forum OxO with Eli
Started by @False-andrew flash_on

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@False-andrew flash_on

(Here's my character lol)

Name: Alissa Raven

Age: 25

Sexuality: Lesbian

Villain Name: The Scarlet Maiden

Personality: Alissa makes no efforts to hide that she's a killer, and actually emphasizes this fact with the way she talks and acts. She's very open with her body language towards whoever she's toying with. She tends to get bored with her toys very easily; after she breaks them mentally she tosses them aside, unless she actually likes their body, in which case she keeps them around as slaves. She has a bit of a temper that she uses to her advantage to get what she wants from anyone. She has no issues with torture or manipulation, and she actually practices both regularly. She knows she's very attractive and uses this as well in gaining complete control over people. She is a sadist, a masochist and a psychopath, entirely untrustworthy and just as likely to hurt the heroes as she is to hurt the villains.

Appearance: ⎮⎮⎮ She's 6'5" tall, with dark red eyes, black hair and fair, if a little pale, skin. Her lips are as red as her personality.

Powers: She has the ability to control people's bodies completely. She effectively takes control of their emotions, their mind, their blood and bones and uses these to do whatever she wants. While she's using her power, her eyes glow with a crimson light and her hair starts to wave, as if underwater.

Backstory: No trauma, no guiding motives - she just wants to make the world bow at her feet, and is willing to do whatever it takes to do that.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ok here’s mine:

Name: Ares La Morte

Age: 21

Sexuality and gender: Bisexual, trans male.

Hero name: la Abtal

Personality: Tends to be shy or distant when around people hes not fond of. This is due to his mental disorders. Even though he struggles with being social, he still manages to have an amazing sense of humor. While he does suffer from ptsd and anxiety, that still doesn’t stop him from helping people in need. While he doesn’t consider himself a hero he does know that his goal is to help people who need it. He believes that no one deserves to hurt like he had to. And it’s his goal to make the world a better place. No one actually knows he has two identity’s. And he is determined to keep it that way. Since no hero is supposed to be autistic or have adhd. Especially in the public eye. And it’s clear theres something ‘wrong’ with him.

Appearance: ares has dark brown eyes and dark red hair. He also has several piercings. He does not consider himself attractive in the least. Standing at a ‘whopping’ 4ft8, and still gaining some of his more masculine body features. He tries to remind himself to not mention he used to be a girl. Especially to people he knows.

Powers: he is able to create anything. Even living matter. He has no idea how it happened, but he assumes it came from the overload of suppressed creativity he had as a child. This also means he is able to make himself look and speak differently just by using his ‘imagination’. If he can think it, it will happen. Good or bad…

Backstory: he came from a very abusive household and ended up being diagnosed with CPTSD, anxiety, adhd, and autisim. He jokes about it at times, saying he’s just a walking bag of mental illnesses.

@False-andrew flash_on

(I'll get the starter up lol, I have a particular scenario I'd like to use here)

Amelia was standing on top of a skyscraper, staring down at the world below, the wind barely even whispering against her dress and hair as though it was scared of her. As it passes her it rips through the city, however, seemingly eager to get away from the monster of a woman it had slipped past.

A group of 5 mind-slaves stand behind her.

"You know your mission. Find La Abtl and bring him to me. Don't fail me. You know what happens when you fail." she snaps. "And if you don't come back, if you leave finding that hero to me, I swear I will make your deaths slow. I may not even kill you."

The slaves nods silently and disappear from the rooftop, the smallest of them leading the way towards the hero - towards their target. They knew the rewards they'd get upon completeing this. And they knew the possible punishments. They would not fail. Not like Number 87 did.

They find the hero's house and slowly creep towards it, noiselessly.

The smallest flits towards the door and knocks, then waits.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ares tenses, “Ah shit-“ He sighs, “Not right nowwww…” he grumbles, walking towards the door. “Ye-“ he gasps, quickly slamming the door shut. “Shit- nonono-“

@False-andrew flash_on

As soon as the door opens, the rest of the group moves forward.

When the door slams closed, the largest of them - standing at about 8' tall - simply blows it off its hinges.

The group filters into the house, llooking for La Abtl.

@Eli-the-transboi group

He was already nowhere in sight, the house seeming abandoned completely. An eerie silence filled the cold air, and a bigger presence seemed to fill the room. A presence of multiple people, a crowd. Paper, pencils, and art supplies scattered the whole house, dirty clothes thrown around, and random stuff scattered every desk and table top in the house.

