forum Gelato, world of sweets//open//5/6//WELCOME
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Name: Lemona Granita
Nicknames: Lemon Boy, Lemie, Ice King, Lem.
Age: 24
Gender: Trans Male
Sexuality: Homo of the sexual
Appearance: Lemona has blond hair that looks more like a golden than it does blond. His skin tone is tanned and olive colored with freckles everyone. His eyes are hazel and always look serene. He's tall and spindly, all legs. Those legs happen to be muscular ever seen, like sexy muscles, not dude-bro muscles.
Distinguishing features: He's always told that his Italian accent and hair are super distinct.

Personality: Lemona is quiet and focused, a calm smile always on his face. He has a wanderer's soul, always seeming wistful for something else. He never seems to show any big displays of emotion other than a large smile and a flushed face after a performance.
Habits: Not really any noticeable ones.
Likes: Bright days, his famiglia, markets, horror movies.
Dislikes: Not a lot of things, if he does dislike something he's too polite to show it.
Allergies: Fucking mangos.
Fears: That he'll fall on the ice and never be able to skate again.
Illnesses: Well, crippling anxiety for one.

Background: Lemona is from a small town just outside of Florence, Italy. He lived with his Mami, Madre, Taneo (his twin), and Lucia (his little sister) in a pretty nice villa. He went to school up in Florence and went to his first ice rink there. He fell in love with skating and made it to the Italy olympics team. He moved to America with his family for a skating teaching job.
Flavour: Lemon Italian Ice
Job: Professional Figure Skater and now a mentor


(I love all these characters!! Also to be clear, this doesnt have a plot so to speak, it is more of a 'see where it goes' type thing. If you guys want something specific to be included, we can do it! This can become a magical world if you so want it to)

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(Idk what flavor my boi would be :P) (Caramel, maybe?)

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(Ohhh myyy goddd. I have to redo it againnnn. It didn't lode. sorry.)

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Name: Rainen Low
Nicknames: Rain
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rain His skin is pale. He has brown hair and Yellow and brown eyes. He is about 5'9" almost 5'10. He has a scar on his hand from a fight, about 2 inches out. He isn't really on the muscle side but he isn't on the thin side either.
Distinguishing features: He has a small scar on his left hand.

Personality: He's got a bit of an ego. He's usually a bit irritable, but will force a smile on his face if he has to. Very blunt, which can make him a bit cold sounding. If he ends up liking someone, he can be protective and less snappish. He's honestly quite the tired person on the inside.
Habits: When he is nervous he usually taps on the floor with his feet and on the chair to table with his hands.
Likes: Mostly everything that isn't dark and mean.
Dislikes: Being alone, The dark, when people use him
Allergies: (opt)
Fears: Being alone, Losing someone he cares about.
Illnesses: N/A

Background: (In rp)
Family: His mother and sister. His father left them.
Flavor: Caramel Icecream.
Pets: Dog named Marsh
Job: Ironically works at an ice cream shop.


(Here's the starter!)

It was a bright and sunny spring afternoon. The trees were almost completely covered in new leaves, there were flowers buds waiting to open, and there was a friendly vibe in the air. Walking down a fairly uncrowded sidewalk, a green-haired boy was not watching where he was going.

"So I have to find this book and get the information back to my team by— Oof!" Theo found him self on the ground, glaring up at a lamppost that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. He rubbed his head and fixed his glasses before groaning and scrambling to pick up all the papers that had fallen out of the useless binder they were in.

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A certain figure skater happened to be walking outside, heading home from the rink, when he saw a boy run right into a lamp post. He walked over to the boy, leaning down to pick up a paper that had blown away a bit. "Are you alright? That lamppost looks very solid." He asked, his heavy accent probably startling the other a bit.


Theo was startled at the sight of the other boy but nodded, taking the paper from his hand. "Yeah, stupid post appeared from thin air." He grumbled, collecting the papers and roughly putting them in the, now useless, binder. Theo stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm Theo, but my friends call me Minty. Nice to meet you, thank you, by the way, for helping me with the paper."

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"Ah yes, the mysterious street lamp mystery, it vanishes and reappears just in time for someone to run into it." Lemona joked, though he hadn't really gotten the hang of joking in English so it sounded mostly deadpan. "I'm Lemona, I don't really have a… set nickname. I'm called lots of things by my family."


Theo laughed at the silly statement and looked at him. "Well, nice to meet you. Judging by your accent, you are either not a native of this country or you went abroad and picked up the accent. Am I in the right track?" He asked, pushing his hair out of his face.

(Hey, do you think you can bump the disney villains Rp we had? I was going to make a character for it but I cant find it)

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Lemona nodded, a tiny smile on his face. "Very much so. I'm from Italy, a town near Florence to be specific." He clasped his hands together as he finished his statement. He had been trying not to talk as much with his hands, he had figured out that Americans found it annoying.


(I’m here by the way just gonna wait for the right time for Ryn to pop in, I dont wanna clog the thread with a bunch of introductions :)


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(I’m here by the way just gonna wait for the right time for Ryn to pop in, I dont wanna clog the thread with a bunch of introductions :)


(I was doing the same exact thing.)