forum What does your oc's names actually mean?
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Deleted user

you can create the meaning yourself or just look it up if your boring cough. no offense to the boring people around the world or anything. But please be appropriate with the meanings and stuff, have fun with it.

@im-with-stoopid pets

A lot of my characters' names are combinations of words that relate to them.
It's a great method for making fantasy names that are still, y'know… pronounceable.

My main guy's name is Naveil. It was originally a combination of "Navigation" and "Quail," and it was spelled Navail. However, I changed the spelling to make to pronunciation clearer, and also because the word "veil" fits his tendency to hide his emotions.

Not a lot of my other characters' names are as thought out as Nav's is, but they use the same method.
In universe, his name would probably mean "mask" or something goofy.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Omg Kathy’s name has a backstory-

So of course he’s my phyco killer bb. And his deadname is kathrine. I wanted to make it kinda like my own deadname since he’s kinda like a darker version of my own intrusive thoughts. I also wanted his name to have a ring to it so i thought of killer kathy. Which is what the public calls him. And he prefers to be called kathy so there ya go.

@Eli-the-transboi group

As for goi, (it’s pronounced joy. Since shes a very happy girl) her name in numbers is actually 404. (Since the o is supposed to be a zero). If you look at the number screen when you type your password, g and i are in the 4 category and then you have 0. And shes a glitch. wink

Deleted user

so since i made this post (lol) i should probably share the basic meanings that i came up for some of my fantasy names.
Hinter- The one who chases the sun, but does not catch it.
Ealric- Soft voiced leader; patient.
Aldwulf- Fierce warrior; hunter of the weak.
Berwis- The mimicker of birds; bird song.
Reave- The wind before a harsh storm; storm runner.

   Female: Elora- *One who lies through their teeth.* Rhani- *Wood carve, artist of statues.* Evarius- *The cunning traveler; mountain climber.* Irun- *The skilled archer; who kills by arrow.* Emerynn- *One who takes flight over the valley.*

that's basically it lol, feel free to use these names just know their already in one of my wip's have a great day guys! :D

Deleted user

it lagged lmao so here is the girl names:
Elora- One who lies through their teeth.
Rhani- Wood carve, artist of statues.
Evarius- The cunning traveler; mountain climber.
Irun- The skilled archer; who kills by arrow.
Emerynn- One who takes flight over the valley.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Chris: Her nickname, Chris, is short for Chrystal. She was my first ever character, and I named her after my mother. I just thought is was a beautiful name.

Kei: Pronounced /Kee/, because she was the key companions to the story I was writing.

Sirene: Because she’s a Siren and and she’s German-

@Eli-the-transboi group

Oh Geo’s a fun one. Rhys knows about this. I originally had a character made Geno, but i wanted to update him so i redid him and shortened his name to Geo. And now we have depressed italian boi

Noby was named by a friend since they’re nonbinary. Get it- haha- ;-;

@larcenistarsonist group

Well I've made up a few, like my Grand Mages

  • Solizha - plays with fire
  • Hyo - little stream
  • Geobi - great distance
  • Caliga - fog creator
  • Daedra - wise one
  • Aerin - little flight

And all of those correspond with what they consider themselves the Grand Mages of. Solizha is the patron of fire, home, and creation. Hyo is the patron of water, destruction, and change. Geobi is the patron of mountains, canyons, and challenge. Caliga is the patron of smoke, lies, and the present. Daedra is the patron of shadow, knowledge and the past. Aerin is the patron of youth, light, and the future.

I made their names (mostly) based on greek/latin roots.

Also in the same fantasy universe, there's a piece of lore called Daedra's Curse and it means that every person who is born needs to commit a feat and earn their last name. This last name is considered the greatest accomplishment they've ever made in their life. Some people dread it, others can't wait to earn it. It's a fun piece of lore alsdkfj Anyways!! Some of the last names I have are:

  • Godchallenger (Thaddeus Godchallenger–the man who fought a god)
  • Ronin (Rune Ronin, the girl who killed her master and becamea wanderer)
  • Steel (Bane Steel, has mastered iron magic and their skin is impenetrable)
  • Muse (Alexi Muse, the girl who saved a man's life by rekindling his passion for art)
  • Silverknight (Morgan Silverknight, the girl who became the youngest person to ever be awarded the position of Warrior in the exclusive and powerful organization known as the Silvers)

@tazu group

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer): play on the word “undead” (Ahn-ded); also means “strong” in Greek.
Canarie: named after a canary, a bird typically used in mines to detect danger. also Canaries symbolize happiness and prosperity.
Rin: derived from the sound a bell makes. rin-rin-rin
Leo: could mean “lion”, but it’s actually a mistranslation of his “real” name, 130.
Iris: means “rainbow”, named after Saint Rais. Iris is also the name of a Greek goddess who was known to be the messenger of the gods, which is ironic.
Jackie: named after Jackie Robinson

@im-with-stoopid pets

I've got another little dweeb, and his name is Salmook.
It's a combination of "Salmon" and "Chinook."
In universe, he says his name means "warm fish," and he was named that because it's his favorite food.
In reality, I just thought it was cute because it reminded me of my cat's nickname.

