forum Aliens in College?//Open//4/5//one more alien needed!!
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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@knightinadream group

Falling asleep had never been more difficult ever. Sure everyone always gets the xuccaiks in their stomach from time to time, but is it normal for them to be everywhere? It feels like they're crawling all over him! Eros was all over the place with it being move-in day; going from a single-suite to moving in to the multi-dorms is a tremendous deal. The creature was used to acting, looking, being, and eating like a human although, he never lived with one before. Somehow he managed to convince himself it'd be fine.

Eros pulled the cart behind him trying to avoid crashing into anyone else. There wasn't much on it except for some boxes, a suitcase, swim bag, and his bike, but his succulent, named Aphrodite, was sitting on the top. If anything happened to the plant, he'd be emotionally ruined; not to be "dramatic" as they call it, yet it is true. He hummed to himself a small tune while attaching his bike to one of the ramps.

As he approached the door, his steps became smaller. What if he's the first or the second or even the last? What would he even say? Hi? Worst things could happen besides an awkward introduction, but first impressions seem to be very vital. Eros took a deep breath as he put the key in and opened the door.


The room looked finish and her parents were kind enough to loan them their old, but comfortable and good looking sofa. That was where she was when the door handle jingled as someone tried to come inside. Her twin had left a short while earlier, mumbling something about a date with destiny?

Deleted user

Name: Baz Leon
Nicknames: Lee, Leo, Eon, and Bazzy.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, but will flirt with anybody and everybody.

Alien name: Zilin Xiks
Planet of Origin: Zalriotania
True appearance: His skin is on the light green side. He has four hands and four eyes. Each eye is a different shade of blue. His hair is Bright-White. He has two antennas the size of a middle finger and it drops down when he's mad or sad. His build isn't on the muscle side but it's not on the thin side either. He has a big scar, from the top of his eye to his chin. He usually wairs a robe-like clothing. Robe-like clothing is the mort respectful thing to wair on his planet.
Any pets/family back home: A Tomuibos. A traveling and harvesting alien animal.
If so, how many: 1

Appearance: His eyes are Hazel and his hair is black. He still has the scar and his Build is the same.
Clothing style: A normal white shirt with jeans.
Outfit: (Refer to above)
Distinguishing features: He has a tattoo of a dragon on his left hand and a big scar on his face (Look to backstory).

Personality: He's got a bit of an ego. He's usually a bit irritable, but will force a smile on his face if he has to. Very blunt, which can make him a bit cold sounding. If he ends up liking someone, he can be protective and less snappish. He's honestly quite the tired person on the inside.
Likes/dislikes: He loves dogs and any animals. Hates Being alone
Habits: Fidget's and taps on something when nervous.
Family/friends: Only his sister.
Fears: Someone finding out that he's an Alien.
Backstory: When he was 16 years old he was on his ship going to the planet Treshan T0. The only problem was, was that his engine was busted so he inevitably crashed on earth and fainted. Luckily someone found him but he wasn't in human form. They took him to their house and when he woke up he felt a big pain on his face. He looked in a mirror and sow the big gash that went from the top of his eye to his chin. He shifted into human form and ran out. He eventually was found and taken in by who was now his older sister.

Major: Education.
Year: 2nd
Job: N/A
Other (Added):

  • He Pronounces earth, e-are-th.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Marchosaias gazed in amazement at his surroundings as he approached the building. He'd gotten to tour the place before and had fervently studied the layout of the housing and college buildings, but now his stay here would be official, a thought which was both exciting and terrifying. He flinched closer to his guide every time someone passed them too closely, and she glanced down at him. "Sir, I thought you said you were happy about today. You seem more frightened than happy."
"Well, I am a bit of both right now." He shrugged. "I-it is okay; I think I will be fine once we get to the room." He hiked his bag higher on his shoulder as they went further in, only hoping he wouldn't freeze up when he met his new house-pack. No, what were they called here? Oh - Roommates. He was going to have human roommates!

Deleted user

Zilin walked around outside the house. He didn't know what he was about to get into. A whole dorm of humans and a single alien. The only thing he had to remain from saying was earth. He said it with an Alien accent and he couldn't fix it. Zilin decided to walk in. Zilin gulped and then entered. He stopped, dead in his tracks. There were roommates…Oh, there were a lot…He decided not to socialize yet and went right to the empty rooms. Zilin found one for his liking and walked in. He decided to sort all his clothes out. He had to hide his robes. He decided to keep them in the back of his closet. Once Zilin was done he went downstairs and sat on the mini couch and sighed, looking at all the other people in the house.

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Zilin Almost jumped. His heart was now pounding. "H-hello Emerson." He said, stuttering. "Im Baz Leon…Call me Leo…" He said in an undertone. He couldn't look the girl in the eye because he wasn't too sure of who she might be.

@knightinadream group

Eros went back down to the entrance to gather up his things before going back up to the dorm. He stacked up the four boxes, slung his backpack over, placed the plant on the boxes, then pulled the suitcase behind him. Each step was made with a lot of carefulness; might as well be an Earth snail at this point. "Excuse me friends!", he chirped while entering the dorm and shuffling over to an empty room.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Marchosaias - he still needed to get used to referring to himself as "Marcus" - took a deep breath and held onto his guide's hand as they came to the door. Someone else had just gone inside with an armload of stuff, and he suddenly wondered if he should have brought his few boxes instead of leaving them at Kenza's house to bring in later - he thought his one bag and suitcase would be okay for the time being. Oh well, they could worry about it once he settled in.
"Stay calm and remember your studies." His guide whispered to him, her hands on his arms. "Now, what is your name?"
"Marcus, not Marchosaias."
"Good. Do you want me to come back tomorrow with the rest of your belongings?"
"Yes, please. Thank you, Kenza." He pulled her into a hug, to which she tensed - right, her kind didn't hug, whoops - then watched her leave before making his way into the room. First things first, he found the one spot that wasn't taken.

