forum Aliens in College?//Open//4/5//one more alien needed!!
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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@TinyMagicWolf pets

Marchosaias flinched at Eros's eagerness but still smiled. Well, that's certainly a lot of energy, but at least he seems nice. He thought. He turned to Emerson and tilted his head a little. "Um, may I have tea?"

@knightinadream group

Eros jumped a little with his eyes shut then proceeded to pat Marcus's shoulder. He never knew that humans could be so jittery like in the movies.

After tapping on his ring for a second, he took a step in the direction of the kitchen. Hearing Emerson, the krepth pouted. He crossed his arms while gently plopping back in his seat. "The tea bags and other stuff is in the little blue box.", Eros pointed out.


"Thank you love." Emerson emerged a few seconds later with two steaming cups of tea.she set them down in front of Marcus and went back to grab the milk carton. "I wasn't sure if you wanted milk or not." She grinned

@TinyMagicWolf pets

He knew what milk was, but why offer a dairy product with an herbal beverage? Maybe humans enjoyed such a taste. "I…am not sure either, actually. Does milk go well with tea?" He asked, turning the carton around in his hands.


"Well, some tea tastes better with milk, while others like herbal and fruit tea taste better without. I like mine with milk so I'm going to use it. You dont have to." Emerson responded, stirring the now cooler cup of tea.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Ah, okay." Marchosaias nodded slowly. "I-I think I'm okay without the milk." Only because he had no idea if it went with this tea, and he was getting too nervous to keep asking about it. He thanked Emerson and took his cup to sit against the wall.