forum Cult RP (CLOSED)
Started by @WriteOutofTime

people_alt 6 followers


(whoops I had to clean my bathroom. back now lol)

Enzo noted Walker's silence will a cool nod, turning to the other teens. "What virtue did you ask the Goddess to grant you today? I always ask for patience. A true leader needs patience."


"I'm glad you understand." He maintained his cool smile. "I suppose I should be off. Will I see you all tonight at the six o'clock service?" It wasn't really a question. It was mandatory.


"Great. See you there." He waved a casual hand and walked away. He adored how formal everyone was with him. It made things seem even more picturesque. Enzo was quite proud of his society, and seeing it running like a well-oiled machine made him slightly giddy. Perfection. So close to perfection.