forum Announcment!
Started by @andrew flash_on

people_alt 70 followers

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

I buy the chocolate, milk and pay for the water, but I ground the chocolate down myself, boil 1 cup of water, add 1 cup of milk, let that come too a boil, ad 1/3 cup of chocolate and then let that sit at low heat, mixing occasionally until it’s hot enough, add a touch of cinnamon (Mix it in), pour, add whipped cream, sprinkle a little more cinnamon, then add a mint leaf, and if I’m feeling and more fancy, a chocolate drizzle.

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

rolls eyes I love making drinks. You have no IDEA how many people said I should become a bartender. I also love cooking- but not as much as drinks.
That recipe is one I put together, but I’m sure it’s been around. It make’s approx one serving, but 2 cups of water and 2 cups of milk makes three, (Usining 12 oz mugs and making 16 oz does that)

Deleted user

it's okay lol.

i too love making drinks! I work at a coffee shop and mixing flavors we don't normally mix is my favorite

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Sorry, lol, didn’t see that until after I posted

Virtually sends y’all hot cocoa there you guys— join me!

thank you!!! <3<3<3

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?

I’ll just throw random stuff into the pot and see what happens. Or, if I want something specific, I’ll think about what I need and then make it.
But me being me, with my unsatisfiable chocolate craving that gets worse when I dont take the choco or when I do take the choco (It’s crazy, it never goes away) it’s almost always hot cocoa that I make, so that’s my perfect recipe.

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?


Sorry, lol, didn’t see that until after I posted

Virtually sends y’all hot cocoa there you guys— join me!

thank you!!! <3<3<3

You’re very much welcome.

@andrew flash_on


Sorry, lol, didn’t see that until after I posted

Virtually sends y’all hot cocoa there you guys— join me!

eats the cup after drinking the cocoa

@RhysTheFirebird groupIs It Worth It?


Sorry, lol, didn’t see that until after I posted

Virtually sends y’all hot cocoa there you guys— join me!

eats the cup after drinking the cocoa

Wtf Gem? Are you okay-? That was glassssssssssss—
Or something like it-

@andrew flash_on


Sorry, lol, didn’t see that until after I posted

Virtually sends y’all hot cocoa there you guys— join me!

eats the cup after drinking the cocoa

Wtf Gem? Are you okay-? That was glassssssssssss—
Or something like it-

smiles im fine! ive chewed through metal glass wont do much 😃

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orrrrrrrr the three of us could rp? i'm in too many lol but I love them