forum (o/o) with an awesome person
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@rui group

David pursed his lips together. "If it makes you feel better, I saw none of it, and I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. See what?" He shrugged and then sighed. "I saw all of it, but it wasn't that bad. If it helps, I don't think anyone else saw it…." He sucked in a breath. "Yeah, no, everyone saw it. I'm not making things better. Listen…" David pulled a loose strand of hair behind Rachel's ear. "I just want to know about you and how you're feeling. It does matter what those people think. They don't even know you."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She just frowned immensely as she listened to him speak, she was a bit confused when he moved the strand of her hair but she didn't really react much too it.
"I just..I didn't think the moment we just started being friends again he would jump the gun and ask me out like that…." She let out a sigh, leaning against the wall behind them and covering her face with her hand.
"I'm, I'm not ready for something like that, and I told him. Yet he just kept pushing it and it almost felt suffocating..I guess I kinda freaked out a bit..' She muttered, running a hand through her hair as she felt like jumping in a deep hole and never coming out.

@rui group

David leaned against the wall listening to her side. "I know what you mean. All of that suddenly pushed onto you. Wait, did you say make-up? What happened between you two. Of course, if you feel like sharing. You seemed like pretty good friends when he dragged you away last night. You were a little surprised and curious as to where he was taking you, but from what I saw, it looked like you knew each other." David chewed on his bottom lip. "We were having such a good conversation last night too. It was great…" David felt like it was best not to mention the kiss if she didn't remember. Now was not the time.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She sighed, putting a hand on the back of her neck.
"I don't remember a lot of last night, but yeah he's supposed to be the closest friend I have but last night…" She sighed rubbing her face.
"Niether of us remember, but from the way we woke up and other evidence, we figured we did…" She didn't finished the sentence. She felt pathetic having to explain this.
She felt pathetic in general.
"You get the picture. I avoided him for a while and then he approached me and I figured we could make up as friends because he wouldn't stop apologizing and I didn't want to loose him as a friend when I considered it…but he said that he couldn't stop thinking about me being attractive and wanted to go on a date with me." She sighed.
"I don't know what to do at this point.'

@rui group

He frowned slightly but didn't let it show for very long. Of course, she wouldn't remember…she was drunk…why does it always happen to me… "Oh…no, I understand. You don't have to go into detail." He thought for a moment. What could he say to make her feel better or at least to make her not feel like shit? "I think you both need to just could down, you know, take a couple of days off. Just let it sit and rest, and maybe he'll lose feelings. Maybe it was just a thing he had for your looks. Of course, I can't speak for him. So just give it time. I don't know what else to say besides that. Is it okay if I walk you back to your place? I wouldn't want you to walk home alone. As much as I think you can handle yourself, considering your retorts last night, I still want to make sure you get home safe. Is that alright with you?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"You think so..?" She sighed, putting a hand on her neck once again. She had found out it was a bit of a nervous habit of hers, along with rubbing her race.
She sighed, moving to look at him in the face, she didn't see any reason for him to want to deceive her.
Maybe she was just letting her guard down, but she seemed to have a little bit of trust for him since they met before and the interaction didn't go that badly.
"Alright..lets go then."
She moved to get up from leaning against the wall.
Though she was worried a bit about him seeing her house when it took her so long just to show Luca.
Who knows, maybe opening up wasn't such a bad thing.
That sounded so weird in her own mind.
Was she going crazy?
She hoped not.
She wouldn't exactly be surprised though.

@rui group

(Yes, David has a lot of things not in his favor…)

"Yeah…" He trailed off and followed Rachel toward her house. He walked to her in silence for a while before figuring out what to talk about. "So, do you want to know what happened last night? You seem pretty torn up about it. I was just wondering if there's anything you want to know. I could probably answer anything before the time when Luca pulled you away…" David shoved his hands in his pocket while watching the patterns of the sidewalk's concrete. Overall, he was nervous about how much he would have to explain to her. He doubted another guy would want to come onto her after what happened with Luca. Screw you, Luca…ruining my chances! He cursed under his breath and then looked at Rachel to see if she heard it. It didn't look like she did, so he looked away.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"Honestly? I remember a majority of what went down, I just don't remember what happened before I went up to the room with the Luca, and then I vaguely I remember what happened when I was in the room with Luca."
She sighed, feeling very deflated and defeated at that moment but she tried not to let it show.
Safe to say she wasn't touching a drink ever again.
She Ran a hand through her hair before shoving them into her pockets.
"So, are you a dog person?"

