forum This Has a Creative Name (OxO, CLOSED) (MATURE)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

So I don’t have a major idea for a plot, just that I have a character that I want to use because he’s a favorite. This can have fantasy elements or can be realistic, depending on the other character. I’m very open for ideas!! Was thinking it should be preferably mlm based on my characters preferences but we will see


  • Rated MA/R for mature themes, possible violence, sexual scenarios (will be taken to PMs) and more
  • 3+ sentence replies, not trying to have this die
  • Don’t have a super OP character

Character Sheet
Other (optional):

My Character:
Name: Yeong (yee-on) Navarro

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Pansexual, heavy male preference.

Nationality/Race: Hispanic. He has Spanish citizenship and tends to go back for around a month each year in the summer time. At the moment, though, he currently lives in the US in Miami, Florida.

Appearance: (General appearance based off of: Height wise, he is 6’1. His build is more on the toned and muscular side. He has tattoo sleeves starting at his wrists and going up his arms to his throat, ending at his jawline. His ears are pierced, and he tends to wear black or silver studs in those piercings. He tends to wear dark, street style clothing. Formal clothing is something he will rarely be seen in.

Personality: Tends to be more on the extroverted side. He is flirtatious with those that he is attracted to. That consists of direct remarks on appearance/personality and clever one liners from time to time. He seems quite clever. He is loyal to the cartel. He is seasoned with knowledge having to do with street smarts. Around his friends and relationship partners, he is very open and loud, seeming like a complete open book, though he picks and chooses who he will give his deep opinions to. Talking about his negative emotions is not something he enjoys doing, and he will often brush it off with humor as a way to cope. He is a bit of a masochist as well, and not very gentle handed. He knows what he wants, and he will do anything it takes to get it. He is possessive of his lovers, and would much rather keep them all for himself.

Likes: Soccer, parties, drugs and alcohol, intimacy, and social functions.

Dislikes: Law enforcement, rejection, blows to his confidence, and reality checks.

Hobbies: In some of his free time, he can be found playing soccer with his friends. Other days, he helps tutor Hispanic/Latino kids in the “slums” English. Besides that, some basic things include exercise and cooking.

Background: The ‘need-to-know’ basics are that he was born in Spain to the upper leaders of the Spanish Mafia. He moved to the United States when he turned 13, and has lived in Miami, Florida ever since. He grew up being homeschooled, but had attended a college in Florida. During the time he was in college, he began to feel disdain towards his future of becoming a leader of the Spanish Mafia. He has an accent due to english not being his first language, and during times of frustration it becomes more prominent. Besides these things, other pieces of information will be revealed throughout the writings.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Roazin “Roa” Demcrius
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Eyes) Amber/Gold. Almond shaped, and upturned slightly on the outsides, framed with short, dark lashes
Hair) Dark Brown, almost black. In most lighting, it does look black, but int bright white light or on a particular sunny day, you can see that it is actually brown.
Skin) Olive, with a slight tan on his shoulders and outer arms.
Height) 5’7”
Weight) 143lbs
Body Type) Ectomorph: This is when the body is lean and slender and tends to have less body fat and muscle. People with this body type can often find it challenging to gain weight in the form of muscle or fat.
Personality: Roa is kind and gentle, preferring softer approches to anything. He enjoys seeing and making other people happy, and tries to do a lot of charity work. He never has the heart to be rude to anyone, no matter what they do and finds himself in awkward situations when someone’s being rude to him and he just smiles, dips his head and says nothing. This would usually put people off, and they would leave him alone. He’s kind of a doormat and a pushover sometimes.
He has a big heart, and will forgive anyone at the words ‘I’m sorry’. He’ll do this with anyone, even with people who have used this to manipulate him, always wanting to believe in the best of people. He also has a weak spot for hurt things, animals and people alike and will put himself in danger to save another.
He has a sarcastic sense of humor and will constantly tease anyone he is remotely close to without remorse. This always comes from a loving and affectionate side of him, and he would never tease anyone about anything they are insecure about.
- Attending Charity Events; He enjoys giving money, and raising money for those who need it more than he does. He love seeing the smiles on people faces when he helps them.
- Reading; He finds it relaxing and it helps quiet his mind. Depending on what he wants he’ll reread an old book or find a new one.
- Dancing; Whether it’s ballroom dancing or dancing at a club, you can be sure he’ll be in the center of the dance floor, having a blast.
- Spicy Food; Anything with the slightest hint of pepper is too much for him.
- Bossy Know it All’s; Really, can’t they tell themselves what to do? Though, as long as they don’t bother him, he’s fine. But he’ll never let it stand if he sees a manager doing that to another employee in his father’s company.
- Random People Using His Nickname; The nickname “Roa” is strictly off limits to anyone but his mother. He gets pissed anytime someone else calls him that without his permission.
- Dancing; He’s done it so much I’m his life that he”s really good at it. And sometimes it feels good to let loose and just dance to the music. Or no music.
- Soap Carving; He’s not any good at it, and most of the time, he’ll usually just chips away at the soap, not making anything. But it makes his hands smell good, so that’s nice.
- Binge Watching Drama TV Shows; He just gets to relax, make theories and be stupid for hours.
- Osteophobia; fear of bones or of the process of breaking bones. (For him it’s broken bones)
- Thalassophobia; fear of large bodies of water.
- Aromaphobia; fear of spices and spicy food
Mental) N/A
Physical) N/A
Background: (Brain go burr, like normal, all add to this as the story progresses)
Other: N/A

