forum “ it's the bosses ally “ -gay mafia rp -
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Suni trilled softly in appreciation, nudging back and licking Kyro's cheek. He sighed softly, debating whether it's be worth going to see his sister or stay. After a few minutes of mental debate, he decided that'd it'd be best if he stayed with his clan. He didn't want any other foxes like Karloi dropping by unexpectedly and harassing his clan, much less Kyro.

Deleted user

kyro nudged suni to come back, trotting a few steps before looking back at the other an tilting his head


Sunil watched kyro for a moment, amusement flickering his eyes before he stood, shook himself off, and following the wolf back toward the clan. He shifted to normal, a laugh bubbling up as the pups joined them, bouncing about energetically

Deleted user

kyro went back to playing around and letting the cubs chase him. if it wasnt obvious before, it was clear that kyro was a natural omega before he took the alpha spot


Suni watched with a small smile as the pups tussled clamored over Kyro. He glanced down as two pups nipped at his ankles and gave a playful growl, dropping down to their height and gently swatting and nudging them.

Deleted user

kyro bolted past suni, the pups at his heels. he seemed to be having quite the fun. it wasn't long before kyro grew tired and flopped down beside his tree. he was panting, letting the few fox pups tug at his tail and gently nip at them.


Suni followed after with his load of pups, one managing to get a piggy-back ride, two in suni's arm and then two more at his heals. He carefully sat beside Kyro, carefully disentangling himself from three of pups. "They're a handful, aren't they?" He teased, gently ruffling kyro's head

Deleted user

kyro gave a soft groan and put his head in sunis lap. he notices as all the pups curled up around him and started to settle down. his tail wagged gently


"are you alright?" He asked softly as he ran his fingers through Kyro's fur. "I'm sorry about Karloi, he usually doesnt come around a lot." He apologized, glancing around the clan. He'd stay up tonight with a few others, hunting and training a few of the older foxes since he had indulges today and slept in. "You didn't hurt your arm lunging at him like that?" He asked, finding the wound and checking for irritation or blood

Deleted user

kyro gave a sigh, trying his best not to nip at the other as he touched his shoulder. he gave a whine and tucked his face into sunis jacket. the wound itself was still raw, though it was healing slowly. it my have been from his moving around so often but kyro wasn't the wolf to sit around all day unless the fox worked his magic and got him to sit still.


Suni glanced over and gently dropped a kiss to Kyro's head. "So you can take down Karloi and you can fight the pups bit if i touch, suddenly you're sensitive?" Suni teased, lightening his touch. "I'll have Sasha come over again to make sure it's alright." He reassured, leaving the wound alone for now.

Deleted user

kyro huffed. shifting back and sitting up" when i jump or lundge i baby the wound and the cubs know better then to mess with it after a sniped a few. you and sasha put pressure on it" he explained and nuzzled into the crook of sunis neck. " i.. im sorry for asking this.. but ive got to get it out.. is what that dumb fox said true?… i know its stupid but im that stupid to let it get under my skin.."


Suni teasingly rolled his eyes "I'm sorry, dear. neither I or Sasha mean to hurt you." He nuzzled back and pressed a kiss to Kyro's temple. "What is true? Karloi said a lot." He murmured, shaking his head. "You're not stupid."

Deleted user

kyro held his tongue for a minute " was the only reason you get so close to me is jut to protect your clan?" he asked softly and curled up a bit " that comment is burning at my mind" he said


Suni flicked and glanced away, unable to meet Kyro's gaze. "At first, yes. It was." He admitted softly. "I had no reason to take you in other than that. Your clan was going to attack us, all for a file I stole that had nothing in it. If it were me, I'd be fine with that but It wasn't worth putting my entire clan at risk. If I could get any help, even from an enemy's member then I was going to take it." He explained, voice desperate for understanding. "But then when you risked your life for me and I are you just lying there bleeding out, I didn't see you as another dog out for my clan. I saw you as one of my own, hurt. There was no way I was going to leave you."

Deleted user

kyros eyes teared up a bit. he hugged suni, squeezing a bit " an now? with this?" he asked and sipped his hand into sunis. " what even is this.." kyro asked, almost scared for the answer


Suni gently brushed a hand along Kyro's cheek. "I-i don't know. I want it to be something more than just a need to keep my Kitsune safe…but right now, that's my priority Kyro. I need them safe, away from harm. They're my responsibility. I love them." He paused, chest aching "but I want to love you too." He lifted their intertwined hands "I want this to be real. Solely for us. I don't care if anyone outside of this clan thinks otherwise."

Deleted user

kyro sighed, putting his forehead on sunis. " lets get them home tomorrow, ill watch the pups as we walk." he said softly " and suni.. i love you too." he said softly and gave a soft smile, " i will be there, to help lift you up, and catch you when you fall. i will always be loyal to you." he said


Suni visibly relaxed as he pressed into Kyro's embrace. "Thank you," he whispered softly. "Thank you so much." He closed his eyes, a fraction of the stress that had been weighing him down this entire time lifting. He wasn't alone. Kyro's would be there, helping him and his clan, keeping them safe. "I'm not sure how the mothers will feel about a giant wolf heading around their pups but I'm sure your charms will win them over." He teased softly, offering a small smile "as do I, lovely creature, no matter how much you pissed me off when we first met." He snickered and pressed a soft kiss to Kyro's brow

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kyro chuckled " sorry for trying to soak you." he said and smiled. kyro sighed as he looked down at the sleeping pups " wanna help? im gonna get them back to their mothers.." he said and chuckled a bit " i think i wore them out."


Suni smirked "liar, you were loving it." He laughed and nodded "of course. I'm sure they'll be happy to get a break anyways from these rascals." He stood and scooped up two of the pups, cooing and apologiesing for moving them.

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kyro grabbed the other one, letting it curl against his chest. " so, any plans tonight or are you sleeping on my chest again?"


Suni huffed out a laugh, "as much as I would love that, unfortunately, I've indulged today sleeping most of the morning and mid day. I'll be training with a few of the adults today and go on a night hunt." He replied. "You're more than welcome to join if you'd like."

Deleted user

" i would love too," he said and nuzzled suni. " id love to see your firery red fur." he smiled as he set the pup down and thanked the mother.