@rui group

(fr tho)
He nodded as he listened quietly to what she had to say. He was startled by the question and paused for a moment. "I-I mean, yeah, who isn't?" He raised an eyebrow, curious as to what she was getting at. "Wait!" He stopped. "Do you have a dog?!" His face lit up like a little kid. He had always wanted a dog, but since he lives in an apartment, he could never get one. He didn't have the money to move into a big house like everyone else on campus. David was very excited if Rachel had one. Then he realized she probably was only asking a question to find out his preferences. He then started walking again and cleared his throat. "Well, uh, yeah, I like dogs, in short."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He watched David's face light up when he heard her question about liking dogs, and almost kinda found it well…can she say cute? It was just nice that someone was super enthusiastic about dogs…right. totally that was it.
She just snickered a little bit as she watched him, before watching him calm himself down.
"Well that's good, because I have a dog. His name is Colt. He's a boxer."
She spoke as they got closer to where her house was.
When they got there she walked over to the door and opened it, and sure enough a brown boxer came running out to greet them.
"Hey boy." She moved to pet him.

@rui group

(He's a cutie, isn't he? Now, I feel bad for David cause like he isn't her love interest….fvheujfghaeuil)
David gasped internally and leaned down to pet the dog. He hesitated before touching his head. He grinned and started to scratch behind his ears. "Your dog is cute! Hi Colt! Look at you wagging your tail, hello!" He spoke in a baby voice. He moved his hand under his chin. He was very affectionate towards animals, but dogs were his favorite. He leaned back up and looked at Rachel. "Well, I guess this is where our talk ends…" He leaned down, giving Colt one last scratch under the chin. "Will I get to see you around? I'm not sure if we go to the same college, so maybe we could hang out genuinely and not because some guy ruined your day." He joked.
Little did David and Rachel know Luca was planning on talking to Rachel when he got home. So Luca parked his car down the street. He was ready to get out when he saw Rachel with another guy. He was confused about who this guy was. He wasn't jealous of Rachel having a new guy friend; she barely had any friends. He was happy for her, but she never mentioned someone like him. He pulled closer to the house, hoping Rachel didn't notice, just to get a better look at the guy.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Luca would notice she was actually…smirking down at David as he pet colt? And she let him pet colt?
Luca hadn't even seen her house until recently..
Colt was leaning into the scratches as they were given to him and licked his hand.
"Huh, Colt seems to like you."
She didn't have the smirk on for long, she tilted her head a little bit. She looked at the time on her phone before putting it away.
She watched him as he talked, hand on her hip.
"Oh, I don't usually hand out with people." She put a hand on her neck, looking away. maybe…it might be nice.
"Hm, maybe.. what's your number?"

@rui group

David paused for a second before realizing that a girl wanted to hang out with him. His mouth was a gape before reaching into his pocket and flinging the mini tissue pack he carried around. "I swear I don't have tissues and a pen in my pocket to pick up girls, I just have allergies, and my friend always needs a pen for something, so that's why." He wrote down his number on a tissue and gave it to Rachel. He was suppressing the urge to put his hand into a fist and push his elbow back as an act of achievement. He was also waiting for Rachel to go inside so he could jump around in joy. "So, um, just a minor question. Um, do you remember me at all from last night?" He asked passively. He didn't want to make it seem like he was coming onto her. He just wanted a good idea of how much of him she remembered. He leaned down so he could pet Colt again so that he would have something else to pay attention to.
Luca, however, was ready to get out of his car and march over there. He didn't know what he was going to say, but he was prepared to do it. If anyone saw him now, it would be like he was acting like a jealous middle schooler. Luca got out of his car and peaked over the car's hood. He finally realized who it was. It was David. How he hated David. Sure he seemed like a nice guy, but in reality, he was a conniving little bitch…well….in Luca's brain, that is. David was the one who would always beat him in sports or any academic competitions. It made him very, very, very frustrated. He stood up straight and began walking toward Rachel's house.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(:O now do I have Rachel stay outside long enough to see Luca come up to her house, and then get into an argument with him, or have her go inside and come out after she hears arguing?)

@rui group

(Whichever one you choose, either way, works for me, I was thinking something different, but whatever you want to do is cool with me cause i"m just indecisive like that. :P)

@rui group

(Uhhh it’s a long shot so like she would ask David to show her any type of a affection like a kiss or a hug, something so Luca would like be jealous and run away, bloop)