@Desvelarse pets

(I completely forgot to do this, work has me braindead jfc)

Yeong fell to the ground once again, grunting as he did so. That was the second time within the last half hour that he had fallen due to the other men, and he was beginning to grow frustrated. The laughter from him didn't help, and he knew that he was getting sloppy.

Thankfully, it was only a friendly game of soccer. He pushed himself to his feet, wiping the grass from his legs. His buddies were laughing as they kicked the ball into the goal. He had been playing terrible that day and chose to blame the heat. "I'm going to grab some water," he called to them before turning and jogging out of the grassy field. He stopped by where a couple of duffel bags sat on a nearby bench. Digging into one, he pulled out a bottled water and drank quickly from it. He wiped sweat from his forehead as he did so, unsure of how to beat the heat. He already wore a fitted white tank top and a pair of basketball style grey shorts. There wasn't much else he could do.

The group were at a local field that was outside of a few apartment complexes. It wasn't the nicest area, but it was free, and no one bothered them much anyways. It was close to where Yeong tutored the neighborhood kids English, so it was a quick and easy jog to the field. He looked out at the street, watching any passerby's momentarily while he caught his breath.

@Desvelarse pets

(Was thinking something easy along the lines of they bump into each other, Yeong being who he is would ask Roa out, and they could possibly get wrapped up in some cartel type stuff together)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa had no clue why he was here. At all. He wasn’t an outdoorsy person, but for some reason, he had decided to go to the nearby soccer field and do some work. But instead, he’d gotten distracted by the game of pickup soccer that was going on. Very distracted. He watches the different people play the game, laughing slightly as someone fell down for the second time, cause the other team to score.

He looks back at his laptop, the battery draining insanely fast in the sunlight as it worked overtime to stay cool and keep the screen bright enough for him to see. He shakes his head slightly, reaching over to take a drink of his water before trying to focuse on his work once again.

@Desvelarse pets

(Omg could have sworn I replied to this. Also sorry for the shorter reply, at work on mobile)

As Yeong observed his surroundings, his gaze eventually landed on a man resting at a bench nearby. The man was clearly watching them play soccer, and he cringed thinking about whether or not the man saw him take those couple of falls.

Being the social person he was, Yeong decided to leave his things and walk over to the man. “Enjoying the game?” he asked, hispanic accent very noticeable in his voice. His tattoo sleeves were very detailed up close, all being in black and grey tones. They spanned from his hands/wrists, travelled up his arms, along his shoulders, up his neck, and ended at his jawline. He leaned against the bench, one hand resting on the back of it and as he looked down at the man.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa blinks, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment and he looks down, “Um. . . Didn’t really come here to watch you guys play. I was trying to get some work done. In this. . . Insane heat.”

His gaze dropped to the man’s arms, the green glinting with a soft admiration as they traveled up and towards the mans jaw. His gaze settled into place on the man’s face and he smiled slightly. “Nice tat’s though. Saw you falling back there. I can’t say that you can blam the grass. It’s not wet. It’s too hot for that.” He laughs softly.

“If I were you though, I would have just walked away in embarrassment. Given up entirely.” He smiles, clearly just teasing. He then looks back to the swiftly dying laptop and closes it.

