forum New agere chat for all you littles and cgs!
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Heyo! This is a new and hopefully improved agere chat for all the littles and cgs on this cite! Pet regressors are also allowed here! Feel free to interact! This is a safe place! No ddlg, nsfw or anything like that is allowed on here though. Age regression is a sfw and innocent thing and is not involved with any nsfw. If you have questions feel free to ask! I’m happy to answer!

I’m Eli/Kai and my pronouns are he him. I’m an age regressor and my little ages range from 0 all the way to 6! (Maybe even 7-)

Feel free to introduce yourself as well!


Hey, I mean absolutely no disrespect or anything but you might wanna reconsider having this thread. Like, having a public chat inviting very young children (even if only mentally) to hangout online might start very innocent and I understand the good intentions but there are weirdos and fetishizers out there (creeps of which andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has had to deal with before) is maybe not the greatest idea.
The idea is nice but you have to consider everyone's safety. I'm no mod, I can't tell you what to do, but I've been here a long time and I don't wanna see new users get taken advantage of


Hiii! I’m Star_RI, and I’m a regressor! I’m autistic, and my special interests are Botw and Pokémon go! My cg is my imaginary friend (hint, she’s a Zelda character) and basically a second mother to me even when I’m big. Anyway! Hi!


Hi my name is gwen and my pronouns are she/they I am a regressor my little ages are from 0-3 I am austistic and I love my stuffies

@jordenistrans public

You guys already know mee!!!
I am Jorden, my little nickname is Jojo!! My little age rande is 2-7!! My pronouns are he/him, I really love talking to you guys and my favorite little activity is coloring and I LOVE BLUEYYYYY!!!!!! Right now, I'm 7 but yeahh!!

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

I'm clover. I regress alot. I have autism and I think I have a Borderline Personality Disorder. I love monster high, winoda ryder, bluey, music, theater, and a lot of other stuff!! I'm scene and a kandi kid.

I range from 0-7. Regress into a kitty, possum, racoon, and a bat!! I am also a flip so if u ever need a caregiver or a babysitter. I'm always online lol. My babysitting hours are from 6 am-9 pm EST. If you're my little I'm always here.

Speaking of caregivers I have a cg! @jordenistrans15 is my lovely mama/cg however I wouldn't mind more. What can I say, I'm a spoiled little girl.

My comfort activities are playing with stuffies, making Kandi, sucking on my paci, biting straws, and doing word searches. I also play acnh and Minecraft.

@jordenistrans public

I'm clover. I regress alot. I have autism and I think I have a narcissistic personality disorder. I love monster high, winoda ryder, bluey, music, theater, and a lot of other stuff!! I'm scene and a kandi kid.

I range from 0-7. Regress into a kitty, possum, racoon, and a bat!! I am also a flip so if u ever need a caregiver or a baby sitter. I'm always online lol.

My comfort activities are playing with stuffies, making kandi, sucking on my paci, biting straws, and doing word searches. I also play acnh and Minecraft.

I kina nee a babesitterrr

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

I'm clover. I regress alot. I have autism and I think I have a narcissistic personality disorder. I love monster high, winoda ryder, bluey, music, theater, and a lot of other stuff!! I'm scene and a kandi kid.

I range from 0-7. Regress into a kitty, possum, racoon, and a bat!! I am also a flip so if u ever need a caregiver or a baby sitter. I'm always online lol.

My comfort activities are playing with stuffies, making kandi, sucking on my paci, biting straws, and doing word searches. I also play acnh and Minecraft.

I kina nee a babesitterrr

Ok buddy. Ill meet you in the pms in a minute


Hewo, my name is Rose
My pronouns are she/her in little space and she/they while big
I regression every so often
My little age is 2-5 years old
I like to watch Bluey, Color ,go on a trampoline , make food, and nap while in little space