf anymore huh?" He teased, brushing aside Kyro's hair. "Where all the snapping and growling and fighting we all saw before?" He snickered softly and pressed a gentle kiss to Kyro's brow.

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kyro chuckled " the big bad wolf only shows fangs to little red when she threatened him." he teased.


Suni rolled his eyes, "oh please, we all know the effort was the first to provoke little red. All the poor girl was doing was minding her own business." He retorted playfully. "just a big softy then." He concluded, booping kyro's nose


Suni blushed but didn't hide it, the comment only making him smile more. "That must be a new thing, considering it looked like you wanted to rip me to shreds when we first met." He recalled, nudging kyro's head affectionately. "But I am glad to see your perspective on us humble kitsune has changed."

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"it has, thanks to you." he mumbled. kyro had his own soft blush across his cheeks. " your beautiful you know? your red fur especially."


Suni ducked his head in embarrassment. He mumbled a 'thank you' unsure how else to respond. He wasn't used to compliments coming from outsiders. Usually he was called all the typical names associated with fixes and kitsune. He was used to it by now.

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Kyro smiled " now your cute and beautiful," he said softly. He pet suni softly and laid a soft kiss to his forehead


Suni whined softly, not wanting to admit to anyone, let alone Kyro, just how much he wanted this kind of affection. He closed his eyes and leaned into the petting, his four tails wagging behind him. "You are too, ya know."

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" suni, i know you put your clan first but.. ive really grown attached to you.. and nowing know im like you.. i know i can stay with you forever, so if you chose.." he mumbed


Suni's expression softened and pressed a gentle hand to Kyro's cheek. "Dear, if it were up to me, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Not just because I like you but I see how my clan has warmed up to you and truly have welcomed you. Sure there are a few who are skeptical but this is new for all of us. I can't expect them to have the same reaction." He huffed a sigh "unfortunately I don't make those kinds of decisions. It's up to my sister whether you are allowed to stay or not."

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kyro nodded, intertwining their fingers. " i will try to be my best. " he said and snuggled suni. he wanted to stay tangled with the small fox as long as possible. " if i can stay, i wanna go on a hunt with you, being a wolf can bring back bigger prey and feed the clan longer."


Suni shook his head and gently squeezed their hands together. "You don't have to do a single thing. Just be yourself." He perked up at the mention of hunting together and nodded "yeah, I'd like that. It'll become usefully in the winter when we can't hunt as much."