forum One-on-One Summer Camp Roleplay (Closed, stalkers enabled)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Jae stared at Annika for a split-second and then squealed, "OMG! You're Annika Layton! Or as most campers call you, The Veteran Camper! It's so nice to meet you." Jae stuck out her hand at the overwhelmed Annika.

Maryn nodded at Benajamin and walked his stuff over to someone's bunk. "Otis…right?" He thought to himself. The boy looked a little annoyed at his presence. "Oh, this isn't gonna be fun. I suppose I'd better plan for another camp of utter loneliness. I told mom this was a waste of money. I'm not social enough to make friends."


Otis smiled shyly. He probably thinks that I'm super annoyed or something. he thought to himself.

"Jeez, Jae. You don't have to freak out." Annika said, glancing at the hyper girl's nametag as she shook her hand."I've been here a few years, that's all! Wow, I didn't know I had fans. Nice to meet you."

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Maryn noticed the boy smiling at him and he gave a small, shy smile back, I honestly think it's still going to be a pretty awkward two weeks since he looks pretty shy and unsocial like me. Maryn thought.

"Oh! I'm sorry! It's just everyone here speaks of you very highly, like you're a legend or something!" Jae laughed.

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Srry I got distracted I'm back though I might be on and off. At six I'll be gone for like an hour or two. Bc I'm finally gonna be in time for one of a dude named YourPalRoss's livestreams.

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"I'm good." Jae laughed, "I'd rather be friends if that's okay."

So he's an artist too huh. Maryn thought. Should I say hi?


"Good." Annika said. "Nothing personal, but I'd rather not have a fangirl following me around all the time. Do you need help setting up?"

Otis kept drawing.

(Sorry for Otis' one-liner, I didn't quite know what to do :)

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(It's fine, do they do a swim test or anything btw)

"Sure! That'd be great!" Jae replied, happily glad to make a new friend.

Maryn summoned up all his courage(which wasn't much) and greeted the boy, "Uhm…H-hi there, Otis was it? I-i'm Maryn. It's nice…nice to meet you." He shakily held out his hand hoping that it wasn't sweaty.


(Yes, they do :)

"Alright. Just tell me what you need done and I'd be happy to do it." Annika said.

Otis looked up at the boy. People didn't usually greet him. He tried not to look surprised, but couldn't help it. "H-H-Hi. H-H-H-How are you?" Otis said looking down. Why do I have to stutter on my H's?!?! I sound like a jerk! he thought to himself.

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"Ummm…If you could, could help me with my bed. I've never really been able to make it very well." Jae said holding up some light blue sheets and a small rainbow blanket.

Maryn stuck his hand quickly in his pocket, Agh, Maryn what the heck are you doing?! This dude obviously doesn't want to be your friend. No matter how much you try you aren't going to have a friend nor social life! He turned away nervously and very discouraged.


Come on, Otis, you screwed up. Say something to make it right! he thought to himself.
“Alright, everyone, I want you all to get to know each other better! Talk with your bunkmate. Tell him about yourselves!” Benjamin the senior counselor said.

Annika helped Jae with her bed and Jackie told the girls to pick a partner and get acquainted. “Well, Jae. Looks like it’s just you and me.” Annika said.

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Oh no! Maryn thought nervously, This dude obviously doesn't like me this is gonna be super awkward!

"Awesome!" Jae pumped her fist, "What do you wanna talk about first?"


“H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-um…” Otis stuttered. He put up a hand to signify a wave.How come the one word that you use to make people like you starts with the hardest letter in the alphabet? he wondered to himself.

“I honestly don’t care. Tell me about you.” Annika said, sitting acrss from Jae.

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Otis gave what Maryn thought was a wave. "U-u-u-u-u-hm….." Maryn said staring at the floor, his face hot.

"Oh, okay." Jae said, "Uhm, let's see…Oh! I went to France recently!"

(Annika's reply caught me off guard so I just made something up. You leaving soon?)

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(It's 4:32 where I'm at. Which is Michigan, I'm not sure if you live inside a different time zone or not sooooo idk.)