forum Crushing Hearts [Repost] (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded slowly, his expression sympathetic. "I won't pretend to have any idea what that situation must be like. But I do know what it's like to be in a spot where you'd do anything to change things. And nobody should fault you for that, now. Legality aside, anyway. As long as you weren't some kind of hitman or something… I'm glad you made it through that and came out on the other side." He gave Cyrin a small smile. "And it shouldn't affect how many friends you can make. If it does, then you didn't need those people anyway." It certainly didn't bother him.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs softly, "Well, it didn't prevent them from being my friend, it just made it hard. They themselves didn't want to get into trouble, and I didn't want them to." He sighs softly, shaking his head slightly, "Anyways, a lighter subject shall we? What about you? We always talk about me, despite what many people may think, I'm not someone who loves to just talk about me all day. Tell me a bit about you."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur looked at Cyrin for a long moment after his explanation, before quietly murmering "You're a good person, Cyrin…"
He smiled as his friend changed the subject. "A lighter subject indeed. What do you want to know? Ask me anything. Q&A with Arthur." He did a quick jazz hands, like this was some sort of gameshow. "Though I'll warn you, I'm boring. You're the interesting one in this duo. But seriously, I'll answer anything. Ask away."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin thinks for a moment, “Okay. . . Obie’s? Do you have any, and if so, what are they? What got you into it?” He smiles slightly, finishing his fires and pushing the plastic dish away. He gives his attention to Arthur, looking at him.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur smiled and leaned back. "Well, I love hiking and camping. I guess those are hobbies. I got into them largely when my parents died. I would go out to the state park and just walk, for hours. The week after they died, I went out there thinking some pretty dark thoughts, and decided I was just going to stay in the woods. Learned to do a whole bunch of stuff, like build fires and lean-tos, essentially on my own in the forest, and I've loved it since. It relaxes me. I still go a lot of weekends. Ummm…. other hobbies… I guess gaming counts. Always like video games. The flashy aesthetics and chance to mold your own life always appealed to me."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin nods slightly, “That makes sense, I bet it’s quiet and peaceful out there. Lots of space to yourself to come to terms with what had happened to your family.”

“I know nothing about video games. . . So. . .” He laughs softly.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"It definitely was, though… I went out there to find a cliff to jump off, or a wild animal to get killed by, if I'm being honest." Arthur swallowed hard, looking down for a moment. "But nature just… has this way of healing things. It's dangerous, and some people think it's malevolent, but… really nature is just life, flowing and moving and existing and… I just couldn't throw mine away out there. Though I kinda tried anyway, by deciding to stay when I didn't really know how to survive yet." He chuckled. "But I learned, so… all worked out, I guess."
Arthur grinned as he looked up at Cyrin. "They can be a lot of fun, if you play with a friend. Maybe if you're ever interested, we can play some more. No pressure though." He winked, before spreading his hands out to his sides. "More Q&A? What else can I tell you?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks at him, “Well, I’m glad it. . . Happened that way, because then, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you, having just eaten the best burger in my life.” He grins slightly, trying to lighten the mood.

His face goes thoughtful and he hums, “So you’ve lived here your whole life? Or, most of it anyways?”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur reached across and patted Cyrin's arm gently. "I'm glad you're happy about it… and these burgers are pretty good, didn't I tell you so?" He grinned at his friend as he sat back.
"Well, we actually lived over in Clingerton, a couple of towns over, but I sold the house and moved into one of my dad's real estate holdings. I couldn't stand to be in the house alone anymore." He thought for a moment. "But yeah, I've grown up in this area. Been around my entire life."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur shrugged. "I guess the convenience of things. Stores, food, entertainment, all close by. But honestly? Like I said, I get away regularly. I guess I don't really like it all that much. It just… it's where I've got a piece of my parents. One that isn't tainted by a lot of memories. I didn't hang around my dad's real estate a lot, so it's not like every time I come down the street I remember him and feel sad, or something. But I do feel close to him, living in something he built. And that's all I can ask, I guess."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin nods slightly, listening to Arthur speak. "I spend a lot of time in my sister's room, honestly. Most times, it hurts more to leave than enter." He takes a drink of his soda, " But everyone deals with grief diffrently, and it makes sense that you wouldn't want to be in the same house with all the memories, but still be close to them."