Deleted user

In reality, I just thought it was cute because it reminded me of my cat's nickname.

thats adorable!!!


Jonathon Orille: Jonathon is a very generic name as he is kind of just a guy and Orille is a north american surname but his code name of mr. Oleander is because oleanders are beautiful flowers but secretly toxic and jonothan pretends to be good but is actually evil
Connor: Lover of hounds because he has powers similar to the cu sith which is a dog
Bibiana: means energetic as she is very lively and fun and also has latin roots
Nyasha: means kind or meciful as she is very kind and is of Zimbabwean origin
Mavis: means songbird but I was mostly taking from the french word mauvais which means bad and the dichotomy shows how she is complicated as she is actually good but works with the villains very closely

@Itzkitty group

Jonny Vexson: The 2nd son of Henry Vexson and Melody Harmony. Is considered the “odd” one out of the family. He isn't truly respected, more of feared by others below him. He has a big ego at times and can get extremely hot-headed, in reality he has been through a significant amount of trauma through his life. This causes him to have a lot of lore behind his characteristic. Vexson stems from the word "Vex" which means to make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried. He not only strikes fear but he is fearful himself. In his family, there's something known as the Vexson's curse. It is a punishment brought on by a demon who was enraged with an ancestor of the Vexson family, therefor cursing the offspring of that ancestor. That ancestor changed his name to Kolohe Vexson, which together mean mischief and fear. From that day forward every generation as one twisted child that suffers from the curse, and Jonny is one of them.


nadia was named after nadine, dwayne jr's father's macaw in scat (a book I liked as a kid.) her name originally was nadine, but to be honest I don't like this name at all so I changed it to something I can tolerate easier.

rhea grace was named after the titan rhea. it's an uncommon name and a pretty one and I wanted her to have a name that didn't end the same as everyone else's so I gave her a second first name. also I hc she had a greek myths phase in middle/high school and named herself after rhea the titan. I think she's a little embarrassed to be named after The Mother of Gods, so she added a normal first name after the weird one.

mason was named because I wanted to name her maisie but I also wanted to give her nicknames. I think it gives her a rougher edge.

callisto was named because I wanted a planetary name (spot the celestial bodies sfdjskhkj), I wanted her to be ruled by jupiter because that's rad as hell, and I wanted a name that sounds like calypso. callisto is one of jupiter's moons.

pluto was named after… pluto. it's androgynous, a little emo, and unique to them.

max was named after both max and ruby and yuenbean's oc max. it's androgynous and I want them to have that chaotic soft energy. it also sounds close enough to marley to have the energy but not the association.

raven was named after people who name themselves rowan, I just like raven better and I think it's cool.
their name was later changed to jonah (I had a tma phase and I love the name jonah) because I met someone irl named raven who got pregnant by one of my friend's fathers, then pretended the baby's father was a different friend of mine who had recently passed away. so the name is a bit ruined.

briar was named after the name brier and the fact that plant names win every time.

jamie was named after jammidodger and the fact that it's a sweet, reliable, innocent name.

elio was named after a sun god, also because it's softer sounding than his original name leo and can still be shortened thusly.

wren was named after orien/oren, his original names, and my nickname ren.

lewellyn was named after a friend of a friend, the fact I love welsh names, and that I love L names.


"Naomi" can mean either sweet or honest. While the latter meaning is more appropriate: she can be the best friend you could ever have.

CJ's middle name is a bit more relevant than his first name; it's "Jalen," meaning healer. He's a former "Devil Doc" and current paramedic.

Similarly: Brandee's middle name is "Deirdre," meaning "anger born of sorrow." A good portion of her irascibility is mom issues.

Kieron's given name means "dark," which fits his appearance (bronze skin, brown eyes, black hair, and casts quite a shadow) but contrasts with his relative innocence. His original surname was "Vaughn," which means small, which is ironic.

@Ludan Beta Tester

I'll share a couple names from my universe, why not?

People from the tribes of Haina all have names that follow this pattern: (Given name) (Parental name) (Tribe name)-(Occupation title.) One of the main characters is named Sedrus Jakobson Orca-Teacher because he is a teacher, he is from the Orca tribe, his father is named Jakob, and his parents gave him the name Sedrus when he was born. Sedrus means cedar, and they chose it because wood is very important to all of the Hainish peoples, and they hope he will be respected throughout the tribes.

Wandering the vast Solsteppe are the Megaloveads, a critically endangered species of colossal, six-legged beasts that are big enough for people to build cities on. "Megalo" is Greek for "big," and "vead" comes from a Portuguese word for "deer," "veado." The alpha male of Central Solsteppe is named Elyon, which is one of the names of God in the Hebrew Bible. The people who live on Elyon revere him almost like a deity.

Deleted user

Noa- movement apparently?
Evrin- unique
Cass- treasurer or clever
Quinton- queens settlement or fifth? I’m sorry what?
Alex- defender of humankind
Orianna- sunrise
Mai- dance (that’s funny because Mai is not a fan of dancing)

@Casualties language

Basically Just A Butchered Way Of Saying "Spider Slugcat".