@Desvelarse pets

(Sorry for the short reply, on mobile)

Yeong glanced over at the laptop that rested nearby with an arched brow. “What kind of work are you trying to get done out here?” he asked, being quite the nosey person. He was decently good at pulling information from strangers, using his charm and extroversion to do so.

“Thanks, hermano,” he replied when his tattoos were complimented, a bright grin on his face. He had plans to get more in the future. He wanted to get a couple on his face, or maybe down his back and chest. For now, the tattoos in the sleeve were the only ones that he had.

Yeong laughed when the comments were made about him falling during the game. “It’ll take a lot more than that to get me flustered,” he replied, shaking his head. “Just got to get back up and keep trying, you know?”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa shrugs, “Just some work. The deadlines never go away.” He laughs softly, sliding the laptop into his bag and zipping it closed. He taps his his fingers rhythmically against his water bottle, tilting his head to the side slightly.

“No problem. They do look nice.” His gaze moves back to the tattoos, inspecting them again from the slight distance. He looks back at the others face, running his hand through his hair. He could feel the sweat starting to appear on his skin as he did so. He makes a slight face and pulls his hand away, flicking it tightly.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like the sweat, it was that sweat and his hair did no mix. Typically, the sweat would make his hair feel gritty and grimy, changing the typically soft and fluffy texture into a mess of greasy, grimy waves.

“Yeah, not a sports guy, so I don’t really know.” He chuckles softly.

@Desvelarse pets

Yeong thanked the man again for complimenting his tattoos. He looked the man up and down, trying to gauge if he was just being polite or flirting with him. It was hard to tell, though he liked to think he was being flirted with. It boosted his confidence when he got that sort of attention, and he absolutely loved it.

“Ah, it doesn’t just relate to sports!” he hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Can relate to you in the business world with… whatever you do.” He found it hard to relate to people. He had never had a basic job. He had been thrown right into cartel work in his teenage years and never got to experience a regular 9-5 job.

Yeong shifted his weight on his feet, holding out one hand for the man to shake. “I’m Yeong, you are?” he introduced himself, head tilting in a dog like manner as he waited for the man’s reply.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa smiles at the man, soft, sweet and warm. His head tips to the side slightly, considering the other’s words, “I suppose. . . But I’m an author and self publish. The only deadlines I have are the ones my readers put on me. He chuckles softly.

“Peer pressure really is a thing, apparently. Normally if I don’t like what I’m working on, I can walk away from it for a bit. Though, sometimes that leads to my story dying and getting replaced by another one.” He shrugs slightly, still smiling. He stands, pulling his bag over his shoulder and then moves down a step to stand in front of the other.

He looks at Yeong’s hand and then takes it, shaking slightly before pulling back. Hand shakes weren’t his thing. His grip was always horrible and he was unshared if he did it correctly. “Roazin. Nice to meet you.”

@Desvelarse pets

Yeong's brows raised in a surprised manner. An author? He had never met an author before. He shifted his weight on his feet, settling there where he stood. He wasn't sure if the author was still working or not, but he assumed not, considering he was still holding the conversation. He could take a bit of a longer break from his soccer game, his friends surely wouldn't mind. "An author, huh? What kind of things do you write? Anything I might know?" he asked. He didn't read too much, admittedly. Books didn't hold his attention too well. He needed constant stimulation to keep himself from being a restless and antsy mess.

Yeong was tempted to tease the man about his handshake grip but didn't think that would be fully appropriate to say to a stranger. He had a bad habit of making himself too comfortable with people he just met. His mother joked that he was too friendly for his own good, and that was true enough. "Roazin," he started, repeating the name. It was a bit different sounding due to his accent as he sounded it out, getting a feel for it on his tongue. "Unique name, I like it."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Roa smiles, tilting his head to the side slightly, debating whether to disclose to the man what he wrote about. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable about what he wronged, no, he was prod of it. But not everyone liked to hear ‘I write gay romance’ . And even more candid, ‘I write gay smut’. He blows out a breath and tilts his head to the side, “I, um, I write romance.”

He looks away, blushing slightly. Roa was a big romantic, bit fantasies about finding the perfect guy and having a perfect life. Though he knew that probably wasn’t going to happen, he still dreamed about it.

Roa smiles slightly, tipping his head forward slightly, “Thanks. My mom was a sucker for unusual names.”