forum Gelato, world of sweets//open//5/6//WELCOME
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Although it is a blast going on adventures, there were just days that Damen just needed a chill. Rainen's Ice Cream Shop was the perfect place to do exactly that and possibly meet some fans. He wore a huge smile on his face as he walked down the street and greeted everyone who walked by. Walking along by his side was his dog Hachiko. Though Damen wouldn't say it as he owned him, they were just very good friends.
"I think I'll have the Neopolitan Ice Cream."


"I've always wanted to visit Italy." Theo sighed. He looked around and spotted an ice cream store nearby. "Would you like an ice cream? A way to thank you for helping me with this mysterious circumstance." He grinned, gesturing to a little way down the road.

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Rainen was working hard. There was a whole line of people wanting his ice cream. He had many flavors. Such as caramel, vanilla, chocolate, mint, mint chocolate chip, and more. As he worked, he hummed. He was the only worker so his job was extra hard. Sometimes he'd put on a 'show' for the people. He'd throw the ice cream up in the air and catch it with the cone. Rain would juggle with two scoopers and ice cream but today was a day he didn't have time to play. He was focused on work and not fun.


"Hm, I wouldn't strike you down as a workaholic as an Ice Cream Man." Damen had attempted to lighten the mood. He had been watching the man work, making his ice cream as if it was a delicate art. With bags under his eyes, it was easy to assume that he hadn't gotten any sleep and Damen knew what it was like to be working 24/7.

@PaperHats business

Ryn was already within the shop. He had been served early, mostly because he’d gotten there before the bustle of the majority of the town. He was sitting near the window, Mochi under the table and happily nibbling on ice cream of his own. Of course, it was just whipped cream, and Ryn gave him that every time. The shaggy sheep dog rolled over, bumping one of the legs of the table so Ryn ended up with a sopping spoonful of vanilla ice on his shirt. With a sigh, he peeked under the table.
“What am I gonna do with you?” he asked aloud, smiling at the dog. Of course, Mochi didn’t reply. Shaking his head, Ryn looked back up, nearly hitting his head on the table, and sat back, enjoying the lax evening.

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"Eh. It's more fun when you're on the other side of this desk of icecream. Now if you'd like to buy something go to the end of the line." Rain said, still looking at the icecream. " Vanilla with chocolate chip, Ready! Who got a Vanilla with chocolate chips?" He called. One person went up to the counter and took it. They paid and walked to a table to start eating. Rain quickly started to work the second he had given the person there icecream.

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(I gtg. I'll be back tomorrow night most probably)


"Ah." The man didn't seem to be very talkative nor enjoy his presence. Damen shrugged and nodded before making his way to the back to the line, where Hachi had taken interest in another dog in the little shop.
"No, Hachi, come back." He whispered not wanting to make a scene, trying to coax his dog away. "I'm sorry for interrupting your time." Along with the apology, he gave a cheesy smile to the gentlemen sitting near the window.

@PaperHats business

“Oh, no worries, Mochi’s a nice dog,” Ryn said politely, not even bothering to grab the dog’s collar. Mochi was well behaved enough to know what he could and couldn’t do. Plus… he was just a moderately lazy dog.
Mochi pushed himself back onto his stomach, letting out a small playful whimper and wagging his tail. His grey fur fell into his eyes, and Ryn wondered if he could even see the other dog.
“And you’re not interrupting,” Ryn said, shaking his head.


"Well then, may I say that your dog is very cute." He sunk down to the other dog's level in order to pet him. To his delight, it was very fluffy.
"I'm sorry it just… I really love dogs." He whispered that last part as he was giving the other dog tummy rubs.
"Oh my lord, you're soo cute."

@PaperHats business

“Thank you,” Ryn said, chipper. “He is, isn’t he?”
He patted Mochi’s side happily.
“I love them too, but dang are they an investment. My little sister picked this one up off the street when he was a puppy. Told her she could keep it as long as she trained it. She didn’t know I was gonna keep it either way, but hey, I got my dog trained.” Ryn gave a small laugh, looking over to Hachi.
“Yours is adorable, too. What’s his name?” he asked, holding out a hand to the other man’s dog.


"Yeah, I completely see your point. You know I never really planned on having a dog until this guy came around." He had a fond smile on his face as he ruffled Hachi's head. "My brother is a soldier who trained K9s. You know the dogs who sniff out bombs and stuff. Then he, uh, he passed away. Anyway, they were going to put this boy down, but I decided to take him in. Had no idea that it would be the best decision of my life." Sighing, he looked back up at the other dude,
"His full name is Hachiko, but I just call him Hachi."

@PaperHats business

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Ryn said softly, his other hand still resting on the side of Mochi. Though, as he told him the dog’s name, Ryn’s smile widened.
His eyes rested on the other dog as he said, “Aww, Hachi. I love that name. It suits him.”
His gaze then flicked back to the man standing above him. He held out a hand, giving a nod.
“I’m Ryn, by the way. Nice to meet you.”


