forum "Wait, you... you're... magic?" "Darling, what do you think?" (Reboot Fantasy o/o Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Deep down, Farah knew the remarks were just to tease her. Still, she crossed her arms in slight annoyance.

“I am not an alien! And I never said the First World was nonmagical. It is. The magic just exists few and far between except when fairies are around. The First World is called that because of what it is – the first world created. To escape the persecution of our kind, fairies who possessed the most magical abilities were able to create and shape another world –the Otherworld – that is completely parallel to the First World with the exception of stronger magical conduits and the ability to practice magic freely and without punishment.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth put her hands up in surrender, not having expected such a passionate defense. Or the following lecture. “Ok. Ok. Sorry.” she apologized. “That's still pretty cool. That you guys were able to make your own literal safe haven. And able to make it so it's easier to use magic.”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah laughed and began to walk away from the clearing. The woman was fully restored and looked even better than she had when Elizabeth had first seen her. The magical conduit had made her better than new.

“Well, it was fairies long passed that made the Otherworld. I’m not sure I’d be able to manage such a task. My magic is only a fraction of the strength they had.” She wasn’t giving herself nearly enough credit, but Elizabeth didn’t need to know that. Farah didn’t intend on telling the woman why she was here in the First World and not back in the Otherworld. She doesn’t need to know. It would only make her see me as a monster.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth quickly caught up with Farah and put her hands in her pockets. “Maybe so. But we're not that different on that point. I mean, I didn't make this nation or anything and, obviously, I can't use magic but… We both have skills that we use for the benefit of our homes.” she shrugged, her mind briefly taking her back to when she was in boot camp. A grueling but still fun time for her.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah nodded. “Yes, very true.” She fell silent after that, sensing Elizabeth had other thoughts on her mind. In turn, she tuned her awareness up and amplified every sense in her body. Her sight was clearer, her small sharper, and her hearing intensified. Her eyes changed color to signal the use of her magic, but otherwise, her outward appearance remained the same.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth shook her head, forcing those thoughts back before they could take her… She sighed and walked with Farah. She didn't need, or want, to think about further down that road. Not now. And maybe not for a while yet. “So…” she clears her throat, “what brings you to this place anyway?” she asks casually. “First World, I mean. Are you just visiting or do you have some nonmagical friends that you're here to see?”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah jumped a bit as the woman spoke up again, and she withdrew her magic. It felt surprisingly dull to be limited with her sense again.

But the question Elizabeth asked made the fairy’s throat tighten and her stomach turn with nausea. She was hoping this conversation wouldn’t happen for a while, but she was obviously wrong. “Just visiting, I suppose,” she replied simply, vaguely. “Waiting for some things to… clear up back home.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” she quickly apologized when Farah jumped. “I just… I prefer to talk when I'm walking with someone. Otherwise… It just reminds me of things I don't want to think about.” Elizabeth shrugged, kicking a rock.

She listens to the way the Fairy answers and nods, not prying for more. “I get that. Do you have a place to stay then?”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah understood completely. “Yes, I know what you mean. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all. My senses were heightened. I was checking for the bear, making sure it didn’t circle back around near us again.”

She appreciated Elizabeth leaving her remarks alone without questioning for more details. Maybe I can tell her more someday. Maybe not.

“I’m afraid I don’t,” she admitted. “I’ve been out here for the past few we— days.” She quickly changed her words, not wanting the other woman to be worried. It had been at least two weeks since Farah had temporarily sealed herself in the first world.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Ah.” Elizabeth nodded, impressed by the ability and perhaps a little jealous. There had been plenty of times in her service when something like that would have come in very handy.

She raised a brow as she caught the quick change in words. “I see. Well, I'm sure a Fairy of your caliber would have no trouble surviving out here for as long as you wanted to.” she smirked playfully. “I actually still remember a lot of my survivalist training…” she trailed off, quickly shaking her head. “But, if you’d prefer to have some company, I have a spare bedroom in my apartment. It's not much. Especially compared to this. But after a while, being alone starts to get to most people.”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah noted the playful smirk, and she returned the expression for a moment. “I’m sure,” she murmured, but she found herself surprised at the woman’s offer. “I… wouldn’t mind that, actually,” she said, quasi-accepting the offer. “As long as you’re sure it won’t be any trouble on your part. I don’t want to be an inconvenience to you.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“No. No inconvenience at all.” Elizabeth assured. “I’m still neat as a pin. Mostly. I have a few things semi-scattered around but I haven't touched the second bedroom.” she said plainly. “I’m a pretty decent cook and I have a job at the library three days a week. It would be nice to have some company when I get home.”

