forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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He seems kind of energetic but he can be serious. He's got fairly strong resolve around people, but I also feel like he'd be a bit impatient. I dunno on a name but I think it would be something kind of short.

@HighPockets group

He seems kind of energetic but he can be serious. He's got fairly strong resolve around people, but I also feel like he'd be a bit impatient. I dunno on a name but I think it would be something kind of short.

You did pretty well! His name is Percy, and he's very energetic (but can be serious when he needs to be), very impatient, and determined to a fault.

@HighPockets group

Elaine. Took a knife to the face as a young teen, makes a lot of "you wanna know how I got these scars?" jokes. Super into adult SFF. Superheroes and comic books are almost a guilty pleasure to them; they love DC heroes and also Saga. Reads a lot, and by a lot I mean almost constantly. On the fencing team, and loves using their scar to intimidate the others on said team. Doesn't have many friends. Binge-watches old sitcoms.

Deleted user

Elaine. Took a knife to the face as a young teen, makes a lot of "you wanna know how I got these scars?" jokes. Super into adult SFF. Superheroes and comic books are almost a guilty pleasure to them; they love DC heroes and also Saga. Reads a lot, and by a lot I mean almost constantly. On the fencing team, and loves using their scar to intimidate the others on said team. Doesn't have many friends. Binge-watches old sitcoms.

Fairly accurate, I'd say. This is an older version than her as she currently is in my timeline (she doesn't have the scar yet at that point). I think she would make those kinds of jokes, and she does, in fact, read a lot. YOu are pretty accurate with this entire thing, 'cept her name is Juniper. (also sorry I forgot to put the pronouns she uses)



Name that starts with K or L. She's a bookworm and likes to spend her time reading by the fireplace. She's also pretty soft-spoken, maybe a little shy. Cares a lot about her friends and sometimes forgets to take care of herself. She got into some sort of an accident when she was younger and that's why she wears an eye patch.

@Pickles group


Soft boy. His name is something like James or Oliver. He's a major bookworm who cares a little too much about his friends' feelings and would probably hug a stranger if they looked sad. He's sort of wanted to get his ears pierced for a while but is too nervous because he hates needles.

@HighPockets group

Name that starts with K or L. She's a bookworm and likes to spend her time reading by the fireplace. She's also pretty soft-spoken, maybe a little shy. Cares a lot about her friends and sometimes forgets to take care of herself. She got into some sort of an accident when she was younger and that's why she wears an eye patch.

Ooh, close! Her name is Addie, and everything is spot-on besides that she was in an accident, she had her eye cut out when she was running blackmail letters.

@Pickles group

Very chill girl, likes magic, probably has a name that starts with J or A. She probably drinks a lot of tea. And works at like a movie theater idk

You're pretty close. Her name is Cassie, she's not super into magic, but she is into astronomy, and she does like tea (specifically fruity ones). She tutors people instead of actually working, but for the most part she does it for free and just doesn't have enough of a social life to need money. She's fairly chill, but it's mostly because she's pretty anxious


Soft boy. His name is something like James or Oliver. He's a major bookworm who cares a little too much about his friends' feelings and would probably hug a stranger if they looked sad. He's sort of wanted to get his ears pierced for a while but is too nervous because he hates needles.

Pretty spot on, his name is Gaby tho.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

outdated style, and slightly outdated hair


Soft bean, also kinda nerdy and shy. He's probably in middle/high school, and most of his brain is full of random trivia facts. He's got a sweet tooth, and has a tight circle of friends. For names, I'm thinking something that starts with an A? Maybe Adrian.

@larcenistarsonist group

Aww! Sweet bean! Extremely pure and innocent, loves candy. For a name I'm getting something dessert related, like Honey, Candy, or Peppermint. Always cheers friends up with a hug and a lollipop. Has a never ending supply of candy, where does she get it? Nobody knows. I'm guessing that she's younger than 18 and all of her friends are over-protective of her. She can get real scary though when she wants to. Probably looks at a stray animal and adopts it without a second's hesitation.

(they, them)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Aww! Sweet bean! Extremely pure and innocent, loves candy. For a name I'm getting something dessert related, like Honey, Candy, or Peppermint. Always cheers friends up with a hug and a lollipop. Has a never ending supply of candy, where does she get it? Nobody knows. I'm guessing that she's younger than 18 and all of her friends are over-protective of her. She can get real scary though when she wants to. Probably looks at a stray animal and adopts it without a second's hesitation.

This is spot-on
Are you in a roleplay with her?
Her name's Peppermint, so you're perfect there, she loves candy and has an infinite supply, she's eight and all her siblings protect her constantly. She likes animals, and correct, she's terrifying when she wants to be. She loves hugs, as well.