forum A Deck of Cards (6/6) (closed!)
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Deleted user

(Actually, The Kingdom of hearts is a place for flowers. Also (Not really related to you're question) The spades and Clubs always argue on who's better.)

Deleted user

May I be of the diamonds?
And what would be my story? I was protecting the prince and I for captured along side him?

And Yes!

Deleted user

Alrighty then, what's the diamond's main export and such?


Well the original jist of this was that the Joker's were upbeat and funny. The heart's Were nice. The spades were helpful. The Club's and Dimond's were vary strict,

Deleted user

Yes. We did work that out. That was the original thought.

Deleted user

Alrighty, just wanted to know :)
I'll work on my character when I'm done eating my ice-cream

Deleted user

(I’ll have my character up in the morning, it’s almost 1:30 AM here and I need sleep..)

(Thats not a problem at all! Take your time! No rush at all!)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Finally finished my character. Let me know if I need to change or explain anything.

Name: Jessica Crowley
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: female she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual demiromantic though with more of a preference for guys
Looks: Jessica has thick curly black hair that reaches her mid-back when it's not in her usual bun, sharp green eyes and lightly tan skin. She's about 5’8” with a slender build.
Personality: Jessica really has two main sides of her personality: serious or flirty. She is very passionate about her future as the Queen of Clubs but every Queen needs a King.
Likes: her future kingdom, flirting, parties, cats, horses,
Dislikes: getting dirty, pointless arguments, bugs,
Hobbies: horse riding, archery,
Prince/Princess of: Clubs
Backstory: Her parents were very close and she'd always hoped to experience that kind of relationship with someone one day. Before her kingdom was taken, she was very diligent in her studies to become Queen but she enjoyed participating in parties as a way to get to know her people.

@The-Magician group

Name: Noel "El" Silver
Age: 18
Gender/Pronouns: Male/ he, him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Looks: Noel is fairly tall, around 6'1, with a well toned muscular frame. He's a little more leg than torso, but he has a lot of upper body strength. He has light blond hair that is fairly short–just to the base of his neck–and is very wavy. His skin is darkly tanned but freckles appear in splashes on his face and arms. He has a pair of round hazel eyes that are set behind a pair of perfectly round glasses.
Personality: Noel is calm and logical. He is open-minded and always listens to what people have to say. Being a logical person, he is quick when it comes to making decisions, and always has the potential consequences in mind. He is in no way confident in himself, and despite his bold image he is actually quite a timid person who will become embarrassed whenever someone talks to him. This being said, when it comes defending someone he cares about, he will not allow his embarrassment to get the better of him.
Likes: Rain, reading, jogging, working out, tea.
Dislikes: Snobs, idiots, the sun, loud noises.
Hobbies: In his free time, he likes to go for long walks or read up on war history. He used to be a sparring partner for his younger brother who was quite into fist-fighting.
Prince/Princess of: Spades
Backstory: Noel has two younger brothers, a younger sister, a mother and father. He was raised to be the next King of Spades, though his instructors were not as strict with him as they could have been. He seemed to be the only member of his family who was supportive of his sister's rambunctious nature, which caused a few arguments between himself and his parents. For the most part they all saw eye to eye, but when someone had a differing opinion, that's when the family seemed to divide. Noel did whatever it took to try and find the middle ground in all situations.
Other: N/A

(Is he okay?)

Deleted user

(Wait. @FanfictionFanatic @I_Dont_know_who_I_Am and @StarkSpangledBanner Please make your character under 20 please.)

Deleted user

Name: Alexander Logan Dimitri
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: Male
Sexuality: Hah, gay
Looks: Alexander has somewhat long brown hair always tied up in a bun with his kingdom's crest, his face is splattered with freckles, seriously, freckles everywhere. His eyes are dark brown and look almost black. He stands at around 5'7 and has constant eye bags.
Personality: Constantly tired but still determined to protect his prince. He just wanted a nap but instead he got his palace invaded, seriously.
Likes: Coffee, quiet days, not being in jail.
Dislikes: Being in jail, getting charcoal on his fingers, gay panic whenever he sees someone hot.
Hobbies: Sketching
(For Ace:) Ace Of: Diamonds
Backstory: Not much, his mama married the previous captain of the guards and he trained to be a guard. He got up to Ace soon enough.