forum Idk what I'm doing but I have a character // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"Just take off your shoes. I'll do the rest." He smiles in reply before gently guiding Jared to a seat and grabbing a measuring tape. "Alright. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable."


Jared took his shoes off and sat down, studying Anthony guardedly. Sure, he trusted Victor, and was pretty sure that Anthony wouldn't hurt him, but he wasn't sure.


Anthony double checked his measurements before scrambling off to the side. "I've got the perfect pair!" He giggles as he gently takes a beautiful looking pair off the shelf. "These should fit. Try them on." He hands them to the other.


"They fit perfectly!" He laughs quietly. "Alright. Let me go find Victor." He hums happily. "I'm right here." Victor walks out from behind a rack, holding a pair similar to Jareds.


He helped the other up and smiled warmly. "Come on, let's go." He mutters softly. He gently guides the other to the rink and smiles. "It'll be fun." He smiled at the other.


Victor smiled a little, helping carefully. "It's okay. Just follow my lead." He gently guides them further onto the ice, "Like this." He shows Jared how to move his feet, keeping balance.


Jared did as he said, staring at their feet and trying not to go sprawling across the ice. He slipped a little, and wobbled, clinging to Victor to keep from falling.


He smiled at the other. "There you go, nicely done." He hums as he gently guides the other. "You're doing well. Are you sure you haven't skated before?" He asks curiously.


Victor was steady, holding onto Jared. "Easy now, breathe." He says gently, his eyes soft. "Keep going. Tell me when you're ready to go on your own."


Jared nodded a little, and kept working on just being able to move his feet without them sliding out from under him. "I'm going to fall and bruise my ass, aren't I?" he asked with a wry laugh.


Victor helped him carefully, his movements slow and careful. "No, I'll catch you." He laughs lightly, "So, I suppose no. You will not fall and bruise your ass." His eyes were bright with laughter.