@False-andrew flash_on

The smallest of the group makes a motion, and the group splits up to search the house.

They all meet back up at the door.

"Nothing." says the smallest tremulously.

The group exchanges glances.

"Use your thing." they say in unison to the small one, and the small one sighs.

"Fine. . ." the small one says, and close their eyes for a few minutes.

"Alright, found them." the small one says, going out the back door.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ares curses under his breath, still running from the house. His face was completely blurred. As per usual…he didn’t want people knowing who he was. And to be honest…he hated eye contact anyway. He sprinted away from them, his heart racing. “Come on- teleport or- or something!”

@False-andrew flash_on

(What they don't know is his powers - Alissa never bothered to mention them lol, meaning it's a suicide mission)

The biggest of them sighs after a moment, scooping everyone up in their massive arms before starting to gallop at a speed of about 23 miles per hour, very quickly making it clear to La Abtl that there would be no escaping from them.

The biggest slows down to a calm 10 miles per hour upon reaching La Abtl's side.

"Come with us now. We don't want to use any more force than necessary." the big one says in their booming, deep voice. "Our mistress wants to talk."

@Eli-the-transboi group

(XD course it is-)

He huffs, still running. “Tell her I said I’m not in the mood!” He bolts, finally teleporting. He looks around. “Augh! I didn’t mean back home!” He grumbles. “Okay well- yeah I did want to be home- but this is NOT what I had in mind!!” He crosses his arms.

@False-andrew flash_on

(Because Alissa's just that wonderful lmao)

"We cannot!" the group replies in unison.

As soon as La Abtl disappears, the biggest of the group stops running and looks around.

"Little, use your thing."

The smallest of the group sighs, and as before, closes their eyes.

After a moment they open their eyes again.

"Back at his house." the smallest says irritably.

The biggest growls and wheels around to face the house again. "Here we go. This time we won't be polite."

The group is carried back to the house quickly, and they don't bother with pleasantries this time.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ares looks at the back door, cursing under his breath. “Come on- do something!” He looks around, going through his papers. “Shit-“ he looks at the door, biting his lip.

@False-andrew flash_on

The back door is blown off its hinges, straight through a couple walls before finally hitting the floor.

The hulking figure of the biggest of the group can be seen against the sky.

Then the other four drop from the biggest's arms and rush into the living room, surrounding La Abtl.

"We gave you the chance to come willingly, now we'll have to beat you into submission." one of them growls.

The biggest of them walks into the room and grabs ahold of the hero, pinning his arms to his sides.

@Eli-the-transboi group

He yelps, looking around. “I told you I’m not in the damn mood! Assholes!” He squirms, cursing under his breath. He thinks for a moment, then smirks. Soon, he compleatly vanishes. Laying in his wake was just a bunch of crumpled paper.

@False-andrew flash_on

The biggest of them sighs. "It doesn't matter if you're not in the mood, Mistress would like to-"

He's cut off when La Abtal disappears. He looks afraid now.

"Little, find him, now!" he snaps.

The smallest nods, closing their eyes and concentrating, hard.

After 15 minutes of this, they open their eyes and start crying.

"I- I can't find him. Oh god, Mistress will be very displeased." she wails.

As she says this, the group's vision ripples, and Alissa appears in front of them - a hallucination, sure, but they knew it was Mistress.

"I am displeased. After all, I gave you a task, and you failed to complete it." she tuts, smiling. "I put my trust in you, you know. Now I know, you're just as untrustworthy as 87. And you know what happened to 87."

Near the end, her voice was a motherly coo. But it promised violent things.

"Since I am in no mood to go find you, I shall make this quick." she says, her hair starting to wave as though she were underwater.

One by one, each of the slaves starts to contort, as though being torn apart from the inside, and after 30 seconds explode, splattering the room with blood and gore.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ares looks around, panting. “Okay…maybe I’m safe for now…feel bad for them but…” He sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Why the hell did she wanna talk to me…?” He mutters.

@False-andrew flash_on

Alissa sighs to herself.

"I rather like their bodies. . . what a shame they were failures." she clucks.

"Now, I suppose I have to find him myself. And what better way to do that than target his family and friends?" she giggles, turning and making her way to the door that led back into the building. "We'll see how willing you are to meet with me when it's not your safety on the line, La Abtal."

Later that night, the hero would get a phone call from an unknown number, telkling him to check the news.