forum One-on-One Summer Camp Roleplay (Closed, stalkers enabled)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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"Why don't we play Marco Polo? That's a fun game." Jae commented, "Not it!"


"Not it!" Annika said, looking around at the boys. Otis shrugged, he didn't really care if he was it. Then he realized and said "Not it!" quietly. Well, it looked like Maryn was it. The teeneagers dispersed themselves around the pool. "We all passed the swim test, right?" Annika asked, to make sure that it was OK if she went on the deep end.

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"Yes, I did," Jae said happily.

Maryn realized he was it for Marco Polo. "Yeah, I passed it." He replied to Annika. He closed his eyes and counted to ten then he said, "Marco?"

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"Polo!" Jae called.
The game continued for a few minutes until Maryn tagged Jae. "Agh!" Jae shrieked excitedly, "I'm it!" She counted to ten, "Marco!"

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"Polo," Maryn said.

Jae headed in Annika and Otis' direction "Marco!"


"Aw, crud." Annika said, secretly happy to be Marco. Just then, the lifeguard blew his whistle. It was time to get out. The campers went back to the cabin. Annika put on some jean shorts and last year's camp t-shirt, and Otis put on a light grey shirt with jeans.

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The lifeguard blew his whistle and everyone went back to their cabins. Jae changed into a green tank top and blue capris. Maryn put on a blue t-shirt and blue jeans.

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Jae loved the food at camp. She was super excited. They always had _____ on the first night.
(What do you want the meal to be?)

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"Yum, Tacos!" Jae exclaimed when they got their food.

"Hm, not bad," Otis said quietly after biting into a taco