forum And for you I keep my legs apart. // OxO // OPEN
Started by @EtherealDreamer

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Name: Maximus Arello
Age: 16
Favorite art medium: pastels and oil.
Appearance: Maximus is tanned, his skin a golden blonde with loose chestnut brown curls on the top of his head, considering that the sides are shaved short. He has angular cheekbones, a strong jawline and plump lips, making his seem pouty, his symmetrical eyebrows are turned downwards at the inner corners, giving him a slightly angry look all the time. Maximus is medium height, standing at 5'9 with thin limbs that are slightly muscled, mostly his biceps, upper arms and calves.
Clothing Style: He loves loose T-shirts with a flannel thrown over and oversized jeans he has to cuff and flat footed shoes, usually vans.
Likes: butterflies, the color purple and amphibians.
Dislikes: Racism, the idea that boys/men don't cry, his dad and most of his classmates.

  • Maximus is currently being raised in a home with both parents, being an only child it's hard for him to get away from having to spend time with them but sometimes he does. He prefers to be alone most of the time and tries to hide out in his room, but his mom is very social and usually drags him out for "quality" family time.
  • Maximus is not very good at showing his emotions, considering his fraternal figure, his father is very social as well and a people person, but bottles up his emotions and explodes at his family sometimes because of this.


(mk, here's the starter.)

Maximus walked past the corner, heading straight so he could get onto the school grounds and get inside, to the warmth.

He watched the leaves from the tree overhead—stained various shades of Orange—fall to the ground. He listened to the crunch his vans made as he walked over them. He took a deep inhale and sighed. The back doors of the school would be kept unlocked, for any stragglers that came in late, this included Maximus himself.

Maximus pulled his phone out of the top side pockets of his black cargo pants and checked the time, the screen read 12:09 AM. That meant he had barely five minutes to get to his advanced art class.

He cursed himself under his breath for letting himself sleep in this morning, it would be his own fault if he was late to AP art, his favorite class, the only class he enjoyed, the only speckle of good in a sea of dislike. He opened the door, wincing at how cold the metal handles were ans headed inside, sliding his phone back in and making his way down the hall, walking on the right so he wouldn't run into anyone. three minutes later, right as the bell rang he walked through the doorway of the art room, making his way to the back table and sitting down, pulling his own personal sketchbook from his backpack. He noticed Ms. Romano talking to a boy he had never seen before, he squinted his eyes at them before looking back down on his sketchbook and letting his pencil flow across the pages.


Alastor smiled as the teacher sat him down, he was newer here and so everyone was different now. No bullies to pester him and no past to bother him.
Alastor sat next to the kid in the back, hed just sat in the only other open seat in the class.
“Hi..” he spoke softly, looking at the boy and studying his features


Maximus looked up at a sound close to him and noticed the boy from before, sitting across from him. He studied his face for a moment before looking around the room, all the other tables were full, there were eight tables and the rule for their class was two to a table.

He sighed and realised the only open seat was the one at his table and cursed the gods of probability. It took him even longer to realise the boy had spoken to him.

He nodded at the boy in greeting and said a soft "hello" before looking back down at his sketchbook.


Alastor gave a soft smile before watching the teacher teach their lesson.
Alastor constantly fidgeted with a pencil, spinning it around his fingers in cool little ways. Eventually, Alastor was given the go to draw their subject. the person next to them.
The blue-haired boy tried his best to recreate his classmate, though he needed to get a better look at him for the best results
“Hey..could you move your chin to the left?” he asked softly, trying to get a closer look


Maximus did as Alastor asked, pausing in his own sketch of the boy and tilting his chin to the left.
He waited with his head tilted like that deciding he'd wait to move it back when Alastor said he was finished.

Every once in a while Maximus looked down and continued his own sketch, before looking back up at Alastor.


Maximus gave him a quick soft smile before adding the finishing touch to his sketch, the jawline and got up to turn it in as well.

He sat back down and flipped to a new blank page and began to sketch an astronaut standing on the moon, the american flag in his hand.


Alastor shut his mouth once the other kid didn't answer him. He just put his head down and his headphones in.
Alastor wasn't much for confrontation, so often he wouldn't start talking without a purpose.
The hazel eyes boy shot a quick glance at the other, his cheeks flushing as he realized hed been caught by a few girls. Apparently, they thought that hed been staring at them


Maximus kept sketching and when he was done, he stood up and got some oil pastels and began erasing the sketch and instead layering the paper with the oils.

He began shading in all the white parts.


Maximus looked up at the sound of a voice and stared directly into the face of the boy.
"Thank you," he whispered "and I've been working with pastels since seventh grade."


Maximus smiled before glancing back down at his sketch.
"Maximus." He stated, extending his hand across the table for a proper greeting. "It's nice to meet you, Alastor."


“It's nice to meet you too. “ he said and shook Maximus's hand.
The smaller boys' hands were soft to the touch and different from the others.
“So did you just get here or have you been here and I've just not seen you yet?” he asked


Maximus frowned lightly, his eyebrows lowering slightly.
"No, I've been here since the beginning of the year." He told Alastor "but you're new here."

He began to continue his sketch with the pastels, but occasionally glanced up at Alastor, awaiting his response.


“ I meant like today silly,” he said with a giggle. Alastor had a smile that lit up like the sun, but the funny thing is, his canine teeth came to a sharper point than most. This added to his dog-like appearance in a sort.


"Oh," Maximus said, feeling a bit stupid. "I came in right as the bell rang because I slept in."

He looked around and bent closer to his sketchbook.
"I missed all my classes before this one." He told Alastor "But I refused to miss this one, so here I am."