Most days though, Cyrin didn't want to get out of bed. He wanted to stay there, but that would lead to him getting sick. He couldn't put his parents through that, so he got out of bed. And though he never tried to act like it was all perfect, he wondered if his parents thought that was what HE was trying to do.

"How about. . . Favorite movie? Book? And Genre?"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur watched Cyrin talk about his grief, his expression sympathetic, understanding. Here, they had a bond of common grief. He'd lost family, he knew what Cyrin was feeling.
He had to wonder about some of Cyrin's darker moments, or darker feelings, and while he wasn't prying at those, he wondered if he'd ever be able to tap into them a bit… those could be very useful.
"Favorite movie is that Fables comic they adapted to a screenplay a couple years ago, 'Wolf Among Us'. Pretty neat concept. Favorite Book?" He thought for a second. "Probably 'Deathworlders' by Philip Johnson. Genre is fantasy or sci-fi, though I've found I really like gritty modern-day slice of life stuff, but centered on fantastical characters."
He chuckled ruefully, looking down. "Real escapist kind of stuff, I guess…"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin smiles, “Never heard of any of that, to be honest.” He laughs softly, grinning slightly. “But then, I haven’t heard of much beyond the world of music and dancing.”

He takes a moment and then laughs softly, “That makes me sound so narrow minded. . .” He clears his throat softly, “I mean, I do my best, but. . .” He shakes his head slightly, “It’s difficult to find other things to enjoy when I’m always busy with work.”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur pretended to look deeply offended. "Never heard of any of it?!?" He grinned after a moment and shrugged. "I probably wouldn't know any of the music or dance stuff you know, so. We'll call it even."
He shook his head. "You're not narrow, just… limited. It's different. Narrow sounds like you don't care about other things, or don't want to know about things. Limited just means you've not had the chance or opportunity."
His expression turned sympathetic as Cyrin went on. "I can understand that. I don't think I'd have any hobbies if I hadn't inherited a small fortune…" He looked deep in thought for a moment, before asking a quiet question.
"If you had the opportunity not to have to work so much, would you take it?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks thoughtful, thinking for moment, thinking. He then lets out a breath, “The only reason I would work less would be if I had enough money to not need to work all the time, so it depends, do I have enough of an income to support my family and relax at the same time?”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin thinks for a moment, “Yes. . . I would.” He sighs, “But I would still spend hours in the studio. But my weekends would be free.” He smiles softly, “I would figure out what I like besides dancing. Probably try to go to collage again.” He thinks for a moment, “Chase the art I tried for before, or maybe dancing.” He shrugs slightly.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

What a BORING human being… Sixclaw rolled his eyes.

Arthur, however, nodded kindly. "So… if I offered you a job that would allow that kind of life… would you take it?" He leaned forward, smiling at Cyrin. "I need a building manager for the apartments. Pay isn't quite 6 figures, but it's close. You'd be comfortable, and it's not a high demand job. I'd do it myself, but due to some legal technicalities, I can't. I only recently found that out." He waved his hand; the technicalities weren't important.
"In any case, I'm offering you the job, and more than that, a chance at the life you just described."

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Everyone finds them all boring- lol)

Cyrin pauses, “What would I be doing?” He asks, tilting his head, curious. He takes a drink of his soda, looking at Arthur.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur held his hands out, palms flat. "Nothing hard. Mostly organizational stuff. Making sure rent gets paid on time by sending out reminder emails or texts. Paying the building utilities every month. Scheduling repairs, updates, and maintenance. It's basically a desk job. You would handle anything the tenants need done, largely just scheduling. Though I've not had anyone complain in quite a while. Needed som plumbing work done about a month ago. You know, that kind of thing." He smiled. "It's not a lot of responsibility, and I'd pay you well enough to take care of your family. The hours are super easy. 5 hours daily on call. Doesn't even mean you necessarily have to be around, just so long as the tenants know they can get ahold of you during certain hours. Maybe longer weeks during times when a lot of work needs done, like renovating, but other than that… Cyrin, take it, buddy. I'm trying to help you out."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks at him contemplating the offer and then nods, “Sure.” He rubs his forehead, “Why not?”

He leans back, finishing his soda. He stay quiet for a moment, watching Arthur.