forum Out in Space (classic lit and sci fi!) (CLOSED, stalkers welcome)
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Yea cool. Okay, I'll post something soon. Sorry again for abruptly deleting. I am actually proud of the art tho so I'll share it if you're willing also @Tired-but-passionate I'd love to see whatever you drew!

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Eden nodded, and stood there waiting for orders. They were just happy to be involved, really, even if it was mostly going to be muscle work. They'd already established with Victor they were mostly useless for anything science, which they didn't really mind, just wished they could be… well, better, in simple words. Eden was having a hard time articulating themself, especially lately.

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(Aw heck time to die for two whole amazing people. Ideal straight couple. The only valid het pairing. Anyways here's me with my updated artstyle with some Jonathan/Mina in the middle and everyone largely happy except Sherlock because honestly I imagine Sherlock going off on Moriarty would be undeniably satisfying: featuring Jonathan and Mina, a smiling Alek which currently feels very out of character, a happy Eden which is slightly less out of character, and a Sherlock probably joining the Eden Protection Squad against Victor #1)


(:O I love all of the art, y'all!! And honestly I love that Sherlock looks so pissed and ready to go off lmao. Them and Alek have taken much too large a spot in my heart. Honestly this whole RP has, really lol)

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(Aww, glad you like them! I was thinking of drawing a happy Sherlock but then decided, Sherlock's a pretty chill dude, why not let them go a little feral? As a treat.)

@HighPockets group

(Yeah I'm probably not gonna reply until this weekend either; excellent art everyone! I'd draw something but I Cannot Draw aha. Also I feel that, Ice, I'm slightly irrationally excited for this to continue!)

@HighPockets group

"Yes, it would be nice if you could grab a flashlight," Victor said. He rubbed at his elbow and looked to his feet. The feeling of being the head of a group was still foreign to him. He had always followed behind Professor Krempe and Margaret while on Enna, and had done the same with Elizabeth and Henry back on Genla. "I think it's generally a good idea to be able to see the stairs we walk down."
He regretted his phrasing instantly; he hadn't wanted to come off as snippy towards Sherlock.


Mina and Jonathan searched most of the upper floor with no success. Of course, they didn’t really expect a library to be hidden among the bedrooms and bathrooms, but it was still worth a try. They went back downstairs, Mina letting Victor know of their progress and moving into the living room.
“I’d like to imagine it would have a secret door or something,” Jonathan said as he searched the walls around the electric fireplace.
“Is that why you were feeling around the tiles in the bathroom upstairs?” Mina grinned as she peered around a corner.
“… yes.”

@HighPockets group

(Reminds me of the "in Scooby Doo, secret tunnels are always behind bookshelves and shit!" "can we not base our real-life decisions based on what does or does not happen in episodes of Scooby Doo?" incorrect quote asdakjfg I love Jonathan)


(ahzgsggd I too love Johnathan, I love that)

Sherlock blinked, and nodded. "I believe I know where one is, give me a moment." They moved away, heading to their room and returning a minute or so later with a flashlight in hand. It was an old, battered thing that looked like it had been to hell and back, and when they flicked the switch, it didn't light up. Sherlock sighed, and slapped the handle against their palm a few times until the light flickered into being. They gave no explanation for why the flashlight looked the way it did, nor why it appeared to be an antique, and simply said, "Let's go."

@HighPockets group

"After you?" Victor offered. He figured that whoever had the light should lead the walk, and besides that, he wasn't about to walk first into some strangers' rooms. "Or perhaps Eden should lead us."

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"If that is what you wish of me," they began, but didn't finish. "Now, what exactly would we be looking for? Equipment, yes, but of what sort? I think there's already plenty of tools in the laboratory, what could you find here that you wouldn't already have?" they bent down the enter the dark space.


Sherlock blinked, still holding the flashlight. "It would be wise to at least check, so we know what is available to us for use." They said, looking between Eden and Victor quietly.