In Other Words, The Appearance Of Them Is The Message Of "الموت والحياة" Or "Death And Life." The Term Spider In Whatever Language They Speak (Arabic Is The Most Related Language Of Spider-Cat's Language.) Means : 'A Symbol Of Slaughter And Savagery.' Cat/Slugcat Symbolizes : 'A Sign Of Determination And Persistence.' Put those Two Together And In Arabic You Get "الهمجية والمثابرة", Or "Savagery And Persistence."
My Brain Went All-out with this one Lol ツ

@Rabbi_Arsonist group

Main Characters
Milaka: (Not Found) Nothing really, I just added some letters to a name :D
Levi: 'united' or 'joined' Originally Levi was going to grow up with Dolphins(don't ask) so I aimed for a name that meant harmony or something similar to what dolphins are with one another.
Abree: 'Someone with a pleasing personality' Originally Abree was going to be a very sweet girl but then I changed it for some reason and now she's a feral rat :D
Lisha: 'Sweet, Honest and Truth' I mean… She's blunt. So it kinda relates. But she is very sweet.. When she's not being a airhead-

Topiary Manor Members(First made to Last)

Knizo: 'Healthy and Wise' …That is all :D
Cimma: (Not found) Just like Milaka I pronounced some letter together :D
Angi: 'Blood or lymph vessel* PFFFT!!! I didn't even know what it meant when I named him-
Kirpa: 'Mercy' Ah-!! Well not anymore! :D
Kamau: 'Quiet Warrior' oh wow… That name is so perfect for her-
Aurora: 'Dawn' she is a triplet and the other names go well with this one-
Umbra: 'The darkest part of a shadow, especially the cone-shaped region of full shadow cast by Earth, the Moon, or another body during an eclipse.' 2/3 triplet, ready for the last?
Alba: 'Dusk or moon' In some way that is. 3/3 triplets. Get it? All 3 triplets relate to one another? Aurora is like the sun and Alba is like the moon. And then Umbra is the eclipse because they are the sun and moon. get it? Yeah. I'm cool 😎

Reisu(Oldest to the family to the newest)
Loki: 'Trickster' Loki kinda gave himself this name-
Adelaide: 'noble kind' yesss! It's perfect.
Kai: 'Keeper of the Keys' oh wow- Wait.. Should Aatamasph be his cat then?? mhh nah.
Kali: 'The black one' in terms of evilness.. yes.
Liau: 'an old man' Ayo 😭😭 Biologically Liau I think Liau is not even in her mid 20's. And she's a girl. brooo😭
Aaoka: 'Lustrous' 'Shining' yeah I did this on purpose-
Zec: 'nickname for a swift runner or timeous person' well.. yes…
Prida: none..orginially I was going to name Adelaide and Loki's 'children' (Not really) by representing them off of the 7 deadly sins- and Prida was suppose to be the 'Pride' sin.. So.. Kinda makes sense-
Mi: No meaning to the name but if you spell it 'MI' and not 'Mi'… I'll let yall figure that out- 💀

Injera: 'a white leavened Ethiopian bread made from teff flour, similar to a crêpe.' yeah.. My mom named this one and she knew what she was doing- Not her naming a snow leoperd after a type of bread 💀
Corai: 'conjures honesty, self-reliance and aspiration.' …. It's a racoon-

Mositar: (not found) I made up the name a few years back-
Aatmasaph: I made up this name with two other names combined: Aatma: Means soul, Asaph: Means collector = Aatmasaph: Soul Collector or Collector of Souls
Kezzee: (Can't find) Kezzee is basically a flying snake-
Asclepius: 'God of medicine' i mean… He does work at the Recovery Center part time-
Kaazib: (Not official character) 'Lair' … I think I need to change this name to the Hare of Messages
Hare of Messengers: None. The name speaks for itself. But now I think the name should be Kaazib…
Foiten: (None) I made it up-
Kaku: 'To write' …It's a dog with 6 legs that can turn into a 100 foot snake- he isn't writing shizz 💀

Fieldings(A bunch of kids)
Pop: 'to burst' i mean yeah- her personality is so fun :D
Lemon: 'a yellow, oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice' that's what he gets for naming himself a fruit 💀
Moche: 'ugly' 💀…. I-… Moche is no such thing 💀
Cacao: 'seeds from a small tropical American evergreen tree, from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made.' … well yeah- What did they expect?
Honey: 'Honey is a sweet and viscous substance made by several bees, the best-known of which are honey bees.' What did I expect?

Extra Characters
Lily: 'Purity' Awhhh… she deserves this name-
Crimson: 'red' Pfft-


Currently only have three characters in my newest WIP, so pretty easy.

Ylistikos: Literally the greek word for materialistic, cause he's a giant fan of those shiny little things people put in pockets.

Leor: Means 'my light' apparantly, which is pretty cute, since he's the main character's main guardian.

"The Protaginist": No name currently, though something meaning white will probably end up being it.