forum ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌᖇ GᕼOᔕT. // OxO // OPEN
Started by @EtherealDreamer

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Ezra nodded in sympathy as Ms. Glanowski clapped her hands, waiting for quiet.
"Alright guys," she said briskly. "So now, we're going to tell our partners the qualities in the people we lost that we loved the most, try to keep it to a minimum of five."

Ezra turned to Silver and motioned for her to talk, he had gone first last time and he could also use the extra time to multi-task and pick the five he wanted to announce.


"Oh..! Well I loved his smile, he always smiled at me, it was his way of saying he loved me.." She squeaked, "I also loved the way he talked to me when I was sad, he was always so gentle. I just love everything about him." She sighed, "I don't see the point of this.."


Ezra shrugged.
"I think it's to get more comfortable in our grieving process." He suggested. "I don't really know, Mrs. G has some weird stuff for us to do, but she's like a therapist or something."


Ezra smiled kindly before responding.
"The way she would say my name, she had a slight accent, so she said it differently." He told Silver. "Also she used to make a bunch of homemade bread and her laugh, it was high pitched but soft, like a bird tweeting kind of."


Ezra nodded and gave a small smile.
"I'm sure you'll be comfortable soon enough." He told Silver. "Pardon me for saying so, but we never really get over our healing and grief, but you do get more comfortable in them."


Ezra nodded and placed a gentle hand on Silver's shoulder.
"Would you like to go into the stairwell." He suggested. "In case you don't want to get upset in public?"


Ezra nodded and patted her shoulder in a friendly way.
"If you're sure," he said and smiled. "We could always go somewhere else, I hate crying in front of other people, it makes me feel weak."


Ezra smiled sadly and took a deep breath.
"Well, she was an immigrant from Tokyo. She met my dad when she first came to America, she was working as a retail assistant at some little store and she fell in love with her. They were together for a few months, then she found out she was pregnant and he left before I was even born. So she was left to raise a son in an unfamiliar place with a broken heart. But she coped and life went on and we lived as working class citizens my whole life, living paycheck to paycheck but her happy demeanor never faltered in front of me. I got a job as soon as possible and then we started living more comfortably, up until she died." He explained. "She was strong and independent and the confidence when it came to things she didn't understand was so awesome. She believed she could do anything and even if she failed a couple times she kept trying. I miss her a lot, she was my only family. My grandparents and her side of the family still live in Tokyo, so it's a bit hard to have them around and I never even knew my dad's name, so his family wasn't around either. But for the longest time it was just the two of us, and we liked it that way."

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled.
"Sorry," he said honestly. "I kind of rambled."


"Yeah," Ezra said smiling. "She was great, in the mom category I think I got the best."
He gave a small laugh.
"She used to do this thing, where whenever someone said something racist to her in public like about her broken english, she'd put her hand to her ear and lean closer, while smiling. Because she thought it was so funny—sad but funny— that someone would treat someone else like that, all because they were from a different country." He explained. "She told me when I was little—kids had been making fun of my eyes—that they were just jealous because my eyes were so cool and theirs were not.


"I get that," She said with a smile, "I used to get bullied for my hair color, I think your eyes are pretty, kids are just jerks." Silver laughed a little as she listened to him talk


She glanced at the braid of white hair hanging over her shoulder, "Thanks," Silver was happy to be talking to Ezra that she forgot about her sadness with her late boyfriend