"I'm Damen, it's also a pleasure to meet you." He looked at Ryn before proceeding to shake his hand.
"So now that we're, acquainted with each other, please tell me about yourself." He went to sit down next to him.
"If you don't mind?"

@PaperHats business

“Oh, not at all,” Ryn said with a smile, nodding as the man sat.
“Well, there’s not much to tell,” he began, raising an eyebrow. “I’m 24… I’m a musician.. and I work at Muses, if you’ve heard of it. It’s that little music store right down the road. Oh! I also work at Backstreet Blitz, that radio company? It’s a blast.”


"Ay, working two jobs must be exhausting for you." He chuckled while taking a sip from a bottle of water.
"Personally, I work a….. an online entertainer. I travel around the world and post vlogs about my adventures. I've been to… let's see. hm, I've been to Italy, Britain, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, and right now my manager is trying to plan a trip to Greece. This is just one of the very rare days that I'm back at home. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely lucky to have a job where I can have fun, but there are just days I just need to chill, you know?"

@PaperHats business

“Totally. And yeah, working two jobs is a little rough, but I couldn’t love em any more,” he said, proud of the titles. “Also, that’s awesome. Your job is just… exploring? That’s amazing. I’ve been to a few places, but really only ones within this state. It’s unfortunate, but I haven’t had many opportunities to travel. I would love to, though. It sounds wonderful.”


"Yeah, it really is." He wore an eager smile on his face as he talked.
"You know, you seem really passionate for someone in the music industry. Are you looking to become a musician or perhaps a singer?" Damen looked at Ryn curiously, he seemed like such a nice person.

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"I've always wanted to visit Italy." Theo sighed. He looked around and spotted an ice cream store nearby. "Would you like an ice cream? A way to thank you for helping me with this mysterious circumstance." He grinned, gesturing to a little way down the road.

"It is a very nice place, scenery is very good." Lemona inclined his head in acknowledgement. "I would enjoy some ice cream, thank you." He said, adjusting the straps of the bag on his shoulder. The bag just held his ice skates and some other stuff for the rink.

@PaperHats business

“I, uh, am sort of a musician?” Ryn said sheepishly, letting out a stiff short breath. “I mean, not a professional by any standpoint. Hell, I don’t even read music from sheets. I play the piano, but I do it by ear. For some reason, the notes just… won’t work in my head. It’s reading a different language that no matter how hard I study, I can’t learn.”
He sat back, giving a light sigh. “Which is why I kind of just do it recreationally. Even so, I just love music anyway, so working at those places is fun for me either way, y’know? Even if I didn’t play. It’s like… every day I work at Muses, I get to see another Elvis or Bryan Adams pick up his first guitar. I get to see another Elton John pick out his first keyboard. When they look me dead and in the eye and smile, and say ‘this one’s the one’… It’s really something else.”


"My man, that's a gift. Have you ever considered maybe going to college for music or maybe be a music teacher?" While Damen was talking, he was simultaneously tapping his fingers on the table. "I'm personally more of a fan of more modern music, but I do like your taste."

@PaperHats business

“I… have considered going to college for it, but the issue is I can’t afford it. Another reason why I’m moderately self-taught,” Ryn replied. Despite the topic, he still seemed joyous. Truthfully he was. He hadn’t met someone new in quite a while.
“And, heh, yeah, my music taste is out there. I listen to too much of it, if you ask my sister. Every genre, every artist, they all have something special. I enjoy it all. Music is music, to me at least.”
Ryn paused for a moment, setting down his cup. “But, enough about me. I still gotta hear about your travels. You told me you’ve been to France? How was it? That’s always been a goal place of mine. How I’d love to visit Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame… the like.”


"Yeah, I went to France about.. 3 months ago, I think? While I was there I mostly stayed in Paris, but boy oh boy was there, a lot. There was the Effiel Tower, of course, then the Lourve Museum which had really beautiful pieces of art. I did go to Notre Dame and even though I'm not a Christian or Catholic, I do have to admit that it is absolutely gorgeous. I think that you would really love it there!" He proceeding to continue rambling on to his new friend, it had been a while since he had talked to someone who actually wanted to know him better.

@PaperHats business

“Oh, no doubt,” he said happily. “Also, I’ve heard some things about the catacombs? Under the streets? I’m a sucker for mysteries, gotta say. It seems slightly morbid, but it’d be fun to explore them, yeah? And did you get to go to the top of the Eiffel? Must be amazing.”
Ryn loved hearing about other places he hadn’t been. He actually spent most of his free time planning trips he’d never take. He was a curious one, especially when it came to travel.

(this is actually awesome because I love france lol. Paris is rad)