forum Shuichi x Korekiyo rp
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Shuichi smiled softly as he looked outside. It was snowing, and near Christmas as well. He was looking forward to the holiday, all things considered, but he was a bit upset that he'd be spending it alone. His friends had plans, and some were out of town. He couldn't go see his family since he was going to be busy working. A murder just had to occur a couple of days before a major holiday, so he couldn't afford to take a break. Even so, he couldn't help but smile at everyone else's cheer.


Shuichi found Korekiyo after a moment and couldn't help but smile. He thought he would spend the holidays alone, but someone he knew was nearby, which helped him become a bit happy, even if they were still investigating a murder case together. At least he wouldn't spend his holidays alone.

"Oh, hey, Korekiyo," he said softly once he saw him. "I see we're both investigating this case together. Honestly, it's kinda nice. I thought I was gonna spend Christmas alone until I saw you. Even if it's spent working, at least I'll have someone."


Shuichi nodded in response. He knew that Korekiyo's family wasn't the best from experience. He was one of the people who helped him through all of his issues with it back when they were in high school. Now that things were better for him since he was on his own, he hoped to see him happier. He had never really admitted it, but he cared a lot about the other. He always had.

"I know, but it's alright," he responded softly. "I hope that you're better now that you're on your own, really."


Shuichi gave Korekiyo a small smile in response to the statement. He was glad that things had become a lot better for him since he moved out and started a life on his own. Now that he was happier, it seemed that things would be alright for him. He no longer had anything to worry about, and that made Shuichi happy.

"That's good," he responded softly. "I'm glad that you're doing a lot better, by the way."


Shuichi hummed in thought at the question. For the most part, his life had been alright, although he found himself constantly stressed and overworked due to how many cases he was assigned to. He was aware that he was the Ultimate Detective back in high school, but how heavily everyone relied on him led to a lot of stress as well as being overworked since he was assigned to so many cases at once.

"Hm, it's been alright," he responded after a moment, leaving it at that. He didn't feel like explaining the rest of his situation.


Shuichi tilted his head in confusion, wondering what Korekiyo could have wanted at the time. In his own mind, he had told the truth to some extent. Of course, he hid that he was probably stressed and overworked, even at the time, but in his mind, that didn't matter too much. It was such a constant feeling that he considered it alright.

"Okay…" he responded as he walked closer to Korekiyo. "What's up…?"


Shuichi was certainly surprised by the hug for a moment, but he hugged back after the moment of confusion passed. With Korekiyo also working as a detective, it made some sense to him how the other caught on to the fact that something was wrong, but he hadn't even acknowledged that anything was wrong with him at the time.

"I'm…not hiding much…?" he responded, his tone laced with the confusion that he felt. He truly wasn't sure what was wrong since he was so used to being overworked. "Really, I'm not…"


Shuichi quickly shook his head in response to the question. While he probably did need a break in all honesty, he couldn't afford to take one since he was the one leading a fair few cases. Besides, in his own mind, he was alright, so he didn't even see the need for a break despite how stressed and overworked he constantly was.

"No, I don't think I need a break," he responded, almost as quickly as he shook his head. "It's fine, really, but thank you for the concern."


Shuichi sighed softly once Korekiyo let go of him. He honestly felt a lot better when he was still in the hug, but he didn't say anything about it. They had a murder to solve, a crime scene to investigate, so there wasn't much time to stand around and chat or focus on other things. At least in his mind, he needed to focus and continue working.


Shuichi nodded in response after a moment. It took him a second to snap out of all of his thoughts, but once he did, he seemed to agree that they needed to get going. They weren't even where they needed to be, so they really did need to get going. However, it was concerning how Shuichi had completely zoned out for a couple of minutes.


Korekiyo had noticed, and even while they were in public, the other had become proactive of the smaller.
If some sketchy man came close, korkeyio would put his arms around the other from behind, giving the man a nasty glare


Shuichi was a bit confused by Korekiyo's actions, but he hadn't been paying that much attention to begin with. He was walking, but he was otherwise completely zoned out at the time, walking forward without much, if any, thought put behind his actions. Even he wasn't sure why his attention span was focusing on things that it shouldn't have been focusing on, such as his thoughts. He wasn't thinking about the case, so there was no need for that at the time.


Shuichi nodded in response once he heard Korekiyo's question. While he was also a bit confused about what was going on, he was sure that he was going to be alright. He didn't think that there was much wrong with him at the time, just a sudden tendency to zone out despite not thinking about much, if anything at all, even. Aside from that, he was sure that he was fine.

"Yeah, I'm alright," he responded. "Why?"