@emilyevewrites group

“That’s alright, no one is perfect.” Farah smiled warmly. “Well then, I suppose it would be rude to turn away such a kind offer. Lead the way back.”

She was glad to hear that Elizabeth was a good cook because for some reason, the universe had not bestowed the gift of cooking on Farah Dowling. She couldn’t make a meal to save her life, and she hated touching the textures of food while preparing it.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth smiled back and started leading Farah back to the town. It was a fairly small town, which meant not a lot of tourists but she was glad for that. Of course, it also meant a fair about of talk but overall the people were respectful of her past and each other's property. “I… I also have a small garden I've been working on.” she added. “It's a recent hobby but… I think I like it.” she said with a shrug.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah perked up a bit at the mention of Elizabeth’s garden. “That sounds lovely,” she enthused. “My friend Ben works in the greenhouse at Alfea. He’s an earth fairy, and a very talented one at that. His main talents are alchemy and plant-based chemistry. He makes an elixir called Zanbaq, and it helps heal specific injuries. And he can create a steam that tracks magic use…”

She hardly even realized she was ranting about Ben until she finally trailed off her sentence.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth hadn't been expecting Farah to get so excited over her garden but she listened, smiling as the fairy told her about her friend. “You don't have to stop.” she assured. “Obviously, I have no idea what Zan-backy is but it still sounds impressive. And a mist that tracks… Does it track people who have magic or who have used it recently?” she prompted, wanting to keep the conversation going.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah couldn’t hide the light flush that came to her face. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to having such attention,” she murmured, but she eagerly continued. “The steam tracks recently used magic. And Zanbaq (Zan-back) is used to temporarily treat wounds caused by… they’re called Burned Ones — creatures specific to the Otherworld.”

The fairy bit her lip quickly. She needed to stop, or she would reveal too much. If she knows what I did… if she somehow finds out…

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth chuckled a little and gave a small shrug. “It's ok but I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with all these questions. It's just so interesting to hear about your world.” she explained, though a part of her wondered if it was so interesting because she was learning about an actual other world and not having to think about her own. She nodded slightly at the correction, a little relieved that she hadn't been too far off, and continued to listen. “Just going off the name, I’m guessing that Burned Ones are something of a problem back there, huh?”

@emilyevewrites group

“You’re not,” Farah quickly assured Elizabeth. “It’s not you at all. I understand. When I initially discovered the First World, I pestered my mentor to know more until she was fed up with me.”

She suddenly winced before returning to her typical calm expression. It irritated her that she couldn’t get the woman out of her head, but she pressed on to distract herself as much as possible with Elizabeth’s questions. “Yes, they’re a problem. If you get scratched by a Burned One, it causes a severe infection that Zanbaq can keep at bay for a time, but the only true cure is if someone can kill the Burned One who scratched you.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Elizabeth laughed at the comparison and nodded. “Good to know.” she almost teased.

She raised a brow at the flinch, tempted to ask but decided that they didn't know each other well enough to ask personal questions yet. Besides, I'm not ready to talk about my issues. I shouldn't try to find out hers.

“Yikes. That sounds more like a curse than an infection.” she commented in concern. “Is it… lethal?” the question slipped out hesitantly.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah dipped her head shyly. “Don’t go teasing me,” she quipped with a smile.

She laughed dryly at Elizabeth’s comments. “I suppose it is,” she replied. “It works quickly and causes a tremendous amount of pain… and yes, if the Burned One isn’t found and killed in time, the result is lethal.”

@emilyevewrites group

Farah grinned and accepted the motion in stride. But her smile lost its luster as Elizabeth’s sincere apology reached her ears.

“Please don’t be,” she quickly countered. “It’s nothing you can control. And this is a pleasant moment. Let’s not ruin it with such morbid talk.”