forum Cult RP (CLOSED)
Started by @WriteOutofTime

people_alt 6 followers


(she needs a lot of development anyways so okay)

Name: Morrigan Corvia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning (the Q in LGBTQ)
Appearance: Long, wavy, tangled, thick black hair with silver peekaboo highlights, expressive stormy gray eyes, tall, athletic, definite curves. Olive skin. Goth/Punk, wears black eyeliner and mascara, black or maroon lipstick, loves leather jackets. The reason she became goth in the first place was because she believed it would make her less approachable since she thinks she doesn’t deserve friends. Triple piercings in both ears, multiple cartilage piercings, nose ring (all silver and a bit of amethyst). Big black crow wings (only if wings are accepted). Two tattoos, one in her right forearm of a poem she wrote, one on her left bicep of a crow feather. Is left handed.
Personality: On the outside- snarky, sarcastic, straightforward, doesn’t give 2 [shoots], a perfectionist, independent, free spirited, fierce. On the inside- poetic, sensitive, needs a hug, free spirited, loyal, feisty
Backstory: Is almost clinically depressed and harms herself on an almost daily basis, abandoned by her rich parents when she was 10


(okie dokie I have just the character)
Name: Priest Enzo
Age: 43
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: tall and lean, with a small amount of muscle, dark hair in a professional swept style, medium olive skin tone, grayish eyes, blind in one eye
Personality: Prideful, obsessed with his reputation, ends justify the means type guy, can be manipulative if the situation calls for it. Charismatic, can convince anyone of anything. He has OCD and is obsessed with the idea of perfection.
Other: raises his nephew who he would die for.


(I'm just gonna start because I realized I need to do some world building so I don't confuse u guys)

"And all rise and lift thine hands," Enzo drawled to his congregation as the service ended. They all obeyed, repeating the prayer to the Goddess. He watched them mumbling along to the prayer, passion in their eyes. He spotted his nephew on the front pew, his hands lifted high, and he had to fight a smile. This was almost perfect.

The congregation milled out of the worship building. The weather was nice and all was quiet, just how he liked it. The women in their long black dresses, the men in their black and white suits, shoes polished, hair slicked back –immaculate. He smiled and shook hands with his congregation members. He spotted a group of teens conversing and headed over to ask them how they enjoyed the service.


Pandora walked out of the building, kicking her skirt as she walked. Why did they have to wear such long skirts? She paused when she saw Walker, Morrigan, and Zoe, walking over to them.


"I'm glad," he replied with a smile. "Morrigan, isn't it? You've grown into a fine young lady, you know. Even after that incident with your parents."


Morrigan tensed up instinctively. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." She bowed her head, her long black skirt swishing around her ankles.


Chrysa walked over to the other teens, but hesitated when she saw Priest Enzo near them. She subtly shook her head and continued on her path.

@Desvelarse pets

Walker had kept his mouth shut most of the time, barely mumbling the responses, trying to not participate as much as possible. Recently, he had growing ideas of a different life in his mind, but that was wrong. He kept telling himself that this was the way to live everyone else was wrong. His parents helped to drill that into his mind as much as they could manage. He gave Enzo a polite nod of recognition when he approached the group, but stayed silent.


Chrysa walked up to Walker and stood beside him. She quickly nodded as an acknowledgement of the priest's presence.


Morrigan's pulse quickened when Enzo touched her, but she forced herself to relax. "Thank you sir. It is an honour to serve under the rule of the Goddess."


"Yes sir, what? That you're tired, or that you're just half-hearted?" Still cold. Still distant. Eyebrow twitching as his usually fidgeting kicked in. Enzo didn't care for Walker. He never had.