forum berries and bread rolls (1x1closed)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(hey sry im late.)
"no no, im fine. it's bad manners to make a lady pay." they said, letting the door swing shut behind them. "hello, whay can i- dom?! my boy, it's been far too long! you should visit more often, lad." greeted the big, older man, as came around the corner and crushed dom in a bear hug. "yeah, what's it been 5 months?" they said in a strained voice. dom stumbled when the man let go. the man turned to ash, "well lass, haven' seen you 'round here before. you must be a friend, of dom's." he said jokingly, he laughed heartily and gave dom a pat of the back that nearly made them fall over.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash raised a brow at the chivalrous comment. Then again it had been a while since she went anywhere with anyone masculine, often having to shop for herself. But she wouldn't offend him by refusing.

Though she nearly laughed at Dommity’s interaction with the older gentleman. “Yes, I am.” she nodded at the question. “Dom actually just started working with me in my village.”


(hi, travesty stepping in!)
they didn't hear the implications in the man's voice so thought nothing of it, "yep, technically her employee still. anyway, we're just here to pick up some food from the best bakers around." dom beamed up at him childlike as ever. "oh! do you have muffins?" they took ash by the hand dashed over to the shelves, but quickly dropped her hand in embarrassment and blushed. "ah yes, i remember those young days, you better enjoy 'em lad. but don't worry, i always have something for my favorite customer, i'll be right back." the man left the room chuckling to himself, "i- um, s-so i- sorry about that. i, uh d-didn't mean to, um…" they tried to apologize for holding her hand but stuttered so much it was barely intelligible.


(sorry i forget to specify! this is freetherapy\duke, im just using my other profile to get myself up and writing. really sorry for the misunderstanding!)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(👍 no worries.)

Ash chose to ignore the baker’s assumptions for now as she looked around, taking in the pleasant atmosphere and smells. Though she had to admit that Dommity looked adorable as they asked about food before pulling her over to a specific shelf.

“It's alright, my friend.” she smiled, giggling a little. “You didn't do anything wrong.”