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forum Forever Love // One-On-One // CLOSED
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I have plots in mind, but I need a decision made first. Whoever joins will choose that.
BxB or GxB

Deleted user

(OK cool. I'm currently on my phone but I'll work on a template when I get on my laptop)

Deleted user

Age: (23-25)
Appearance: (detail)
Style: (day-to-day clothing)


Name: Axl Jones
Age: (23-25) 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: (detail) Axl's got brown hair that swoops over his right eye when he's too lazy to brush it out of the way. It's got a smooth texture, but the color is one of the earth and the bark of the trees that grow out of it. His eyes follow suit- a sunken brown color with a faint golden outline around the edge that makes it seem like there's always a light when he smiles. When he does smile, it's like there are fireworks going off somewhere. His face smushes up near his eyes and the light intensifies. He's got a fairly average frame for a dude, about 6'0".
Style: (day-to-day clothing) On a typical day, he wears a blue beanie and a brown leather jacket. Beneath that is a plain t-shirt and slightly ripped jeans. Oh, and he wears converse shoes. Like, always. They can be different colors and styles (mostly black) but he sticks to a brand he knows well. Plain, black rimmed glasses sit on his nose even though without them he'd be fine.
Personality: He tends to be really smiley. All the time. Even in the midst of a mental breakdown, he could he smiling wider than ever. This confuses him and others a lot. He is really outgoing and tries to reach out to anyone he can. People around him say he's a good source for a good laugh.
Likes: photography, cookies, smiling, being helpful
Dislikes: coffee (I know I know), the color red, and his father
Background: His mom died when he was young, but the one thing she taught him was how to smile through every moment. She left him with his father and his little brother (Jake). His father is emotionally abusive of both of them without real intention. He uses the passing of Axl's mom as an excuse to do so. When Axl used to find Jake crying, he'd give him a reason to laugh and be happy. About a year ago, Jack was in an accident and met his mom again. That year, Axl moved out having no reason to stay. His father hasn't called in a few years. Other people might be seen as broken after all this, but from a young age, he was taught to mask everything. To not show intention. So, he's done exactly that.
Other: Flaws- He can't multitask. He falls in love to easily. And he doesn't trust enough.

(Is he okay? I can totally fix him up if you want. I'm doing this right before bed (and getting repeatedly told to go to bed) so I have to go, but I'll be back in the morning to change anything if I need to)

Deleted user

Name: Lyric Hudgens
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Lyric has knee-length, thick silky dark brown hair. It is natural wavy, but she straightens it every few days. It is typically in a ponytail and tied with a red ribbon. She has medium brown skin and a beauty mark below her right eye, towards the side of her face. Her eyes are a lime green and always seem to be twinkling.
Style: Lyric has two styles and two styles only - Tomboy or Stylish. When she feels 'Tomboy', she will be wearing ankle-length tan pants that are rolled up a few times. She wears a black shirt that will sometimes have a logo on it and wears a dark blue denim jacket with sleeves that reach her elbows. She wears a pale red scarf tied like a cowboy's ( and wears red converses. When she feels 'Stylish', she wears a simple white shirt with elbow length sleeves that is tucked into a pale blue half-thigh-length skirt. She will wear knee length navy kitten stockings and flat gold shoes with ankle straps.
Personality: Lyric is kind and thoughtful. She will always try to help people even if she risks her own saftey. Lyric is caring and amazing with kids.
Likes: Singing, her sister, her brother, her niece, her 2 sets of parents
Dislikes: That her biological parents are dead, that she trusts too easily
Background: Lyric is the eldest of three. Her mother contracted an ilness only a few days after her birth, and unfortunately died after a week of contraction. Knowing that he needed a woman to look after his daughter, he remarried. For 5 years, Lyric loved the woman who she thought was her mother. The woman fell pregnant when Lyric was 3 and birthed a baby girl who was named Vaiana. Unfortunately, Lyric's father was shot and killed in a robbery at his job when Lyric was 6. After that, Lyric's step-mum remarried and after 2 years, had a baby boy who was named Cameron. Lyric found out that her step-mum wasn't her mother at age 16.
Vaiana is currently 20 and an accomplished swimmer ( (but, you know, without the mermaidness)). She has 3 year old daughters (twins) named Trini and Olive (she was a teenge mum).
Cameron and currently 16 and a full-time high school student (
Other: One of her flaws is that she trusts too easily. Lyric is a primary teacher.

Deleted user

"Thanks for coming and picking the twins up with me, Axl," Lyric said as she walked, hand in hand, with Axl to the entrance of the day care.


(Oh my gosh I love heeeeeerrrrr, also, what's the plot like)

"Yeah, no problem." Axl looked down at her and smiled. There was always something about her that made the world seem okay. He gently squeezed her hand before looking back up so he wouldn't run into anything. He did that a lot.

Deleted user

(thank you!
And no official plot, kinda just one of those 'do it as you go' things
But they've been dating for a few years and are nearly almost maybe engaged wink wink)

"Vai's at work, and the twins are staying at mum's," Lyric explained. "Mum can't pick them up so I said I'd drop them off." Lyric had grown up calling her step-mum mum, so she hadn't changed the title.


(Oooooooo hahahahahahahsufogpeoldkfmd Yas)

"Right." Lyric's family line had always confused him, but over the years he'd grown used to it. "What's the plan after this?"

Deleted user

"Maybe we could go to the park? I know it's slightly snowing, but it's a fun place to be," Lyric said as she opened and walked in the door.


(How soon do you want this to happen?)

"That sounds like a good idea." The park was beautiful when it snowed. Especially when she's there. He smiled a little wider as he followed her through the door.

Deleted user

(when they're in the park. I'm gonna have it so that lyric's step-mum lives only a few minutes away)

"I'm here to pick Olive and Trini Hudgens up," Lyric said to the receptionist. The twins ran up to her as she signed them out.


The park.

The idea rung in his head. There was a box-shaped weight in his pocket, one that had been there for a few weeks. He hadn't gotten the courage to asked. He had gotten close once, but someone had walked in a few moments before.

The park. It's perfect.

Deleted user

"Auntie Music!" The twins said. Their nickname for Lyric was Music, since that's what Vaiana would call her occasionally. The twins had inherited their dark skin and curly hair from their father, but looked exactly like their mother.


Axl smiled at the twins. Kids in general made him smile, but these two always brightened his day. His hands found his pocket and befan to mess around with the box. What am I gonna say?

Deleted user

"Hey girls," Lyric smiled. "Ready to go see grandma?" The girls nodded excitedly. Lyric picked Trini up while Olive motioned to Axl for him to pick her up.

Deleted user

Lyric nose kissed Trini, who giggled. She turned to Axl. "Let's go."