forum “ and I have loved you since we were 18” (dabixhawks)
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“ Nah, I don't like caramel, “ he said sticking his tongue out. Keigo watched Touya put in the movie, wondering what was on his mind.

Deleted user

Keigo put his finger under touyas chin and bringing his head up to kiss him. “ what’s wrong touya?” He said softly to the other. His golden eyes searched his face, out of all the years he’d been friends with touya he’d never known him to be so touchie feelly.

@The-Dyonisia group

Touya frowned as the movie started, blue light shining on his face. He looked down. "I just… I feel like I'm not doing enough. To protect you… and my family." He looked at Hawks again "Like I should be working faster to do something, to make sure… HE doesn't hurt anybody again…" he paused. He hadn't told Hawks his plan to kill his father yet "…Nevermind" he looked back up at the screen, the movie had started.

Deleted user

Keigo ignored the movie and kept touya close " if you kill him, I'll run away with you." He said with a yawn " by tomorrow, ill be flightless.." he mumbled

@The-Dyonisia group

Touya looked at Keigo again, his eyes bright "You… You'd let me? I mean… aren't you a hero? You should be mad at me for that? You should… reprimand me for it?" He looked confused and slightly stressed "Why would you… do that for me?"

Deleted user

" endeavor has it coming," he said coldly. Keigo looked back down at Touya, even his eyes had lost their warmth at that moment. " and I'm a villain Remember " he said with a smirk. Keigo looked back to the movie. Hed sleep in with Touya tomorrow since it'd be in the mid-twenties. Hawks are migratory birds and their wings lock in anything lower than the thirties. Einji would kill him but he honestly didn't fucking care.

@The-Dyonisia group

Touya nodded, still surprised at Keigo's response, but feeling a sudden drift of happy emotions. He knew his father trusted Hawks, so now he had an inside man in on his plans. Loving Keigo was his best decision yet. "I love you" he whispered softly in Keigo's ear "So much"

Deleted user

Keigo smiled and nuzzled Touya “ I love you to Touya. He yawned and leaned on Touya, it was getting late and the birdy just wanted to be snuggled.

@The-Dyonisia group

Touya bear hugged Keigo, wrapping both arms around him and pulling him onto his lap, crossing his legs. "Can you sleep in tomorrow?" he asked, pouting, his head in Keigo's shoulder " I don't want you to go to work"

Deleted user

" actually i can- I'm flightless till January " he said snuggling into touyas chest. He stayed in the others lap as well.

@The-Dyonisia group

Touya smiled, glowing with warmth (from his quirk) "That's good" he said softly "We'll have fun." He yawned and kissed Keigo's neck again "It'll be great"

Deleted user

( yae yo, they confiscated my things coundnt tell ya the next time all be on, but I will be on indefefebtly in a couple weeks ;-;) keigo hummed, falling asleep in Dabis arms.

Deleted user

Hawks woke early in the morning, taking care not to wake touya he got up.

Deleted user

Keigo jumped slightly," finnne whatever. " He whined and crawled back in bed. He snuggled up to touya, keeping under the blankets the best he could. " It's cold.."

Deleted user

"yeah thankyou" he mumbled. Keigo curled up slightly. he seemed tired but when his phone rang the Birdy reached yo get it " what is it enji? I'm training who?! Your joking" he said sarcastily.