@knightinadream group

Eros sat the little green succulent on the desk before dropping everything else. The boxes made a thud sound, but somehow everything managed to stay in one piece. He took a moment, looking around the room while tapping on his ring. The creature started the process of setting up his room but decided to take a break. Picking up a box, he went back out over to the mini kitchen and set up the hot chocolate/coffee machine. "Does anyone want me to make them some hot chocolate or something?", he asked.


Hot chocolate. Delicious, rich, and chocolatey. One of the things that Jasper adored while Emerson hated. "None for me, hot chocolate is the devil's creation. Disgusting." She responded, sticking her tongue out. It was at that moment that Jasper decided to come back with some of her other things, including her own cookbook, which held all her favourite recipes as well as those she discovered on her travels. "If there is hot chocolate being made, I'd like your biggest mug!" He grinned at his twin. Jasper set down the last of her bags and stretched, looking around the room. "Wow Emie, didn't know that you were paired with some of the most good-looking guys on campus," he winked at the closest person before leaning against the door frame. "Seems I'll be spending a lot of time in this house."

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Placing his bags on the bed, Marchosaias looked around the room, then out the window and smiled, giggling quietly to himself. He'd heard the offer of hot chocolate, which sounded wonderful and like something he certainly wanted to try, but he couldn't consume hot liquids. So, he started unpacking his suitcase, starting with his three favorite framed photos. This will be nice.

@knightinadream group

After turning on the machine, Eros set his hand on the counter to lean back while listening to the responses. Hot chocolate being the devil? The kreph's mouth dropped trying to connect the dots. How is it possible? The beverage is one of the most tremendous things humans have ever made! It does not make sense that it could have such a connotation like that. Oh well, he'd heard that sometimes the drink burns tongues; makes sense. "Okay!", he chirped,"It should be ready in a few minutes!"

All of the mugs he had were decorated with something on it. One had Earth flamingos while another had constellations for example. The biggest one had to be the one with the Earth's countries' flags on them, so Eros picked that one for the new friend. Since he didn't know his roommates' names, he just calls everyone "new friend".

Eros quietly walked over silently hoping that he does not spill the warm drink on the floor or one anyone. His eyes were kept down at the floor before looking up to hand the mug to the other guy. Maybe it wasn't the best time to do so; what should he do now? Slowly raising his right hand, he waved it enthusiastically with a beam on his face. "Hi! I'm Eros!"


(Heyyy, can we ship Jasper and Eros? I feel that would be a chaotic experience)

Jasper blew in his drink and took a sip, a small cocoa moustache forming. "Very nice to meet you. I'm Jasper, and this is my twin, Emerson, we call her Emie." He smiled, doing a 2-finger salute in response.

@knightinadream group

(That's perfectly alright with me. Sounds wonderful!)

"I hope it's not too hot.", he pouted while scratching the back of his head,"Sometimes the machine heats the water up way too much."

Looking over at Emerson, the kreph gave another happy wave. He stopped for a second looking at Emi then at Jasper and repeated. The two do look incredibly similar and very nice, hopefully he'll become good friends with them as well as with the other roommates.

Eros noticed the hand sign that Jasper was making. He covered his mouth in surprise and went back to looking down at the floor for a couple of seconds. Probably was just another way of greeting or meant something good to humans. The thought of it made him giggle for a second. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you two!", he grinned,"I'm excited that we're roommates, this is going to be fun!"

Deleted user

Zilin watched as the conversation continued. "Mhm…Can't wait…" He mumbled, annoyed. He decided to go up to his room and get to work. As he was walking up the stairs he tripped and fell face-first to the ground and slid down the stairs. "Oh, …biscuits." He caught himself from cursing. He got IP and rubbed his face. When he let go, there was blood on his hands. He had a nose bleed. He raced upstairs to clean the blood and once he was done he cleaned the blood from the steps and decided he was going to stay down. Maybe he could socialize?

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Marchosaias hummed as he made up his bed and unpacked the rest of his tote, then left his suitcase next to the window and decided to see what was going on in the main room. He peeked out around the corner and gave a little wave. "Hello." He greeted the group quietly.


(Y'all, I just realized Emerson is the only girl XD)
Emerson smiled softly and gestured for Marcus to come join them in the common room. "Hello! Come join us love." She spoke softly, her accent peeking through. "Emie, I absolutely love your accent. I'm surprised you picked it up though, you only spent two years in London." Jasper sitting beside Eros. "Two years is a long time. You of all people should know this." She responded, looking away from him.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Marchosaias went over, gripping the rim of his shirt, but he reluctantly let it go to hold his hand out the way he'd practiced. "I-I'm Marcus. Very nice to meet you."

@knightinadream group

Eros sat up straight with his legs crossed. The sofa felt comfy, although he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to recline back. His eyes wandered around the living room wondering how they should all decorate it. Maybe a few small plants or those fairy lights could help make it brighter; he pulled out a pen from his pocket then pulled down his sleeve to make a note before rolling it back up.

Meeting new friends is always nice! The krepth loves it! He couldn't help but notice how this roommate looked a bit nervous. Hopefully Eros isn't that scary to him so he just kept smiling. "Marcus, I'm so glad to meet you! I'm Eros.", he beamed,"I have a machine that make hot chocolate, tea, and all those kinds of beverages. Could I offer you one?" He stood up then shook Marcus's hand making sure that his grip wasn't too tight nor loose.


"Eros sit down, you made hot chocolate now enjoy that awful sugary drink. I'll go make something for Marcus and myself. Do you want coffee, tea, or something else?" She asked